Electrical & Computer Engineering
The baccalaureate program in electrical engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
FACULTY Professor Shastry; Associate Professors Ahn (chair), Huggins, Lu, Malinowski, Wang; Assistant Professors Imtiaz, Kim, Miah; Resident Professor Liberty, Resident Assistant Professor Gutschlag.
The department offers degree programs in electrical engineering (B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E.) and electrical engineering with computer option (B.S.E.E.). It takes special pride in the particularly close student-faculty relationships it has developed over the years. Entrance requirements can be obtained by contacting the chair of the ECE department.
Educational Objectives And Department Mission
Society has been transformed dramatically by the widespread use of electrical and electronic devices and systems and it is certain that even more dramatic changes are in store. These changes are fast paced and are driven by electrical and computer engineers working in many different areas including bioengineering, communications, computers, controls, electronics, energy, microprocessors, integrated circuits, robotics, signal and information processing, wireless components and systems, and software development. The engineering process is complex and practitioners perform many roles such as research, design, development, product application, manufacturing, and system integration as well as marketing, sales and management. Bradley electrical engineering graduates have been involved in all of these endeavors, and it is the goal of the Bradley ECE program to continue to educate the next generation of electrical and computer engineers to meet the challenges of the future.
In this dynamic profession, the Bradley ECE faculty recognize that each career path is unique, based on the individual’s particular ambitions, capabilities and interests. By coupling the focus on undergraduate education and depth of faculty expertise with the small student-to-faculty ratio and design project sequence, the ECE faculty can respond to the needs and interest of each student in the electrical engineering program. However, the ECE faculty also recognize that there are common elements to success in the profession. These are the ability to acquire, generate, and use new knowledge; the ability to complete complex electrical engineering projects; and the experience, knowledge, skills and capabilities to progress professionally. These common elements for success in the electrical engineering profession are the basis for the educational objectives of the program. These objectives are as follows.
- To graduate electrical engineers who apply their education to work in the public or private sectors or to obtain an advanced degree.
- To graduate electrical engineers with the ability to acquire and use new knowledge.
- To graduate electrical engineers who will be productive, demonstrate professional growth, and assume increasing responsibility.
In order to meet these objectives, students graduating from Bradley’s electrical engineering program will attain the following outcomes.
- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,
- an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data,
- an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability,
- an ability to function on a multi-disciplinary team,
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems,
- an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,
- an ability to communicate effectively,
- the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context,
- a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning,
- a knowledge of contemporary issues,
- an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
It is the mission of the ECE Department to provide the intellectual and physical environment in which students achieve these outcomes. The intellectual component of this environment is supplied by the ECE faculty members, in their roles as mentors, advisors, and engineering professionals, as well as by the curriculum they establish for the programs. The physical component consists of quality facilities equipped with modern instrumentation, components, computers, and software.
The electrical engineering program, including the computer option, consists of several curricular components that give the student the opportunity to build a solid foundation of basic physical principles and obtain experience in design as well as insight into the profession and practice of electrical engineering. The lecture sequence consists mostly of required core courses through which the student learns about and acquires problem-solving and/or design skills in circuit analysis, digital design, programming in high- and low-level languages, electronics, microcontrollers, signals and systems, and electromagnetic fields. Furthermore, through elective courses, the student can specialize in areas such as applied electromagnetics, communications, controls, digital signal processing, digital and computer systems, electromechanical systems, embedded systems, mechatronics, robotics, and wireless components and systems. For a student in the computer option, the electives must be in the digital area (see computer option in Programs of Study section.)
In the freshman year, students are exposed to the “Intro to EE” sequence consisting of four courses: an introductory circuit theory course (ECE 101), digital logic analysis and design with programmable devices (ECE 102), computer programming (ECE 103), and freshman laboratory (ECE 120). This sequence exposes students early in the academic program to both hardware and software design, and implementation of basic circuits and systems in the laboratory.
