Amy Bacon

Associate Professor
Bradley Hall 73
(309) 677-2587
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Arkansas
Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship, Medical University of South Carolina
B. A., University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Bacon completed her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Arkansas, with her pre-doctoral clinical internship year conducted at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. While in Charleston, she completed clinical rotations in substance use and behavioral medicine, and research with the Alcohol Research Center. She joined Bradley University in 2011.
Dr. Bacon teaches Principles of Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Psychology of Learning.
Dr. Bacon’s research examines relationships among anxiety, stress, and substance use. Specific interests include the use of alcohol to manage social stress, heightened vulnerability of those with clinical levels of social anxiety to develop alcohol dependence problems, and alcohol use and misuse in college students. Her research is conducted with a variety of assessment techniques, including survey data, computer-based cognitive tasks, and in-vivo administration of alcohol and/or stress induction tasks. Her research has been presented at state- and national-level professional conferences and in peer-reviewed empirical journals.