Application Process


Complete the application. Deadline is Monday, August 26, 2019. This will include the following:

  • Main contact name and contact information.
  • Names and bios for the team members (minimum of 2 and maximum of 4).
  • A short description of your business/innovation idea.
Apply Now

After we receive your application, we will send you a template of the Business Model Canvas. Complete this and email it back to us.

To learn a little about how to develop a Business Model Canvas, go here.

Don't worry about it being perfect, just put the basic information on the canvas.


We will evaluate the applications and choose the top candidates to interview. These interviews will take place between 8/28/2019 and 8/30/2019.


After the interviews, we will contact the 10 teams that will be part of Brave Launch. After being notified, each team will be required to pay the $699 fee by close of business on Sept 17, 2019.