Students will be exposed to all of the primary areas of electrical and computer engineering before the junior year. This includes high-level software, low-level microcontroller software, analog and digital circuits, electromagnetics, computation and simulation, and system theory. This exposure will aid students in their selection of CORE courses in the junior year (ECE 431 Communication Theory I, ECE 440 Electromechanical Systems, ECE 441 Control System Theory I, ECE 451 Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems, ECE 470 Data-Structures and Object-oriented Programming, ECE 481: Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis).
Though many design techniques are taught in the lecture courses, the student learns the practice of electrical engineering design primarily through the laboratory and project sequence. In addition, each year contains at least one design project experience. The lab courses integrate material from the lecture courses and are taught by experienced faculty members. In addition, small numbers of students allow for close interaction with the instructor. Furthermore, the laboratory facilities and equipment are modern and readily accessible. Many of the lecture courses and all of the lab courses require the use of computers as well as the oral and/or written presentation of technical material.
Several aspects of design are taught in the freshman, sophomore, and junior labs (ECE 100, ECE 221, and ECE 322). The student’s design experience in these courses includes synthesis to meet specifications, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation with respect to specifications. Furthermore, the freshman, sophomore, and junior design projects associated with these courses are particularly valuable and establish the foundation of the design project sequence. In addition to the implementation steps described above, the projects also require formulation of design problem statements and criteria, consideration of alternative solutions, and system descriptions.
The design project sequence culminates with the capstone project. The students start preliminary design work on the capstone project during the first half of fall semester of the senior year in ECE 497. The primary deliverables for the capstone project are:
- choose a capstone project and an ECE faculty advisor,
- develop a detailed functional description and block diagram of the project,
- determine the functional requirements of the project and list its quantitative performance specifications,
- identify and evaluate the patents and standards applicable to the project,
- present a proposal presenting a design and implementation plan for the project, and
- establish a web page for the project.
In addition to the effort on the capstone project, the seniors work in teams to review and analyze the deliverables for other senior projects. Lab work associated with the capstone project starts in the fall semester of the senior year in ECE 498 and is completed in ECE 499 in the following semester.
The capstone project is a major educational component of the program. It involves the student in design at or near the professional level and requires the formulation of design specifications, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, time management, allocation of design responsibilities, and detailed system documentation. Project advising is done on a distributed basis with the student choosing his/her project advisor from the members of the ECE faculty.
The student builds on this capstone project experience in ECE 401 and ECE 402 (Undergraduate Design Seminar I and II) during the fall and spring semesters of the senior year. In these courses, the student works on a multidisciplinary team to prepare a business plan delineating the development of a venture based on an electronic product. The student also explores other aspects of engineering and, through the process, gains a broader view of the engineering profession.
The electrical engineering program, including the computer option, also requires the student to complete a 12-hour professional elective stem. This stem allows the student to take a coherent set of courses so as to enhance the student’s competitiveness in the job market or better prepare for graduate or professional school. For example, the student can use the professional electives to obtain business skills by taking courses offered by the Foster College of Business. Also, no more than 6 hours of ECE courses can be applied toward the 12 hours of the professional elective stem. Additional information is available in an advising handout. The student must work with an academic advisor to identify the courses he/she will use to satisfy the professional elective stem and fill out the Professional Elective Approval Form. This form must be signed by the ECE Chairman and the courses approved to fill the professional elective stem constitute a requirement for the BSEE degree for the student.
In addition to the technical part of the program described above, the student must also meet the Bradley Core Curriculum (BCC) requirements (see All-University Degree Requirements in this catalog.) As part of the BCC requirements, the student gains effective communication skills via introductory and advanced English composition and a speech course. The BCC emphasizes eight “Areas of Inquiry” that will more deeply engage the student in the process of intellectual growth. The student chooses the required BCC courses from a list of approved courses.
