6.02.03 Web Based Lost Password Reset Procedure

I. Purpose

This procedure describes the process to change a password if a Bradley University computer or network user forgets their password.

Policy Supported

Password Policy 6.01

Electronic Identity Authentication Policy 6.02

Password Complexity and Change Frequency Procedure 6.01.01

II. Description

BUnetID passwords can be changed on the Service Desk web site. The web site will require correctly answering questions the account holder provided when they went though the account validation procedure.

If a Bradley University network user forgets their BUnetID password and does not know the answers to the secret questions, they can go to Morgan Hall 205 with a government-issued photo ID and complete a Request for EIA/BUnetID letter to reset the secret questions. Faculty and staff account holders will be required to provide the last four digits of their social security number. Student account holders are required to provide their student ID number. Upon authentication through this process, the account holder will be able to change the password to a new value.

All transactions will be logged and excessive incorrect guesses will lock the process. If this occurs you must follow the Compromised Account Notification Procedure (6.02.02).

III. Scope

All Bradley University computer and network users.

Date Approved      
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Dates Reviewed