Curriculum and Instruction Courses
ETE 513 - Educational Software Design
(3 hours)
The design and construction of educational software that is based upon sound educational theory and best practice. Students will become proficient with appropriate multimedia instructional design software in developing their projects. Investigating and applying current theories of learning, instruction, and assessment. Cross-listed as IM 513. Prerequisite: IM 113; IM 213 or instructor approval.
ETE 515 - Mathematics Methods for the Middle School
(3 hours)
Provides strategies and curriculum for teaching mathematics to youth in fifth through eighth grades. Strategies focus on problem solving, logical reasoning, and real life connections. Use of dynamic software and math modeling are emphasized. Assessment strategies appropriate for middle school mathematics will be addressed. Students will develop a deep understanding of national and state standards. Prerequisite: senior standing in an education program and advancement to degree candidacy, or teacher certification.
ETE 550 - Independent Study
(1-3 hours)
Student selects subject of study with advisor approval. Multiple sections may be taken concurrently. Maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied to a degree program. Prerequisite: approval of department chair and dean of College of Education and Health Sciences.
ETE 610 - Young Adolescent Development
(3 hours)
Examines the theories and research surrounding young adolescents as they move through puberty and middle school. Physical, cognitive, social, moral, and emotional development are studied with concern for the psychological implications and educational ramifications. Students will develop a deep understanding of national and state standards. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and teacher certification or permission of instructor.
ETE 611 - Middle School Instructional Strategies
(3 hours)
Presents curriculum, teaching strategies, and assessment for instructing youth in fifth through eighth grades. School organization, professional collaboration, active classroom environment, brain-based teaching and learning, high expectations for all students, and student progress are topics for the course. Students will develop a deep understanding of national and state standards. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and teacher certification or permission of instructor.
ETE 616 - Analysis and Evaluation of Children's Literature
(3 hours)
Evaluation and selection of children's literature; current trends and issues; applications in school classrooms for elementary and secondary students.
ETE 618 - Science: An Inquiry Approach
(3 hours)
This course is designed to help educators learn and better understand inquiry as an instructional approach. Topics include what inquiry is, how to conduct inquiry, and ways to teach inquiry processes and skills to students. The course will involve identifying and conducting an inquiry investigation into some science topic and how it can best be taught to students. Prerequisite: Admission to the C & I Program.
ETE 620 - Writing Across the Curriculum
(3 hours)
Designed to increase a teacher's understanding of the integration of writing across the content areas in elementary and secondary classrooms. Topics include research and practice regarding exposition, persuasion, and narrative; instructional methods including creative writing; community and family leadership.
ETE 630 - Critical Foundations of Literacy Instruction
(3 hours)
A study of current theories and practices in reading instruction: the development of the reader, historical, sociological, and psychological perspectives. Prerequisite: at least one undergraduate reading methods course.
ETE 631 - Resources and Strategies for the Reading Teacher
(3 hours)
A study of the resources, services, and instructional strategies to support the learning of the elementary and secondary student in regular school classrooms as well as in remedial settings. Prerequisite: ETE 630.
ETE 632 - Reading in the Content Areas
(3 hours)
Focus on reading instruction assisting educators to integrate literacy in the content areas in grades K-8. Designed for the identification of reading and study strategies to enhance students' comprehension of texts other than narrative (i.e., expository, visual, graphic, etc.). Prerequisite: ETE 630.
ETE 636 - Assessment in Reading
(3 hours)
Reading assessment and evaluation theories and methods for the reading teacher or specialist in classrooms K through 12. Prerequisite: ETE 630.
ETE 637 - Remediation of Reading Difficulties
(3 hours)
Methods and procedures for integrated diagnosis and correction of reading difficulties; interpretation of reading assessments for tailoring remediation and instruction within the elementary and/or secondary reading or language arts classroom. Prerequisite: ETE 630; ETE 636 or ETE 671
ETE 639 - Roles and Responsibilities of the Literacy Professional
(3 hours)
Seminar in current practices and responsibilities assumed by literacy professionals. Involves comparative study of existing models of leadership including collaboration with key leaders in programs throughout the United States. Requires the actual development of a program plan and the means to disseminate it. Prerequisite: ETE 636, 637, 640, 641.
ETE 640 - Reading Practicum
(3 hours)
Field experience in elementary and/or secondary reading. Focuses on integrating assessment and evaluation into balanced literacy practice as well as individualized remediation. Course is tailored to the needs of the graduate student and may be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours. Prerequisite: ETE 631, 636, 637.
ETE 641 - Remedial Reading Practicum
(3 hours)
Practicum in diagnosing, evaluating, and treating reading difficulties in individual children with severe deficits in literacy. Prerequisite: ETE 630, 636, 637.
