Nursing Course Descriptions
NUR 500 - Health Assessment
(3-4 hours)
Systematic method for collecting data used in holistic health assessment of children and adults. Interviewing techniques for history taking; physical assessment skills. Prerequisite: R.N. with B.S. major in nursing; or R.N. with consent of instructor.
NUR 501 - Nursing Theories: Analysis and Development
(3 hours)
Analysis of theoretical models. Emphasis on assessment and implications of models for advanced professional nursing practice and research. Prerequisite: nursing major.
NUR 505 - Leadership in the Health Care System
(3 hours)
Leadership theory: role of the nurse as a leader, colleague, and consultant in health care systems. Prerequisite: nursing major.
NUR 510 - Legal Issues in Nursing
(2 hours)
Legal and ethical issues that influence the practice of advanced nursing and leadership in health care systems. Critical assessment of the ethical implications of law and public policy in health care. Case studies. Prerequisite: nursing major or consent of instructor and department chair.
NUR 520 - Research Methods in Nursing
(3 hours)
In-depth study of the research process; the significance of nursing theory as a basis for nursing research. Various research designs. Development of a testable hypothesis applicable to advanced nursing practice. Prerequisite: undergraduate statistics course or ELH 510; nursing major.
NUR 522 - Seminar On Nursing and Public Policy
(3 hours)
Nursing activities and organizations affecting practice, health care, public policy, and the future of the profession. Emphasis on generating recommendations for the profession and developing a personal professional plan for participating in the process that develops public policy at the local, state, national, and/or international level. Prerequisite: nursing majors and senior or graduate status; or consent of instructor.
NUR 525 - Nursing Research Seminar
(2 hours)
Trends in nursing and society that influence the direction of nursing research. Problems from clinical practice. Identification and refinement of specific researchable questions through a hypotheticodeductive process. Prerequisite: NUR 501, 505, 520; or consent of instructor.
NUR 533 - International Health and Nursing
(3 hours)
Study of health care systems and nursing in a foreign country in selected hospitals, health care settings, and universities. Establishing health care professional and research networks. Cross-listed as NUR 433. Not open to students with credit in NUR 433.
NUR 600 - Advanced Health Assessment
(3 hours)
Systematic method for collecting data used in holistic health assessment of persons throughout the lifespan and in various healthcare settings. Emphasis is placed on interviewing techniques for history taking and advanced physical assessment skills. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: R.N. with BSN; or R.N. with consent of instructor.
NUR 630 - Nursing Administration I (Theory)
(3 hours)
Theories, concepts, and principles from nursing and related disciplines as a foundation for nursing administration. Theories of change, role, adaptation, need, and leadership as related to nursing management. Prerequisite: NUR 600, 605.
NUR 631 - Nursing Administration I (Practicum)
(4 hours)
Practicum applying concepts, theories, and principles from NUR 630. Use of relevant research findings. Advanced practice in management. Prerequisite: NUR 501, 505.
NUR 632 - Nursing Administration II (Theory)
(3 hours)
Advanced concepts and principles relevant to external and internal nursing organizational situations including power, authority, and politics. Review of various organizational patterns and their relationship to nursing personnel management, budgeting, public relations, leadership style, and research. Prerequisite: NUR 630, 631.
NUR 633 - Nursing Administration II (Practicum)
(4 hours)
Practicum applying advanced concepts, theories, and principles from NUR 632. Use of management skills such as staffing, budgeting, and developing positive public relations. Prerequisite: NUR 630, 631.
NUR 651 - Advanced Pharmacology I
(3 hours)
Provides the student with the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose, and pharmacologically manage the treatment of common health problems in a safe, high-quality, and cost-effective manner. Prerequisite: Graduate Nursing Majors only or consent of Department Chair
NUR 660 - Seminar in Nursing Education
(3 hours)
Application of educational theories and techniques for the nurse educator. Prerequisite: ETE 651 or ETE 655.
NUR 661 - Nursing Education Practicum I
(4 hours)
Application of nursing educational theories, principles, and techniques in the classroom and clinical settings. Prerequisite: NUR 660 or concurrent enrollment.
