Administration of Criminal Justice Courses

ACJ 110 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System (3 hours)
An introduction to the criminal justice systems in America, including policy making, law enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, and corrections. In addition to the institutions of the various systems, the major theoretical perspectives for explaining deviance and the societal response to deviance will be explored.

ACJ 130 - Introduction to Investigation (3 hours)
An exploration of the principles of criminal investigation, including crime scene analysis, collection and analysis of physical evidence, the use of physical evidence in prosecution of crime, and the rules governing the introduction of physical evidence in court. Social and political issues affecting criminal investigations will also be covered.

ACJ 225 - Criminal Law (3 hours)
An analysis of the history and development of the criminal law as a system of social control. Coverage includes the scope, purposes, and general principles of the criminal law as well as the elements of specific crimes. Prerequisite: ACJ 110.

ACJ 230 - Introduction to Computer Forensics (3 hours)
Provides an overview of computer forensics, investigation techniques, and relevant laws. Covers computer operating system architectures and disk structures and their relevance to computer forensics. Cross listed as CIS 230. Prerequisite: previous computer class or consent of instructor.

ACJ 250 - Police Organization and Administration (3 hours)
An introduction to the principles of organization and management of law enforcement bureaucracies, with an emphasis on the tasks faced by managers and the guiding principles used to complete these tasks. Students will consider the unique problems of managing a police bureaucracy in a democratic society. Prerequisite: ACJ 110.

ACJ 330 - Advanced Computer Forensics (3 hours)
Provides students an extensive look at computer forensics and formal techniques used in computer forensics in a lab environment. Formal techniques for conducting a computer forensics investigation including record-keeping are covered. Students will conduct computer forensic exams and participate in practical computer forensic examination exercises. Cross listed as CIS 330. Prerequisites: CIS 230 or ACJ 230.