David Olds

Hospitality Management Program Director, Associate Professor
Bradley Hall 015
(309) 677-3242
Ph.D., Foodservice & Hospitality Management, Kansas State University
M.S., Foodservice & Lodging Management, Iowa State University
B.S., Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management, Iowa State University
A.A.S., Culinary Arts, Des Moines Area Community College
After completing my A.A.S. degree in culinary arts, I began a career as a professional chef, which I did for many years. While in this career, I noted the need to complete my undergraduate degree. While completing my B.S. degree in Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management, I realized that I was interested in teaching, so I went on to pursue my M.S. degree in Foodservice & Lodging Management. While completing my Master’s thesis, I noted that I enjoyed research, and thus I pursued my Ph.D. in Foodservice & Hospitality Management. Following my doctoral graduation, I taught as an adjunct instructor and worked as a research associate at Kansas State University. I started at Bradley University in fall 2012, which has allowed me to continue educating the next generation of hospitality professionals, while concurrently pursuing research interests related to my teaching.
- FCS 170 – Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
- FCS 171 – Sanitation, Health, and Safety
- FCS 173 – Lodging Operations
- FCS 272 – Hospitality Facilities Management
- FCS 376 – Professional Development Seminar
- FCS 405 – Food Service Systems
- FCS 408 – Management in Food Service
- FCS 470 – Special Topics in Hospitality Businesses: Professional Club Management
Teaching Philosophy
I believe for learning to be effective students must participate, and not just be a spectator. The more students participate in the learning process (i.e. read the assigned material prior to class, engage in class room discussions on the material, and spend time on class projects and assignments), the more they will gain from the course. My role in the class is the sharer of knowledge, not just the disseminator of knowledge. Students each have personal experiences to contribute to the class. All members of the class (including me) benefit from participation in class discussions and insight shared with others. One of my mentors had a plaque on the wall, which was a gift from a student – I have always remembered it fondly. The plaque read, “Teachers can never know how far their influence may extend. Thus they touch INFINITY.”
Published Papers
Leland, E. M., Nigg, J. K., & Olds, D. A. (2023). Partial substitution of quinoa flour for rice flour in gluten-free apple-blueberry muffins. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/15428052.2023.2199702
Maffiola, C., & Olds, D. A. (2022). College students’ food choices in a university dining hall using a traffic light labeling system. Journal of Foodservice Management & Education, 16(1), 17-29. https://fsmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Olds.pdf
Anderson, S. M., Olds, D. A., & Wolfe, K. L. (2021). The impact of a portion plate on plate waste in a university dining hall. Journal of Foodservice Management & Education, 15(2), 1-7. Retrieved from https://fsmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Olds.pdf
Lee, M. J., Kang, H., Choi, H., & Olds, D. (2020). Managerial attitudes towards green practices in educational restaurant operations: An importance-performance analysis. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. 32(3), 142-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/10963758.2019.1655437
Lee, M. J., Kang, H., Choi, H., Lee, J., & Olds, D. (2019). Students’ perceptions of hospitality education quality in the United States higher education: Domestic versus international students. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2019.100212
Olds, D. A. (2019). Ventilated and unventilated cooling methods in onsite foodservice operations. Journal of Foodservice Management & Education, 13(1), 1-10. Retrieved from https://fsmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Olds.pdf
Wolfe, K., Jo, W., Olds, D., Asperin, A., DeSanto, J., & Liu, W. (2016). An fMRI study of the effects of food familiarity and labeling on brain activation. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 14(4), 332-346. http://doi.org/10.1080/15428052.2016.1138917
Olds, D. A., & Shanklin, C. W. (2014). Food defense management practices in private country clubs – a case analysis. Journal of Foodservice Management & Education, 8(1), 11-20. Retrieved from http://fsmec.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/8-1-Olds.pdf
Roberts, K. R., Sauer, K. L., Sneed, J., Kwon, J., Olds, D., Cole, K., & Shanklin, C. W. (2014). Analysis of school food safety programs based on HACCP principles. The Journal of Child Nutrition & Management, 38(1). https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1033492
Olds, D. A., Roberts, K. R., Sauer, K. L., Sneed, J., & Shanklin, C. W. (2013). Efficacy of cooling beef taco meat and steamed rice in United States school foodservice operations. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 4, 735-740. http://doi.org/10.4236/fns.2013.47094
Roberts, K. R., Olds, D. A., Shanklin, C., Sauer, K., & Sneed, J. (2013). Cooling of foods in retail foodservice operations. Food Protection Trends, 33(1), 27-31. Retrieved from http://www.foodprotection.org/files/food-protection-trends/JanFeb-13-Sneed.pdf
Dr. Olds currently serves as the College of Education and Health Sciences (CEHS) representative of the University Sustainability Minor Committee, as the CEHS representative of the Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Curriculum Committee, and as a committee member of the University Senate Academic Review Board (ARB).
Licensures and Certifications
Certified ServSafe® Instructor and Registered ServSafe® Examination Proctor, National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE), American Hotel & Lodging Association.