A wide range of career opportunities are available to the electrical engineering graduate in many different technical areas and industries. For those who wish to continue their professional studies, details of the MSEE program are given in the Bradley University Graduate Catalog.
Professional and Personal Growth
The electrical engineering lecture courses and lab/project sequence prepare students very well for success as design engineers in the electrical and computer engineering profession. The ECE faculty also urges students to participate in activities and take courses that promote professional growth. It is strongly recommended that students join the Bradley Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology and promotes professional development through various activities. In addition, students are advised to consider experiential education such as summer internships and co-op programs. Finally, students can choose their BCC courses and professional electives to put a distinctive stamp on their programs of study. For example, they can seek a minor appropriate to career goals or participate in a study abroad program. (Note that certain minors and study abroad program will add hours and/or time to the normal eight-semester, 129-hour program of study.)
In addition to professional development, students are urged to participate in a variety of activities and organizations to enhance personal growth. Employers like individuals who are well rounded and can effectively interact with different interest groups of people. Bradley offers a wide range of experiences and, in the past, electrical engineering students have participated in many activities and organization such as intramurals, service groups, sport clubs, study abroad, theater, tutoring, various Bradley musical groups, and volunteer activities. A complete list of registered student organizations is available in this catalog in the Student Activities section.
Programs Of Study
Electrical Engineering
Credit in the following courses must be obtained to meet degree requirements in electrical engineering, leading to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Freshman Year
First Semester
- ECE 100 Intro to EE: Circuits and Digital Systems Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- ECE 103 Intro to EE: Computers and Programming - 3 hrs.
- MTH 121 Calculus I (QR) - 4 hrs.
- CHM 110 General Chemistry I (NS) - 3 hrs.
- CHM 111 General Chemistry I Lab - 1 hr.
- ENG 101 English Composition or COM 103 Oral Communications Process (CM) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Second Semester
- ECE 101 Intro to EE: DC Circuits - 2 hrs.
- ECE 102 Intro to EE: Digital Systems - 3 hrs.
- ECE 120 Intro to EE: Circuits and Digital Systems Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- MTH 122 Calculus II (QR) - 4 hrs.
- PHY 110 University Physics I (NS) - 4 hrs.
- ENG 101 English Composition or COM 103 Oral Communications Process (CM) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Sophomore Year
First Semester
- ECE 204 AC Circuits and Introduction to Systems – 3 hrs.
- ECE 205 Microcontroller Architecture and Programming – 3 hrs.
- MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications – 3 hrs.
- MTH 223 Calculus III – 4 hrs.
- PHY 201 University Physics II – 4 hrs.
17 hours
Second Semester
- ECE 206 Continuous-Time Signals & Systems - 3 hrs.
- ECE 207 Simulation and Analysis for Electrical Engineers - 2 hrs.
- ECE 208 Transmission Lines & Electromagnetic Fields - 3 hrs.
- ECE 221 AC Circuits and Systems Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- MTH 224 Differential Equations - 3 hrs.
- ECO 100 Introduction to Economics (SB) or Fine Arts (FA) course - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Junior Year
First Semester
- ECE 301 Discrete-Time Signals & Systems - 3 hrs.
- ECE 302 Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for EE - 3 hrs.
- ECE 303 Electronics - 3 hrs.
- ECE 322 Electronics and Interfacing Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- *Approved ECE Elective - 3 hrs.
- ECO 100 Introduction to Economics (SB) or Fine Arts (FA) course - 3 hrs.
17 hours
Second Semester
- *Approved ECE Electives – 9 hrs.
- Global Perspective (GP) course - 3 hrs.
- Humanities (HU) course - 3 hrs.
15 hours
Senior Year
First Semester
- ECE 401 Undergraduate Design Seminar I - 1 hr.
- ECE 497 and 498 Senior Capstone Project I - 3 hrs.
- Approved Professional Electives - 6 hrs.
- *Approved ECE Electives - 3 hrs.
