Patricia Nugent

Patricia Nugent


    Off Campus
    (309) 677-3176


Ph.D., Mathematics Education from Illinois State University
M.S., Educational Administration and Foundations from Illinois State University
B.A., Mathematics from Millikin University


Courses Taught (on order of most recent semester)

  • ETE 107: Conceptualizing Math for Teachers 1 
  • ETE 108: Conceptualizing Math for Teachers 2 
  • ETE 116: Field Experience – Schools and Schooling in American Society
  • ETE 339: Methods of Teaching Mathematics K-8 


Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Wolffe, R., Strategies to Support Professional Development of Early Childhood Mathematics Instructors. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Wolffe, R., Providing Best Practice Mathematical Instructional Strategies to Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Wolffe, R., Successful Strategies In An Early Childhood Mathematics Classroom. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Wolffe, R., Best Practices for Professional Development of Early Childhood Mathematics Instructors. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Wolffe, R., Data Findings from Professional Development provided for Early Childhood Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Wolffe, R., Data Findings from Student Scores in an Early Childhood Mathematics Setting. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., Hinnen, N., Guinee, T., Leonard, J., & Wolffe R. Peoria Counts Pre-K-3 Mathematics Instruction. On-Going.

Nugent, P. Correlation of candidate conceptual understanding and their struggles with mathematics. On-Going.

Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H. & Wolffe, R. Using a variety of data sources, assessing both the process and the impacts of the on-going development of faculty as a community of learners interested in STEM education. On-Going.




Clinical Experience - Novice Teaching Review Committee (August 2007 – Present)

Graduate Studies – EHS College, Bradley University (Fall 2007 – Spring 2009)

BU STEM Center Advisory Board, Peoria, Illinois, Member   2010 - Present

EHS College NCATE/CAEP, Peoria, Illinois, Co-Coordinator June  2014 – Present

EHS College Strategic Planning Committee, Peoria, Illinois, Committee Member August 2013 – Present

Elementary Education Curriculum Committee, Peoria, Illinois, Committee Member August 2005 - Present

Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)  Credentials Committee  2012 – 2018

Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Conference Reviewer 2014– Present

Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Commission on Effects of Language on Children’s Conceptual Understanding of Mathematics 2015 - Present

Illinois Association of Teacher Educators (IATE), Illinois

     Treasurer – Elected July 2015 – Present

     Immediate Past President - Elected July 2015 – June 2016

     President – Elected July 2014 – June 2015

     Nomination Chair – Elected August 2015 – 2016

     College/University Representative – Elected August 2011 – 2014

United Way – Heart of Illinois Success by 6 Math Marketing Committee, Peoria, Illinois Fall 2013 - Present

PNC Bank, Reviewer for PNC First Grant proposal Peoria, Illinois Fall 2013 – Present

PNC Bank, Advisory Board PNC First Grant proposals Peoria, Illinois Fall 2013 - Present