FACULTY Professors McAsey, Mou, Nanyes, Timm, Xue; Associate Professors Bedenikovic (chair), Kasube, Lang, Quigg; Assistant Professors Carty, Yolcu.
A student considering mathematics or statistics as a career should realize that emphasis in mathematics and statistics courses will change as the individual progresses through his or her academic program. The initial concern for solving problems is later dominated by the more important objectives of formulating problems in mathematical and statistical language and dealing with mathematical structures and abstract ideas. It should be stressed that an effective mathematician or statistician should be a well-educated person, possessing not only the technical background of mathematics or statistics but also knowledge and skills developed through a selection of courses from other disciplines.
- Mathematics Major
- Mathematics Education Major (9-12)
- Actuarial Science—Mathematics Major
- Statistics Major
- Mathematics Minor
- Advanced Placement in Mathematics
Mathematics Major
All students majoring in mathematics must meet the following departmental requirements:
1. The mathematics core curriculum
- MTH 121, 122, 223 Calculus I, II, III
- MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications
- MTH 325 Probability and Statistics I
- MTH 404 Modern Algebra I
- MTH 420 Introduction to Analysis
- MTH 494, 495 Senior Project I, II
- CS 100 Introduction to Programming Concepts and Languages or CS 101 Introduction to Programming
2. At least two of the following sequences:
- MTH 325 and 326;
- MTH 404 and 405;
- MTH 420 and 421 or 403;
- MTH 501 and 502;
- MTH 510 and 511.
Other sequences may be approved by the department; however, any two sequences must include four distinct courses.
3. At least 24 semester hours of mathematics courses numbered 301 or above. Upper-level core and sequence courses are counted as part of this requirement.
Unless the requirements of a course have been met through some other means such as testing or transfer credit, all entering mathematics majors are advised to begin their academic program with the following course of study.
Freshman Year
- MTH 121, 122 Calculus I, II - 8 hrs.
- ENG 101 English Composition - 3 hrs.
- COM 103 Oral Communication Process - 3 hrs.
- CS 100 Introduction to Programming Concepts and Languages or CS 101 Introduction to Programming - 3 or 4 hrs.
- Electives - 15 hrs.
32-33 hours
The Department of Mathematics recognizes that students majoring in mathematics will have diverse career interests and goals. In fact, flexibility is one of the desirable attributes of a major in mathematics. With proper selection of elective courses, programs may be designed for students who wish to specialize in mathematics, teach at the high school level, or for students with career interests in the application of mathematics to, for example, actuarial science, business, computer science, economics or the physical sciences. By selecting appropriate courses, mathematics majors will often complete a minor in one of these applied areas.
Students considering further study of mathematics at the graduate level should select courses such as:
- MTH 307 Linear Algebra
- MTH 345 Differential Equations
- MTH 403 Complex Variables
- MTH 405 Modern Algebra II
- MTH 406 Elementary Topology
- MTH 421 Advanced Calculus
- In addition, a year of physics (PHY 110 and 201), MTH 120, and a foreign language may prove beneficial.
Mathematics Education Major (9-12)
This course of study is designed to provide graduates with the education and training to teach mathematics at the secondary school level (grades 9-12). The mathematics requirements for this degree program consist of a core of required classes, the fulfillment of a breadth requirement, and a depth requirement. In addition, students who select this major must also complete all the education requirements as mandated by the Illinois State Board of Education, which includes 44 hours of course work in the Teacher Education - High School Education program.
- The mathematics core curriculum:
- MTH 121 Calculus I - 4 hrs.
- MTH 122 Calculus II - 4 hrs.
- MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications - 3 hrs.
- MTH 223 Calculus III - 4 hrs.
- MTH 325 Probability and Statistics I - 3 hrs.
- MTH 404 Modern Algebra I - 3 hrs.
- MTH 420 Introduction to Analysis I - 3 hrs.
- CS 100 Introduction to Programming Concepts and Languages - 3 hrs. or CS 101 Introduction to Programming - 4 hrs.
- Total - 27-28 hours
- The depth requirement can be fulfilled by completing two sequences from among the following five sequences:
- MTH 325 - 3 hrs. and 326 - 3 hrs.;
- MTH 404 - 3 hrs. and 405 - 3 hrs.;
- MTH 420 - 3 hrs. and 421 - 3 hrs. or 403 - 3 hrs.;
- MTH 501 - 3 hrs. and 502 - 3 hrs.;
- MTH 510 - 3 hrs. and 511 - 3 hrs.;
- The breadth requirement can be fulfilled by completing a total of 24 semester hours in courses numbered 301 and above. Upper-level core and sequence courses are counted as part of this requirement.
