FACULTY Professor Hogan; Associate Professors Crawford, Leach (chair); Assistant Professors Chubin, Whetstone, Zant.
The Department of Sociology offers a variety of courses useful to students with diverse professional goals. Sociology is a popular major for students planning careers in such professions as law, business, journalism, health care, education, politics, criminal justice, social work, or public administration. It provides a solid body of knowledge on the nature and problems of human relations and a distinctive way of looking at the world. The courses offer a range of research techniques and perspectives which can be applied in a variety of fields such as administration, criminal justice, health care, counseling, and social work. In addition, exposure to theoretical and methodological issues and to historical, cross-cultural, and critical analyses provides students with a firm foundation for graduate work in sociology, anthropology, or related fields.
The department offers a major and a minor in sociology, a minor in anthropology, and a major in social work. For social work major see Social Work Program.
Major In Sociology
A major in sociology consists of a minimum of 31 semester hours in sociology.
Core Courses - 13 hrs.
The following five core courses, including a one-credit proseminar providing students with an overview of the field, are required.
- SOC 100 The Sociological Perspective
- SOC 200 Sociology Proseminar (1 semester hour)
- SOC 240 Research Methods
- SOC 320 Social Theory or SOC 420 Critical Theory
- SOC 450 Capstone Seminar in Sociology
Additional Requirements - 18 hrs.
Students must choose one of the three focus areas listed below and take two courses within that area, one of which must be at or above the 300 level. To ensure a breadth of knowledge in the field, they must also complete at least one course from each of the other two focus areas.
- Health and Social Services: SOC 210, 211, 212, 316, 330, 331, 332, 341, 342, 343
- Inequality and Social Justice: SOC 312, 313, 315, 321, 322, 333, 334, 344, 345, 346, 420
- Global Studies: ANT 303, 305, 306, 314; SOC 300, 311, 326
The remaining two course selections (6 semester hours) are open electives and may include any of the courses listed above, as well as SOC 390, SOC 391, SOC 490, SOC 491, SOC 571; and/or ANT 402. Students will complete their Capstone Seminar project within their chosen focus area.
At least 15 of the 31 hours required for the major must be at the 300 level or above. Only one internship course may apply towards the 31-hour requirement. A grade point average of 2.25 in all courses taken in the department is needed for graduation. Students may earn either a B.A. or B.S. degree in sociology. Sociology majors are urged to consult with a department advisor each semester concerning class schedules.
Sociology Minor
The sociology minor requires a minimum of 15 hours as specified below:
- SOC 100; SOC 240 or SOC 320
- An additional 9 hours of SOC courses
- At least 9 of the 15 hours must be at the 300 level or above.
- Minimum of 2.25 grade point average in courses taken for the minor.
Anthropology Minor
A minor in anthropology will consist of a minimum of 15 semester hours in anthropology and related disciplines including the following required core courses:
- ANT 101 The Anthropological Perspective
- ANT 305 Peoples and Cultures of the Non-Western World
In addition, anthropology minors will complete 9 hours of electives from among the courses below. (No more than one HIS course and one RLS course will count toward the elective requirement. Special topics courses and other coursework will be considered for elective credit with the approval of the director of the anthropology program.):
- ANT 102 Physical Anthropology
- ANT 303 Culture & Belief: Magic, Witchcraft, Religion
- ANT 306 Illness and Healing in Cross-Cultural Perspective
- ANT 314 Native Americans
- ANT 402 Qualitative Methods
- ANT 403 Anthropology Senior Project
- SOC 300 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gender
- SOC 311 Comparative Family Systems
- HIS 205 Latin America
- HIS 206 Middle East since Muhammad
- HIS 207 Modern Japan 1860-present
- HIS 305 American Indian History
- HIS 330 Modern China
- HIS 333 Cross-Cultural Contacts
- HIS 335 Modern Mexico
- HIS 339 Women in Global Perspective
- RLS 331 Religions of the East
- RLS 340 Japanese Religion
- RLS 121 Islamic Civilization
- RLS 338 China: Religion and Culture
Sociology majors wishing to minor in anthropology may not choose Global Studies as the focus area for their SOC major. A minimum of 2.25 grade point average in courses taken for the minor is required for successful completion of the anthropology minor.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.