Military Science
A cross-enrollment agreement between Illinois State University (ISU) and Bradley University makes training in the Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (AROTC) available to qualified Bradley students who desire to earn appointment as commissioned officers in the United States Army. The goal of the AROTC is to commission college graduates into the Active, National Guard, and Reserve components of the Army. Military science classes are conducted on Illinois State’s campus in Normal, Illinois and at Bradley University. Military science classes are recorded on students’ transcripts, and the grades received and semester hours of credit are counted as if they had been taken at Bradley. For more information, please contact the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at (309) 677-2384.
To complete the basic course a student must complete MS 101, 102, 201, and 202, normally taken in that sequence, over a four-semester period. Exceptions are determined by law and may be discussed on an individual basis with the professor of Military Science at ISU. Entry into the advanced course requires successful completion of the basic course, basic camp or advanced placement, and acceptance by the professor of Military Science. The advanced course must be completed over a four-semester period, the usual sequence consisting of MS 301, 302, 401, and 402.
M S 101 - Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking
(1 hour)
Introduction to leadership from perspective of the member of an effective organization. Self-enhancement skills such as time management techniques, problem solving and decision-making processes, and health enrichment actions. Offered each fall.
M S 102 - Introduction to the Profession of Arms
(1 hour)
Basic leadership fundamentals, principles, and experiences. Relevant for all organizational leaders. Purpose is to examine how the individual organizational member and the team are affected by leaders and leadership decisions. Offered each spring.
M S 150 - Military Physical Conditioning
(0 hours)
Students will learn how to perform basic military physical conditioning and fitness. The course is conducted in a structured military physical fitness training environment with a focus on total body conditioning through cardiorespiratory activities, muscular strength, and endurance training. May be repeated. NOTE: General good health certification from the Bradley Wellness Center. Appropriate athletic apparel, running shoes, and reflective belt.
M S 200 - Leadership Lab
(0 hours)
Provides development by practical application of the student's leadership skills through progressive training in planning, execution, and assessment. Registration in AROTC Advanced Course Required. Offered each semester.
M S 201 - Leadership and Decision Making
(2 hours)
Provides more in-depth and critical assessment of leadership within American society. Students are challenged to learn and apply leadership principles. Group research projects designed to research, examine, and analyze leaders and leadership within community context.
M S 202 - Army Doctrine and Team Development
(2 hours)
Map reading fundamentals; application of land navigation principles using the lensatic compass and terrain association. Provides opportunities to exercise leadership skills to meet established goals and objectives within specific time constraints.
M S 203 - Rotc Leadership Training Course
(6 hours)
Provides instruction and practical application on basic military concepts of map reading, tactics, small group operations, weapons, and adventure training. Training is presented off campus at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Provides constructive credit for first two years of ROTC. Consent of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Offered each summer.
M S 242 - Rotc National Advanced Leadership Camp
(6 hours)
Instruction and practical application in field training, demonstration of leadership capabilities, and leadership opportunities of problem analysis, decision making, and troop leading. Training is presented off campus near Seattle, Washington. Registration in AROTC Advanced Course required. Pass/Fail only. Offered each summer.
M S 287 - Independent Study
(1-6 hours)
Independent Study
M S 301 - Training Management and the War Fighting Functions
(3 hours)
Provides general knowledge and understanding of advanced leadership principles, small unit offensive operations, land navigation, and the operating systems. Offered each fall. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor required
M S 302 - Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations
(3 hours)
Provides knowledge and understanding of advanced combat leadership techniques, small unit defensive operations, patrolling, and land navigation. Offered each spring. Prerequisite: Registration in AROTC and MS 220 or consent of instructor required
M S 401 - The Army Officer
(3 hours)
Fundamental concepts of military justice; principles of court-martial and non-judicial punishment; staff principles and procedures in the Army organizational structure. Offered each fall. Prerequisite: Registration in AROTC Advanced Course or consent of instructor required
M S 402 - Company Grade Leadership
(3 hours)
Introduction to professionalism and military professional responsibility. Provides students with a capstone experience in leadership studies before their transition to officership. Offered each spring. Prerequisite: Registration in AROTC Advanced Course or consent of instructor required.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.