Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Department Of Industrial And Manufacturing Engineering And Technology
The baccalaureate programs in industrial engineering and manufacturing engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. The baccalaureate program in manufacturing engineering technology is accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.
FACULTY Professors Chen (chair), Emanuel (emeritus), Krishnamoorthi, Kroll (emeritus), Lin, Shareef, Tayyari; Associate Professors Li, Ness (emeritus), Saboury, Yoo; Assistant Professors Guo, Pope-Ford.
The department offers three baccalaureate degree programs:
- Industrial engineering (B.S.I.E.)
- Manufacturing engineering (B.S.Mf.E.),
- Manufacturing engineering technology (B.S.Mf.E.T.)
The department offers two minors:
The department offers master’s degrees in industrial engineering (M.S.I.E.) and manufacturing engineering (M.S.MF.E.). See the Graduate Catalog for information about these programs.
Programmatic Distinctions
In choosing a career option, the student should be aware of the respective functions of the engineer and engineering technologist. Generally speaking, the engineer conceives, designs, and advances the development of products and systems. On the other hand, the engineering technologist implements, maintains, and tests products and systems. The engineer creates new technologies while the engineering technologist applies existing technologies.
The distinction between industrial engineering and manufacturing engineering is one of breadth vs. depth. Industrial engineers are involved with the design, improvement, and management of technical systems. These systems may be located in service industries such as banks, hospitals, and government as well as in manufacturing industries. Manufacturing engineers are involved in the design, installation, and improvement of the production process and generally are limited to manufacturing industries.
The engineering student’s selection of humanities and social science courses provide a broad education consistent with the objectives of the engineering profession. Courses should be selected to provide both breadth and depth and not be limited to unrelated introductory courses. This objective can be met by taking two courses in the same department with at least one being at the 300 level or above. Students minoring in business are permitted to use ECO 100/221 and ECO 222 to meet this requirement.
The department works closely with industry and has an outstanding industrial & manufacturing engineering & technology department Advisory Council consisting of distinguished members from industry, government, and education.
Student Organizations
Student chapters of the American Society for Materials (ASM), American Society for Quality (ASQ), Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Foundrymen’s Society (AFS), Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and The Association for Operations Management (APICS) are sponsored by the department to support and encourage the professional development of the students. The department is also a strong supporter of the student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
Honor societies for industrial engineering students (Alpha Pi Mu) and for manufacturing students (Beta Tau Epsilon) are also represented.
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BSMfET)
Within five years into their careers, the graduates from the Manufacturing Engineering Technology Program at Bradley University will have successful careers based on
- Demonstrated ability to move into a leadership role in various phases of a manufacturing system while communicating objectives and intentions to a diverse team of cross functional members.
- Demonstrated ability to expand into different areas of manufacturing using transferable skills learned through hands-on experience.
- Demonstrated ability to serve both the profession and the community balanced with the work environment.
- Demonstrated ability to gain additional knowledge and skills by obtaining certifications and additional education.
Student Outcomes
A Manufacturing Engineering Technology graduate will have:
- a strong background in manufacturing processes and materials for discreet piece part manufacture, considering nomenclature recognition, limits, costs, benefits, etc. of comparative processes and materials through a hands-on approach;
- strong mathematics, science, and computer skills with emphasis on programs that aid process and product analysis and control, as well as the ability to apply a concurrent approach to process, product, and equipment design with supporting technologies such as: DFM, DFA, CAD, CAM, CAE and rapid prototyping;
- an ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data related to manufacturing processes, materials evaluation, and manufacturing systems;
- the ability to integrate multiple technical concepts and societal considerations for the solution of open-ended design problems and in the design of systems;
- interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary team;
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve manufacturing problems considering constraints, costs, benefits, and competitiveness of comparative processes and materials;
- an ability to utilize modern tools and techniques to effectively communicate technical requirements and functionality in oral, written, and graphical forms;
- a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning;
- an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities of a manufacturing professional;
- the broad education necessary to understand the impact of manufacturing solutions in a global and societal context;
- a knowledge of contemporary issues facing manufacturing professionals including a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.