NUR 662 - Nursing Education Practicum II
(4 hours)
Application of nursing educational theories, principles, and techniques in the staff development setting. Prerequisite: NUR 660, NUR 661 or consent of department chair.
NUR 670 - Nurse Administered Anesthesia Principles I
(3 hours)
Introduction to clinical nurse administered anesthesia: practice, ethics, professional organizations, psychology, history of anesthesia. Emphasis on nursing process in perioperative and operative patient care; equipment and technology. Laboratory experience included. Prerequisite: BIO 525, 526; CHM 522; PHY 541; nurse-administered anesthesia majors only.
NUR 671 - Nurse Administered Anesthesia Principles II
(3 hours)
A progression from Principles I to more advanced anesthesia delivery. Emphasis is on nursing process in perioperative and operative client care, plus the study of equipment and technology. Laboratory experience provided to introduce the student to anesthesia practice. Prerequisite: NUR 670; nurse administered anesthesia majors only.
NUR 672 - Pharmacology I
(4 hours)
Pharmacologic principles related to administration of anesthesia and adjunct drugs. Drug receptor theory, biotransformation, structure activity relationships, uptake, distribution, elimination. Systemic pharmacology and drug interactions. Prerequisite: NUR 500; CHM 522; BIO 525, 526; PHY 541; nurse-administered anesthesia majors only. NUR 672 is prerequisite for NUR 673.
NUR 673 - Pharmacology II
(4 hours)
Pharmacologic principles related to administration of anesthesia and adjunct drugs. Drug receptor theory, biotransformation, structure activity relationships, uptake, distribution, elimination. Systemic pharmacology and drug interactions. Prerequisite: NUR 500; CHM 522; BIO 525, 526; PHY 541; nurse-administered anesthesia majors only. NUR 672 is prerequisite for NUR 673.
NUR 675 - Nurse Administered Anesthesia Internship
(0 hours)
Internship under direct supervision of cooperating agency CRNA or anesthesiologist. Use of nursing process (assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation) to support patient's physiological and emotional status into post-operative period. Regularly-scheduled conferences. Prerequisite: nurse administered anesthesia majors only; completion of Year I and Summer I of required course sequence.
NUR 689 - Independent Research
(1-6 hours)
Readings, research, or project complementing the student's program of study. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
NUR 697 - Capstone Project in Nursing
(0-2 hours)
A student-initiated endeavor that culminates in a scholarly project, which synthesizes advanced practice knowledge and skills to address a current nursing practice issue related to chosen advanced practice field of study. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 hours. Prerequisite: NUR 520, NUR 525, and consent of instructor.
NUR 698 - Directed Research in Nursing
(0-2 hours)
A research-oriented, student-initiated endeavor that culminates in a scholarly paper suitable for publication or presentation. Required for MSN students who do not select the thesis option. May be repeated for a maximum of two semester hours. Prerequisite: NUR 520, NUR 525, and consent of instructor.
NUR 699 - Thesis
(0-4 hours)
Design and implement a research proposal which has implications for nursing practice. May be repeated for a maximum of four semester hours. Prerequisite: NUR 520, 525; consent of department chair.
NUR 700 - Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Science
(3 hours)
Provides a theoretical analysis of nursing and the natural and social sciences for application as frameworks for research, practice, education, and quality healthcare delivery. Prerequisite: DNP Majors only or consent of Department Chair
NUR 720 - Methods in Evidence Based Practice
(3 hours)
Introduces the learner to theories related to Research Utilization (RU) and Evidence-based Practice (EBP) and provides opportunities to explore issues and refine questions related to quality and cost-effective healthcare delivery for the best client outcomes. Methods to collect evidence, plan changes for the transformation of practice, and evaluate quality improvement methods will be discussed. Emphasis on best practice based on evidence and preferences of the client. Prerequisite: DNP Majors only and ELH 510 or consent of Department Chair
This is the official catalog for the 2013-2014 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.