- The state currently requires that students be introduced to various topics in order to meet the Mathematics subject area endorsement requirements. Most of the mathematical topics required for endorsement are covered in the core curriculum described in number 1 above. Currently, there are additional requirements in graph theory, geometry, and history of mathematics. State licensure requirements change frequently. It is the student’s responsibility to see that the current state requirements are satisfied.
- Completion of the Teacher Education - High School Education program.
For more information, see Teacher Education - High School Education program in the College of Education and Health Sciences section of this catalog.
Actuarial Science – Mathematics Major
Actuaries use analytical skills to evaluate the likelihood of future events, manage risk, and advise clients with decisions requiring statistical expertise. Actuaries work across industry; including the insurance industry and for finance and health care institutions.
An actuarial science-mathematics major is
1. Required to take the following courses:
- MTH 121, 122, 223 Calculus I, II, III - 12 hrs.
- MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications - 3 hrs.
- MTH 325, 326 Probability and Statistics I, II - 6 hrs.
- MTH 335 Topics in Actuarial Science (two different topics) - 6 hrs.
- MTH 427 Applied Statistical Methods - 3 hrs.
- Elective mathematics courses (see note 2) - 6 hrs.
- CS 100 Introduction to Programming Concepts and Languages or CS 101 Introduction to Programming - 3 or 4 hrs.
- ATG 157 Accounting Principles - Financial - 3 hrs.
- ECO 221, 222 Microeconomics, Macroeconomics - 6 hrs.
- IME 313 Operations Research I - 3 hrs.
- IME 314 Operations Research II - 3 hrs.
- FIN 322 Business Finance - 3 hrs.
- FIN 325 Investment Analysis (or another finance course with departmental approval) - 3 hrs.
60-61 hours
2. Required to take at least two additional three-hour courses from courses numbered MTH 301 or above other than MTH 325, MTH 326, MTH 335 and MTH 427.
3. For an AS-M major a maximum of 25 percent of the total undergraduate program credit hours including required courses may consist of courses from the Foster College of Business. For example, in a 124-credit-hour program a maximum of 31 credit hours of business courses may be taken.
Students wishing to take business or programming courses in addition to those required courses listed above should consider choosing from among the following, subject to the restriction noted above: ATG 158, BLW 342, BUS 100, CS 102, FIN 425, and ML 250.
Statistics Major
Statisticians are in high demand across industry. In addition to the general mathematics emphasis on logical reasoning and creative problem solving, the statistics major focuses on analyzing data. The study of statistics includes theory, applications of probability, and facility with computing tools.
All students majoring in statistics must meet the following departmental requirements:
1. Statistics core curriculum
- MTH 121, 122, 223 Calculus I, II, III - 12 hrs.
- MTH 207 Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications - 3 hrs.
- MTH 325 AND 326 Probability and Statistics I, II - 6 hrs.
- MTH 420 Real Analysis - 3 hrs.
- MTH 427 Applied Statistical Methods - 3 hrs.
- Two courses selected from MTH 428 Topics in Applied Statistics (may be repeated) and MTH 435 Stochastic Processes, 6 hrs.
- MTH 494, 495 Senior Project I, II, 3 hrs.
- Math elective numbered MTH 301 or above, 3 hrs.
- CS 100 Introduction to Programming Concepts and Languages or CS 101 Introduction to Programming - 3 or 4 hrs.
42-43 hours
2. Optional supporting courses include MTH 224 or MTH 345, IME 313, and CS 102.
Mathematics Minor
A mathematics minor requires 24 semester hours in mathematics as follows:
- MTH 121, 122, 223 Calculus I, II, III; and
- 12 semester hours in mathematics courses numbered 301 or above; or MTH 207 (linear algebra) and 9 semester hours in mathematics courses numbered 301 or above
- At least one course from among: MTH 301, 302, 305, 307, 310, 404, 406 and 420.
Advanced Placement In Mathematics
Students scoring a 5, 4 or 3 on the Advanced Placement (AP) program mathematics examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board may receive up to eight semester hours of credit for MTH 121 Calculus I and MTH 122 Calculus II.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.