Health Science Courses
H S 110 - Introduction to Health Science
(1 hour)
Health care professions, terminology, concepts in health science, and basic knowledge and skills of those in health science. Prerequisite: HS major or consent of department chair.
H S 210 - Concepts in Personal Wellness and Fitness
(3 hours)
An overview of topics designed to provide students with skills and knowledge needed to incorporate concepts of personal wellness and physical fitness. Focusing on the health benefits of personal wellness and fitness, students will participate in exploring concepts critically and in lab activities designed to engage the student actively in planning personalized programs for physical activity, nutrition, and other wellness concepts. Prerequisite: BIO 111, BIO 112, BIO 113, BIO 114
H S 220 - Consumer Issues in Health Care
(3 hours)
Possible care obtained, level of health care, and how to access care for persons from birth to death. Cross listed as FCS 220. Prerequisite: HS 110 and HS major or consent of a cross-listed Department chair (PT, FCS).
H S 230 - Measurement in Physical Activity
(3 hours)
Methods of assessing health, fitness, and tolerance during physical activity for program development, group assessment, and research. Prerequisite: H S 210
H S 306 - Health Science Applications for Sports
(3 hours)
Integration of the understanding of basic human structure and function with common conditions and injuries that impact the athlete. Prerequisite: BIO 230, 231, 232, 233.
H S 320 - Applied Physiology of Exercise
(3 hours)
A systems approach to the study of the human body's response to exercise and physical activity. Prerequisite: BIO 111, 112; CHM 110, 111, 116, 117; PHY 107; HS major and junior/senior standing or consent of department chair.
H S 343 - Ethics of Healthcare
(3 hours)
This course is designed to expand the undergraduate student's basic understanding of ethics to promote ethical awareness in healthcare. Students will be exposed to typical ethical issues encountered in healthcare and practice making difficult decisions. Students will be asked to synthesize and implement strategies for applying morals, values, and ethics in the various settings in which healthcare is delivered, and will be called to consider the perspectives of all stakeholders, including the role of the healthcare researcher, provider, patient advocate, and consumer of medical care. Prerequisite: HS major.
H S 345 - Motor Control and Motor Learning
(3 hours)
This course provides an overview of the sensorimotor physiological events related to motor control and motor learning. Concepts of how healthy individuals initiate and execute movement will be discussed as well as strategies for learning novel movements. Prerequisite: BIO 230, BIO 232, or consent of Department Chair
H S 350 - Special Topics in Health Science
(3 hours)
Selected topics in the various fields of health science. May be repeated under different topics for a total of six hours. Prerequisite: cumulative grade point average of 2.75; at least junior standing or consent of department chair.
H S 380 - Disability and Health in a Global Society
(3 hours)
Core Curr. GP WC,WI
This course will explore health and disability issues affecting individuals around the world and across the lifespan. Students will develop a greater understanding of the ways in which physical disabilities and health issues impact an individual's ability to participate at home, in the community, and in the workplace. The influence of health care availability, education, cultural practices, and the physical environment will be explored. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or CIV 111/112
H S 402 - Educational Methods, Strategies, and Evaluation Techniques
(3 hours)
Designed to increase theoretical knowledge and practical skill for teaching persons with different learning styles. Classroom experiences include a focus on methods, strategies, and evaluation techniques to meet different learning styles. Cross listed as ETE 402. Prerequisite: HS or ETE major or consent of instructor.
H S 425 - Independent Study
(1-3 hours)
Individual study and investigations through selected readings, discussion, and/or written assignment(s). May be repeated up to a total of three hours. Prerequisite: Health science major and/or permission of the department chair.
H S 460 - Kinesiology
(3 hours)
Basic science principles and functional applications that govern function of normal musculoskeletal system. Prerequisite: HS major and junior/senior standing or consent of department chair.
H S 470 - Health Science Application of Exercise Prescription
(3 hours)
Lab-based course focused on utilization of scientific knowledge related to increasing flexibility, strength, power, and endurance for practical application in exercise prescription. Prerequisite: Health Science Major; H S 230, H S 320, H S 460
H S 480 - Motion Analysis
(3 hours)
Analysis of the kinetic and kinematic principles influencing human motion with emphasis on sport and fitness activity from a health science perspective. Prerequisite: HS major and junior/senior standing; HS 320; HS 460; or consent of PT department chair
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.