2020 Regulations

The 2024 Title IX regulations are not retroactive; therefore, incidents that occurred between August 14, 2020, and July 31, 2024, are subject to the Title IX regulations in effect at that time. This page provides access to the resources and policies relevant to the 2020 regulations, including the Bradley University Interim Title IX Policy and Title IX team training materials.

Interim Title IX Policy (2020-2024)

The Bradley University Interim Title IX Policy that was in effect during this period outlines the procedures and guidelines for addressing reports of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking. This policy remains applicable to any incidents that occurred during the time frame of August 14, 2020, to July 31, 2024.

Response to Reports

When our office receives a report of a potential Title IX violation, our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of the impacted individual(s). We will reach out to discuss supportive measures that can be implemented immediately, as well as next steps. These discussions may include options regarding the grievance procedures and the filing of a formal complaint.

Formal Complaint Process

Grievance Procedures: The formal complaint grievance process generally followed a specific flowchart, outlining how allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking were addressed under the 2020 regulations.

Complaint Resolution: For allegations of sex- or gender-based discrimination, the university’s Complaint Resolution grievance processes were used to resolve Title IX formal complaints. In most cases, the decision to proceed with a formal complaint was up to the impacted individual. However, in rare circumstances, such as when personal or community safety was at risk, the University may have been obligated to investigate even if the impacted individual was not ready. In such cases, the University would ensure that the individual received appropriate support throughout the process.

Student Resource Guide

Faculty & Staff Resource Guide

Title IX Team Training Resources

In compliance with the 2020 regulations, the Title IX team at Bradley University received extensive training to ensure impartiality, competence, and a trauma-informed approach in handling Title IX cases. The training materials and resources used during this period are available for public review.