Social Work
FACULTY Associate Professor Adams (Director) Leach (chair); Assistant Professor Amos; Visiting Instructor and DIrector of Field Instruction Tarter.
Bradley offers a BA or BS in social work. The program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
The Bradley Social Work Program prepares students for generalist practice in a globalized environment. Built on a liberal arts foundation, it offers courses in social welfare policy, human behavior theories, social work research, social work practice skills and a field internship. These courses follow the CSWE curriculum nine competencies areas: Ethics, Diversity Practice, Social Justice, Evidence-Based Practice, Policy Practice, and the Practice Skills: Engagement, Assessment, Intervention and Evaluation. With this foundation, students may pursue advanced placement in Master of Social Work programs throughout the country. The program stresses critical thinking and scientific inquiry to prepare students for social work practice in multiple environments, with diverse populations and at multiple levels of systems.
The curriculum requires majors to complete 69 credit hours, including 21 hours of liberal arts requirements, 42 hours of social work requirements, and 6 hours of electives. A student may declare a social work major when admitted to Bradley; however, in order to progress to the professional practice component of the curriculum, a formal admission is required during the junior year. No credit for life experiences or previous work experience will be given in lieu of courses in the social work curriculum. Courses in the practice sequence, human behavior in the social environment sequence, and from field practicum can only be transferred in from CSWE accredited programs.
The professional practice component includes practice courses and a field practicum. Students will complete a minimum of 420 field hours in an approved community agency.
It is important for students to consult with their social work advisor each semester to ensure that the requirements for the major are scheduled in the proper sequence. An overall grade point average of 2.25 is needed to graduate with a B.A. or B.S. in social work. A student must attain at least a “C” in all required social work courses.
Liberal Arts Courses (21 hrs.)
- BIO 101 Life Science I
- ECO 100 Intro to Economics or
- ECO 221 Microeconomics and ECO 222 Macroeconomics
- MTH 111 Elementary Statistics or PSY 205 Quantitative Methods
- PLS 105 Introduction to American Government
- PSY 101 Principles of Psychology
- SOC 100 The Sociological Perspective
- SOC 302 Sociology of Diversity or SOC 313 Race, Ethnicity, and Power or ETE 280 Exploring Diversity: Learners, Families, and Communities
Social Work Core Requirements (42 hrs.)
Social Welfare Policy and Services - 6 hrs.
- SW 250 Introduction to Social Welfare
- SW 355 Social Welfare Policy
Human Behavior & the Social Environment - 9 hrs.
- PSY 356 Abnormal Psychology
- SW 354 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
- SW 358 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
Research - 3 hrs.
- SW 260 Research Methods
Social Work Practice 12 hrs.
- SW 350 Foundation for Social Work Practice
- SW 351, 352, 353 Social Work Practice I, II, III
Field Practicums - 12 hrs.
- SW 393 Social Work Practicum
- SW 395 Social Work Seminar
Electives - 6 hrs.
- AAS 200 Intro. to African-American Studies SW 310 Child Welfare I
- NUR 221 Substance Abuse SW 320 Child Welfare II
- SOC 211 Contemporary Social Problems
- SOC 311 Comparative Family Systems
- SOC 312 Social Inequality
- SOC 314 Native Americans
- SOC 315 Gender and Society
- SOC 321 Individual and Society
- SOC 332 Juvenile Delinquency
- SOC 333 Sociology of Violence
- SOC 341 Medical Sociology
- SOC 343 Sociology of Mental Health
- SW 356 Topics in Social Work
- SW 490 Individual Study in Social Work
- SW 499 Honors Colloquium
Students should consult the Social Work Student Handbook for recommendations regarding Bradley Core Curriculum selections, electives, and BA/BS requirements, and for sample 4-year and 2-year course plans.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.