Kalyani Nair

Business and Engineering Convergence Center 3265
(309) 677-4562
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, Cochin University
Dr. Nair's teaching and research interests are in the area of biomedical engineering. Her specific research interests include biomechanics and tissue engineering.
Professional Experience
GE Medical Systems
Research Interests
Biomechanics, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Medical Devices, Computer Aided Design, Finite Element Methods
- ME 102: Engineering Design Graphics
- ME 280: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
- ME 448: CAD in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 580: Biomechanics
- ME 591: Tissue Engineering
- ME 648: Advanced CAD
- Mattei TA, Frank C, Bailey J, Lesle E, Macuk A, Lesniak M, Patel A,Morris MJ, Nair K, Lin JJ , Design of a synthetic simulator for pediatric lumbar spine pathologies, J Neurosurg Pediatr, 12( 2): 192-201, 2013
- Mattei TA, Nair K, Morris M, Cole D, Flatt M, Goulart CR, Kroeter B, Warren S, Lin JJ, Design and benchmark testing of a bicorporal pump for the treatment of normal-pressure hydrocephalus and idiopathic intracranial hypertension, J Neurosurg Pediatr, 11 (2) : 188-97, 2013.
- Deshpande G, Nair K, Hand N, Magnusson J, Davis A, and Morris MJ , A Novel Design for a Jaw-Thrust and Head Immobilization Device and its Successful Testing Using a Human Simulator, Journal of Medical Devices,6(1), 011002, 2012
- Masi AT , Nair K, Brian J Andonian, Kristina M Prus, Joseph Kelly, Jose R Sanchez, Jacqueline Henderson, Integrative structural biomechanical concepts of ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis, 2011
- Masi AT , Nair K , Evans T , Ghandour Y, Clinical, Biomechanical, and Physiological Translational Interpretations of Human Resting Myofascial Tone or Tension, International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork: Research, Education, and Practice, 3( 4), 16-28, 2010
- Yan, K., Nair, K., and Sun, W., Three dimensional multi-scale modelling and analysis of cell damage in cell-encapsulated alginate constructs, Journal of Biomechanics , 43 (6) 1031-1038, 2010
- Dougherty J, Schaefer E, Koch E, Cady C, Nair K, Effect of Valproic Acid on Cell Proliferation of Wharton’s Jelly MSC in PCL Nanofiber Scaffolds, Proceedings of ASME Congress, San Diego, Nov 2013
- Dougherty J, Schaefer E , Kelly JP, Masi A, Nair K, Repeatability, Reproducibility, And Calibration Of The MyotonPro® On Tissue Mimicking Phantoms, Proceedings of ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Oregon, June 2013
- Bailey J, Macuk A, Frank C, Patel A, Lesniak M, Lesle E, Morris MJ, Lin J, Nair K, Design And Development Of A Modular Medical Simulation Prototype For Pediatric Spinal Detethering Surgeries, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Design of Medical Devices Conference, Minneapolis, April 2013
- Mooberry M, Berry M, Corrie C, Nair K, Masi A. Finite Element Analysis of the Lumbosacral Spine:an Evaluation of Stress Concentrations at Entheses. Proceedings of the Third International Fascia Research Congress 2012
- Masi A , Andonian B , Prus K , Nair K. Biomechanical and Molecular Factors in Enthesis-Related Disorders: Perspectives on Patterns in Tendinopathy and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Proceedings of the Third International Fascia Research Congress 2012
- Coordinator of the Biomedical Concentration in Mechanical Engineering
- Member of Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research