- ENG 300, 301, 305, or 306 Advanced Writing (CM) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Second Semester
- ECE 402 Undergraduate Design Seminar II - 1 hr.
- ECE 499 Senior Capstone Project II - 3 hrs.
- Approved Professional Electives - 6 hrs.
- Multidisciplinary Integration (MI) - 3 hrs.
- Department Elective - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Total Hours: 129
BCC courses designated with areas of inquiry in parentheses above must be selected from an approved list for each area. They may be taken in any sequence, not necessarily in the semester indicated. Other program requirements are satisfied by specific courses required below.
*Five ECE electives are required and two must be from the core pool (ECE 431, ECE 440, ECE 441, ECE 451, ECE 470, ECE 480, and ECE 481). A list of approved courses is available from your academic advisor.
Electrical Engineering with Computer Option
The demand for and continuing advances in computers and digital systems have created opportunities for professionals capable of not only designing computer systems but also applying these systems to a broad range of applications. Such fields as communications, automatic control, robotics, and signal processing have benefitted greatly from developments in the digital area. Additionally, the development of modern computers requires a thorough understanding of the methodologies of software and hardware design.
The department offers an option to students desiring to specialize in this branch of electrical engineering and it requires students to take 24 semester hours of course work in the digital area. The required courses are:
- ECE 102 Introduction to EE: Digital Systems
- ECE 103 Introduction to EE: Computers and Programming
- ECE 205 Microcontroller Architecture and Programming
Five ECE electives must also be taken in the digital area which includes courses such as:
- ECE 466 Real-Time DSP Laboratory
- ECE 467 Robotics Design Laboratory
- ECE 470 Data-Structures and Object-Oriented Programming
- ECE 471 Real-time Operating Systems
- ECE 481 Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis
- ECE 482 Digital Systems: High Level Synthesis and Codesign
- ECE 483 Digital Systems: Microprocessor Architecture and Design
Also special topic courses are frequently offered that are ECE digital electives. Two ECE digital electives must be from the core pool. See your advisor for a current list of approved ECE digital electives.
Students in the option are also required to complete a 12-hour professional elective stem. As previously discussed, this stem allows the student to take a coherent set of courses so as to enhance the student’s competitiveness in the job market or better prepare for graduate or professional school. No more than 6 hours of ECE courses can be applied toward the 12 hours of the professional elective stem. Additional information is available in an advising handout. The student must work with an academic advisor to identify the courses he/she will use to satisfy the professional elective stem and fill out the Professional Elective Approval Form. This form must be signed by the ECE Chair and the courses approved to fill the professional elective stem constitute a requirement for the BSEE degree for the student.
The computer option of electrical engineering differs from the regular program in that it requires five ECE digital electives. It is also expected that the students in the option focus their project work in the digital area. Credit in the following courses must be obtained to meet degree requirements in the computer option of electrical engineering, leading to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
Freshman Year
First Semester
- ECE 100 Intro to EE: Circuits and Digital Systems Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- ECE 103 Intro to EE: Computers and Programming - 3 hrs.
- MTH 121 Calculus I (QR) - 4 hrs.
- CHM 110 General Chemistry I (NS) - 3 hrs.
- CHM 111 General Chemistry I Lab - 1 hr.
- ENG 101 English Composition or COM 103 Oral Communications Process (CM) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Second Semester
- ECE 101 Intro to EE: DC Circuits - 2 hrs.
- ECE 102 Intro to EE: Digital Systems - 3 hrs.
- MTH 122 Calculus II (QR) - 4 hrs.
- PHY 110 University Physics I (NS) - 4 hrs.
- ENG 101 English Composition or COM 103 Oral Communications Process (CM) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Sophomore Year
First Semester
- ECE 204 AC Circuits and Introduction to Systems - 3 hrs.
- ECE 205 Microcontroller Architecture and Programming - 3 hrs.
- MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications - 3 hrs.
- MTH 223 Calculus III - 4 hrs.
