Malini Wijesinghe

Malini graduated from Bradley in 2019 with degrees in Spanish, biochemistry, and philosophy. After returning from Chile, where she taught English, Malini accepted a Fulbright Scholarship to be an English teaching assistant in Spain.  

During my senior year at Bradley I worked as a tour guide at the admissions office. I wanted to show prospective students that even if you didn’t get that knowing feeling about any school, you could come to a place like Bradley and have a phenomenal experience. The one thing I was sure to mention to each student and their family was how much I loved being a part of the Honors Program. The purpose of the program is to give students a well-rounded education. I was able to learn about the psychology of dreaming and the dangers of a world with no objective reality, even though they had nothing to do with my major. The classes are designed to make students think critically and discuss theories with their peers, as opposed to overload a student with extra work. I would look forward to going to my honors classes as I knew the discussions would be lively and that I would learn something that I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to had it not been for the program.  

The Honors Program also prompted me to attend school events that I enjoyed, and otherwise would not have gone to. I got to meet other honors students by attending the school plays and other HP outings. I would always tell prospective students that no matter where they end up at school, they should feel like they can find a sense of community there.