Celine Bourhis

Celine Bourhis


    Bradley Hall 373


Ph.D., English Studies, Illinois State University
M.A. English, Illinois State University
B.A. English, Universite du Maine, Le Mans, France


Dr. Bourhis began her first year of teaching at Bradley during the 2012 fall semester. 

Before coming to Bradley, Dr. Bourhis received her undergraduate degree in English from Universite du Maine in Le Mans France. She completed her graduate degree in English from Illinois State University and completed her doctorate in English Studies from Illinois State University.


Dr. Bourhis teaches ENG 123 European Writers, ENG 305 Technical Writing and ENG 306 Business Communication.


Dr. Bourhis currently serves on the Composition Committee.

Licensures and Certifications

Dr. Bourhis has completed her doctoral coursework at Illinois State University and defended her dissertation focusing on issues of oppositionality in women's postcolonial memoirs.