Industry today is surrounded by problems that are often difficult to identify and even harder to solve. They include government regulation, consumerism, inflation, foreign competition, high labor cost, and the skyrocketing cost of doing business. In order to solve such problems, it is necessary to educate individuals to combine theory and practice for the effective implementation of state-of-the-art technologies.
This program reflects the pressing needs of industry by integrating studies of mechanical design, modern manufacturing processes, materials science and technology, automation, management practices, and social sciences. Graduates are placed in various phases of management, production, product development, test and evaluation, sales, and service. In addition to the Technical Concentrations, the curriculum is designed for the development of competence in the areas of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other technical sciences such as mechanics, strength of materials, and electronics. Laboratory activities support the basic concepts studied, while providing familiarity with actual hardware, its theory of operation, and its uses in the current state of the art. Complementary courses may be taken in business management, engineering, and the physical sciences.
Manufacturing Engineering Technology Program
Bradley Core Curriculum Requirements (24 hrs.)
- ENG 101 - English Composition - 3 hrs. W1
- ENG 305 - Technical Writing - 3 hrs. W2
- COM 103 - The Oral Communication Process - 3 hrs. OC
- Social & Behavioral Sciences ECO 100/221 - 3 hrs. SB
- Global Perspective - 3 hrs. GP
- Humanities - 3 hrs. HU
- Multidisciplinary Integration - 3 hrs. MI
- Fine Arts - 3 hrs. FA
Math, Sciences, Computer Requirements (21 hrs.)
- MTH 112 - Pre-Calculus - 4 hrs.
- IMT 212 - Tech Calculus I - 3 hrs.
- IMT 214 - Tech Calculus II - 3 hrs.
- PHY 107 - General Physics I - 4 hrs.
- CHM 100 - Fundamentals of General Chemistry - 3 hrs.
- CHM 101 - Fundamentals of General Chemistry Lab - 1 hr.
- IME 110 - Intro. to Computers & Computation - 3 hrs.
Technical Sciences Requirements (13 hrs.)
- IMT 222 - Statics - 3 hrs.
- IMT 322 - Dynamics - 3 hrs.
- IMT 324 - Strength of Materials - 4 hrs.
- EET 320 - Electricity & Power - 3 hrs.
Technical Core (47 credits)
i. Fundamental Requirements
- IME 101 - Intro. to Industrial & Manufacturing Eng. - 1 hr.
- IME 103 - Computer Aided Graphics - 2 hrs.
- IMT 262 - Applied Statistics & Quality Control - 3 hrs.
ii. Materials Requirements
- IMT 232 - Physical Metallurgy - 3 hrs.
- IMT 332 - Non-metallic Materials - 3 hrs.
- IME 333 - Materials Science Laboratory - 2 hr.
iii. Processes Requirements
- IME 241 - Manufacturing Fundamentals - 3 hrs.
- IMT 342 Advanced Manufacturing Processes I or IMT 344 Advanced Manufacturing Processes II - 3 hrs.
- IME 445 - Computer Aided Manufacturing - 3 hrs.
iv. Design Requirements
- IMT 392 - Mechanical Component Design I - 3 hrs.
v. Automation Requirements
- IMT 362 - Metrology & Instrumentation - 3 hrs.
- IME 395 - Solid Modeling & Rapid Prototyping - 3 hrs.
- IMT 446 - Computer Aided Manufacturing and Automation II - 3 hrs.
vi. Systems Engineering and Management Requirements
- IME 301 - Engineering Economy I - 3 hrs.
- IMT 366 - Mfg Facilities Design - 3 hrs.
- IME 386 - Industrial & Managerial Engineering - 3 hrs.
vii. Comprehensive Requirements
- IMT 498 - Senior Industrial Project - 4 hrs.
Approved Technical Electives (21 hrs.)
List of approved Technical Electives are available in the department.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.