ETE 643 - Assessment and Evaluation Practicum for Learners With Exceptionalities
(3 hours)
Practicum: use of psycho-educational tests and diagnostic teaching techniques. Preparation of a complete formal and informal educational assessment of a learner including a professional report written in a specified format.
ETE 650 - Topics in Education
(1-3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Multiple sections may be taken concurrently. Maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied to a degree program. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and department chair.
ETE 651 - Curriculum Theory and Development
(3 hours)
Curriculum models and theories. Curriculum development processes and the teacher's role.
ETE 653 - Instructional Strategies and Designs
(3 hours)
PreK-12 instructional strategies and designs. Emphasis on developmentally appropriate educational opportunities that actively engage the learner.
ETE 654 - Program Evaluation
(3 hours)
Qualitative and quantitative models and techniques for evaluating educational programs. Prerequisite: ELH 604 or consent of instructor.
ETE 655 - Instructional Theory
(3 hours)
Investigation and development of a theory of instruction for practitioners built upon the research based on existing strategies, models, methods, assessment, skills, improvement techniques, movements in education, theorists, curriculum, and the learner.
ETE 659 - Curriculum and Instruction
(1-5 hours)
Supervised field experience. Application of knowledge and skills to contexts and environment selected by the student and advisor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Prerequisite: Curriculum and instruction course or consent of instructor.
ETE 661 - Child Growth and Development
(3 hours)
Interaction of learning and developmental processes from birth through age 8. Influence of sociocultural and ecological factors.
ETE 662 - Family Intervention
(3 hours)
The role of the family and community in the education of infants, toddlers, pre-primary, and primary-aged children. Analysis of family systems including resource development and family program development.
ETE 663 - Schooling in a Diverse World
(3 hours)
Multicultural issues, perspectives, and current trends. Role of the teacher as an advocate and change agent. Evaluation of materials, methods, and programs.
ETE 664 - Classroom Assessments
(3 hours)
Provides an overview of classroom-based assessment methods, both qualitative and quantitative. Emphasizes the different types and purposes of assessment, as well as creative alternatives to traditional assessment techniques. Tailored to graduate students' needs and interests.
ETE 665 - Technology Infusion
(3 hours)
Infusing technology into preK-12 curriculum. Emphasizes computer as tutor; productivity tool; multimedia tool; modeling tool; communication tool; and the future impact the technology will have on classrooms.
ETE 667 - Characteristics of and Methods for Students Who Are Gifted
(3-6 hours)
A focus on all aspects of the gifted learner: cognition, psycho-social, affective, and talent development. Field placement requires curriculum design, testing procedures, identification, and direct instruction of gifted learners. Repeatable for a maximum of six hours.
ETE 671 - Instructional Strategies & Designs in Special Education
(3 hours)
Addresses in-depth planning and implementation of instructional methods and strategies to meet diverse needs of learners with exceptionalities across environments. Application of current evidenced-based strategies in special education, including topics such as eligibility, placement, assessment, curricular decisions. Response to intervention and individual program implementation will be discussed.
ETE 672 - Technology Applications for Learners with Exceptionalities
(3 hours)
Provides current research-based applications of technology and universal design that will enhance learning and active involvement of learners with exceptionalities across environments. Emphasis will be given to the advocacy roles and responsibilities of the teacher relevant to the implementation of a continuum of Assistive Technology (AT) services and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in collaboration with all stakeholders involved in the education of learners with exceptionalities.
ETE 673 - Self-Determination for Individuals With Disabilities
(3 hours)
Focuses on instructional practices that can be utilized by the student to teach self-determination skills to individuals with disabilities. The student will explore self-determination concepts, theories, assessment, instructional strategies, and issues of implementation that can in turn be taught to individuals with disabilities in order to facilitate goal-directed, self-regulated, autonomous behavior.
ETE 674 - Issues, Trends, and Research in Special Education
(3 hours)
Addresses critical analysis of current issues, trends, and research in special education with attention to legislation, litigation, definitions, identification, eligibility, inclusion, placement, collaboration, and professional advocacy. Research design and methodology in special education.
ETE 678 - Leadership and Collaboration in Special Education
(3 hours)
Provides advanced professional collaboration and leadership strategies to effectively work with the greater school community including families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community education agencies. Emphasis will be given toward honing candidates' leadership and collaboration skills essential to current practices across environments. Evidence-based, culturally responsive practices critical for the education leader and advocate in meeting the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities will be discussed.
ETE 698 - Creative/Research
(0-6 hours)
Individual study on a topic selected by student with advisor approval. Integration and application of research. Student must produce a product such as a software program, journal article, or program portfolio. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Student may not receive credit for both ETE 698 and ETE 699.
ETE 699 - Thesis
(0-6 hours)
Design and implement a research proposal which has implications for preK-12 education. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Student may not receive credit for both ETE 698 and ETE 699. Prerequisite: consent of department chair.
This is the official catalog for the 2013-2014 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.