LAS Supportive Courses
MTH 501 - Topics in Applied Mathematics I
(3 hours)
Theory, applications, and algorithms for basic problems of modern applied mathematics. Symmetric linear systems, minimum principles, equilibrium equations, calculus of variations, orthogonal expansions, and complex variables. Prerequisite: MTH 224 or 345.
MTH 502 - Topics in Applied Mathematics II
(3 hours)
Continuation of MTH 501. Selected numerical algorithms: Fast Fourier transform, initial value problems, stability, z-transforms, and linear programming. Prerequisite: MTH 501 or consent of instructor.
MTH 510 - Numerical Methods I
(3 hours)
Introduction to numerical and computational aspects of various mathematical topics: finite precision, solutions of non-linear equations, interpolation, approximation, linear systems of equations, and integration. Cross listed as CS 510. Prerequisite: CS 101; MTH 207 and 223.
MTH 511 - Numerical Methods II
(3 hours)
Continuation of CS/MTH 510: further techniques of integration, ordinary differential equations, numerical linear algebra, nonlinear systems of equations, boundary value problems, and optimization. Cross listed as CS 511. Prerequisite: MTH 224 or 345; CS/MTH 510.
MTH 514 - Partial Differential Equations
(3 hours)
Fourier series and applications to solutions of partial differential equations. Separation of variables, eigenfunction expansions, Bessel functions, Green's functions, Fourier and Laplace transforms. Prerequisite: MTH 224 or 345.
PHL 551 - Reading in Philosophy
(1-3 hours)
Directed individual study. Prerequisite: 6 hours in philosophy; senior or graduate standing; consent of department chair.
PHL 552 - Reading in Philosophy
(1-3 hours)
Directed individual study. Prerequisite: 6 hours in philosophy; senior or graduate standing; consent of department chair.
PHY 539 - Topics in Theoretical Physics
(3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: PHY 301, 305, 501; consent of instructor.
PHY 541 - Physics Basics
(2 hours)
Numerical and graphical analysis of data; basic mechanics including Newton's laws and gas laws; hydrostatics and hydrodynamics; energy conservation principles; thermal physics; electricity and magnetism; and solubility and transport processes. Only students in the Nurse Administered Anesthesia Program may register.
PHY 568 - Condensed Matter Physics
(3 hours)
Introduction to the physics of the solid state and other condensed matter especially for students of physics, materials science, and engineering; structure of crystals; molecular binding in solids, thermal properties, introduction to energy band structure and its relation to charge transport in solids, semiconductors, superconductivity. Prerequisite: Physics majors: PHY 301, 202 or 303; PHY 305. Other majors need instructor consent.
This is the official catalog for the 2013-2014 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.