Matthew O’Brien

Professor, Marketing
Business and Engineering Convergence Center 4128
(309) 677-2257
Ph D, Marketing, The University of Oklahoma
MBA, Marketing, Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
BA, Political Science, Purdue University
Matthew O’Brien has been a member of the Marketing faculty at Bradley University since 2004. He is currently a Professor of Marketing. Prior to joining Bradley University, Dr. O’Brien also served on the faculty at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. O’Brien has been named a Fulbright Scholar for 2011 where he travelled to Kobe, Japan and served on the faculty at Kobe University. Dr. O’Brien is married, has two children, and enjoys collecting art.
Dr. O’Brien has found that most tools available to educators resonate with only a portion of the target audience. Whether it is discussion, lecturing, outside assignments, directed readings, experiential learning, testing, cases, or simulations, not every technique is appreciated or influential to motivate students to engage in learning. Accordingly, Dr. O’Brien has incorporated all of these techniques in his portfolio of classes.
Recent Courses
- Principles of Marketing – MTG 315
- Consumer Behavior – MTG 350
- Marketing Management – MTG 490
- Global Supply Chain Management – MTG 688
Dr. O’Brien’s research interest centers on businesses as organizations and how they coordinate efforts via interactions internally, with other businesses, and the final customer. Specifically, he is interested in the sociological, relational, and psychological aspects of such. This focus has manifested itself in research that can be classified as retailer-consumer interactions, relationship marketing, inter-organizational exchange and control/coordination mechanisms, international joint venture topics, retail management, and services. Dr. O’Brien’s research utilizes a broad range of methodologies including multivariate techniques, structural equations modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, and qualitative procedures.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Gehrt, K., Mahesh, R., Shainesh, G., Czerwinski, D., O'Brien, M. (in press). Emergence of Online Shopping in India: Shopping Orientation Segments. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management.
Lusch, R. F., Brown, J. R., O'Brien, M. (2011). Protecting Relational Assets: A Pre and Post Field Study of a Horizontal Business Combination. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(2), 175-197.
Yurchisin, J., Park, J., O'Brien, M. (2010). Effects of Ideal Image Congruence and Organizational Commitment on Employee Intention to Leave. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 17(5), 406-414.
Selected Presentations
Gehrt, K. (Author Only), Rajan, M. R. (Presenter and Author), Shainesh, G. (Author Only), O'Brien, M. (Author Only), Czerwinski, D. (Author Only), American Marketing Association's Summer Educator's Conference, "Indian Online Shopping Segments," American Marketing Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Hill, D. J. (Presenter and Author), O'Brien, M. (Author Only), Annals of the Society for Marketing Advances, "Relational Closeness and Its Influence upon Social Media Appeals," Society for Marketing Advances, Orlando, Florida. (November, 2012).
Lusch, R. F. (Presenter and Author), Vargo, S. L. (Author Only), O'Brien, M. (Author Only), Forum on International Markets and Institutional Logics, "Service-Dominant Logic: Foundational Premises and Perspectives," Meiji University School of Commerce, Tokyo, Japan. (September, 2012).
Hill, D. J. (Presenter and Author), O'Brien, M. (Author Only), 18th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, "Store Brand or Manufacturer Brand? The Influence of Green-Mindedness on Purchase Intent of Environmentally Friendly Products," European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, San Diego, California. (July, 2011).
O'Brien, M. (Presenter and Author), Hill, D. J. (Author Only), Kobe University Research Seminar Series, "Group and Individual Level Influences in Social Media Marketing," Kobe University, Kobe Japan. (July, 2011).
University and College
- President of University Senate
Foster College Strategic Planning Committee-Co-Chair
Has reviewed for the Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing as well as numerous national and international conferences.