- PHY 201 University Physics II - 4 hrs.
17 hours
Second Semester
- ECE 206 Continuous-Time Signals & Systems - 3 hrs.
- ECE 207 Simulation and Analysis for Electrical Engineers - 2 hrs.
- ECE 208 Transmission Lines & Electromagnetic Fields - 3 hrs.
- ECE 221 AC Circuits and Systems Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- MTH 224 Differential Equations - 3 hrs.
- ECO 100 Introduction to Economics (SB) or Fine Arts (FA) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Junior Year
First Semester
- ECE 301 Discrete-Time Signals & Systems - 3 hrs.
- ECE 302 Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for EE - 3 hrs.
- ECE 303 Electronics - 3 hrs.
- ECE 322 Electronics and Interfacing Laboratory - 2 hrs.
- *Approved ECE Digital Elective - 3 hrs.
- ECO 100 Introduction to Economics (SB) or Fine Arts (FA) - 3 hrs.
17 hours
Second Semester
- *Approved ECE Digital Electives – 9 hrs.
- Global Perspectives (GP) - 3 hrs.
- Humanities (HU) - 3 hrs.
15 hours
Senior Year
First Semester
- ECE 401 Undergraduate Design Seminar I - 1 hr.
- ECE 497 and 498 Senior Capstone Project I - 3 hrs.
- Approved Professional Electives - 6 hrs.
- *Approved ECE Digital Electives - 3 hrs.
- ENG 300, 301, 305, or 306 Advanced Writing (CM) - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Second Semester
- ECE 402 Undergraduate Design Seminar II - 1 hr.
- ECE 499 Senior Capstone Project II - 3 hrs.
- Approved Professional Electives- 6 hrs.
- Multidisciplinary Integration (MI) - 3 hrs.
- Department Elective - 3 hrs.
16 hours
Total Hours: 129
BCC courses designated with areas of inquiry in parentheses above must be selected from an approved list for each category. They may be taken in any sequence, not necessarily in the semester indicated. Other program requirements are satisfied by specific courses required below.
**Five ECE Digital electives are required and two must be from the core pool (ECE 467, ECE 470, ECE 471, ECE 472, ECE 473, ECE 481, ECE 482, and ECE 483). A list of approved courses is available from your academic advisor.
Elective Descriptions
ECE electives are available in the areas of applied electromagnetics, communications, controls, digital signal processing, digital and computer systems, embedded systems, and wireless components and systems. Approved ECE electives include all 400- and 500-level ECE courses except for ECE 401, ECE 402, ECE 497, ECE 498, and ECE 499. Special topic courses are often available. See your advisor for the most current list of approved electives.
ECE digital electives include:
- ECE 466 Real-Time DSP Laboratory
- ECE 467 Robotics Design Laboratory
- ECE 470 Data-Structures and Object Oriented Programming
- ECE 471 Real-Time Operating Systems
- ECE 472 Embedded Microcontroller Linux
- ECE 473 Embedded TCP/IP
- ECE 474 Robotic Navigation with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- ECE 481 Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis
- ECE 482 Digital Systems: High Level Synthesis and Codesign
- ECE 483 Digital systems: Microprocessor Architecture and Design
- Other special topics courses may also be approved. See your advisor for the most current list.
Professional electives allow the student to take a coherent set of courses so as to enhance the student’s competitiveness in the job market or better prepare for graduate or professional school. They can also be applied toward a minor or second major. (Note that certain minors and majors will add hours and/or time to the normal 8-semester, 129-hour program of study.) However, no more than 6 hours of ECE courses can be applied toward the 12 hours of the professional elective stem. Additional information is available in an advising handout. The student must work with an academic advisor to identify the courses he/she will use to satisfy the professional elective stem and fill out the Professional Elective Approval Form. This form must be signed by the ECE Chairman and the courses approved to fill the professional elective stem constitute a requirement for the BSEE degree for the student.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.