Online Course Design Institute (OCDI)

Level: Novice

Content: Faculty will learn best practices for designing online courses, gain a working knowledge of national standards, and then apply these concepts as they design an online course. Participants will deliver their newly-designed course, delivered entirely online, during one of these terms: 2020 Summer Session II, 2021 January Interim, 2021 May II Interim, 2021 Summer Session I.

Stipend: $2,000 per person; $1,000 additional stipend to develop a BCC master course.

Awards: Up to 8 grants will be awarded.

Length: February 24, 2020
Online professional development begins, developed by Asynchronous Quality Matters and Bradley’s Learning Design and Technology (LDT) office.
May 21-22, 2020
Required face-to-face instruction, consisting of group instruction plus guided course development time.

Instructor: Timothy Wheat, Instructional Designer in Bradley’s Learning Design and Technology (LDT) office.

Eligibility: Full-time faculty who wish to design and deliver their first online course and who have not previously completed the Online Course Design Institute (OCDI) or the Online Course Improvement Workshop (OCIW). While all applications will be considered, preference will be given to courses that have a potential enrollment greater than five which are BCC or STEM courses. Please note: courses offered as part of an online graduate degree are not eligible for OCDI grants.

Dates: May 21-22, 2020 required workshop.

Award Guidelines

Apply Now

Recipients of the Online Course Design Institute (OCDI) grant agree to the following:

  • To fully participate in and complete the Online Course Design Institute (OCDI).
  • To apply new skills to a course which will be entirely delivered asynchronously online during one of these terms: 2020 Summer Session II, 2021 January Interim, 2021 May II Interim, 2021 Summer Session I.

While all applications will be considered, preference will be given to courses that have a potential enrollment greater than five which are BCC or STEM courses. Please note: courses offered as part of an online graduate degree are not eligible for OCDI grants.

  • To work with staff from LDT to design their online course for hosting on the Sakai learning management system, and to verify with LDT staff, ten days prior to the course start date, that the course has been tested and is ready for online delivery.
  • To assist in identifying markets and developing publicity for their online course.
  • To include information about the online course and its technical requirements in media customarily used to announce courses to students (e.g. Webster, departmental newsletters, email, social media, et al.).
  • To disseminate and share the results of course assessments, provided by LDT staff, that will solicit feedback from students about their online experiences.
  • To acknowledge that the compensation for teaching the online course follows university policies for summer and interim contracts as prescribed in the Faculty Handbook.
  • To abide by Bradley University’s “Policy on On-Line Education” as outlined in the Faculty Handbook (pp. 69 - 72). Participants agree to also follow Bradley University’s “Policy on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer,” which includes online courses, as noted in the Faculty Handbook (pp. 191 - 196).
  • Faculty who receive grants to develop a master course will sign an agreement that accepts the definition of a master course as outlined below, stating that Bradley University owns the course in its entirety, and the course will be made available for use by any Bradley instructor.
    Master Course:
    The term “Master Course,” as referred to hereafter, will be applied to all courses developed by recipients (course developers) of the Online Course Design Institute (OCDI) grant. Recipients are bound to the agreed upon award guidelines. These Master Courses and their content are a shared property between the course developer(s) and Bradley University, whereas Bradley University reserves the right to keep, maintain, alter, and deliver the course and its content in perpetuity. Conversely, a copy of this shared property, as developed and maintained during the original grant recipient's tenure at Bradley University, may be retained in its entirety by the original developer should the developer no longer affiliate with the institution, and said developer will hold the individual right to deliver the course content in perpetuity.
  • To acknowledge Bradley University in any print or electronic publications resulting wholly or in part from this award.
  • To agree that the stipend will be awarded for the term in which the online course is delivered and is contingent upon delivery and completion of the course.
  • To maintain employment with the University through the completion of the grant period. Resignation from the University voids this agreement.
  • To submit exceptions to this agreement, for approval by the Director of the Office of Summer and Interim sessions, at least ten days prior to the course start date.