Mihai Vlad Niculescu
Associate Professor
Bradley Hall 281
(309) 677-2437
Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Toronto
Ph.D., Early Christian Studies, Catholic University of America
B.A., Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania
- PHL – 103 An Inquiry Into Values
- PHL – 300 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- PHL – 306 Recent Philosophy
- PHL – 344 Philosophy of Religion
- PHL – 350 Art in Human Experience
Chitanțier, Tracus Arte, 2016. (a book of poetry in Romanian)
The Spell of the Logos. Origen’s Exegetic Pedagogy in the Contemporary Debate Regarding Logocentrism, Gorgias Press, 2009.
Teologie si retractare. (Theology and Retraction) Iasi: Sapientia 2003. (a book of essays in Romanian)
Chapters in Collective Books:
“The Hermeneutical Foundations of Origen’s Soteriology” forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Origen, edited by Karen Torjesen and Ronald Heine at Oxford University Press.
“Origen and Logocentrism. A Few Observations on a Recent Debate” forthcoming in Alexandrian Legacy. A Critical Appraisal, edited by Doru Costache, Philip Kariatlis and Mario Baghos at Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2015.
“From a Doctrine of Scriptural Hermeneutics to a Code of Hermeneutic Comportment. On the Use of Prov 22:20-21 in the Fourth Book of Origen’s De principiis” in Bibliotheca Augustiniana, vol. 4, January-June, pp. 13-36. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Origen Otherwise than Origen. Toward an Alternative Approach to Origen’s Incarnational View of the Bible and of Biblical Exegesis” in Phronema Volume 30, Number 1, 2015.
“Changing Moods. Origen’s Biblical Pedagogy as a Transformative Attunement to the Grief and the Joy of a Messianic Teacher” in the proceedings of the 10th International Origen Congress (Origeniana decima), Cracow, August 31st-spetember 4th, 2009. Peeters Publishers.
“Spiritual Leavening. The Communication and Reception of the Good News in Origen’s Biblical Exegesis and Transformative Pedagogy” The Journal of Early Christian Studies, Winter 2007, volume 15, number 4, pp.447-483.
"Origen in Gethsemane" Adamantius, Notiziario del Gruppo Italiano di ricerca su “Origene e la tradizzione alessandrina” No. 6/2000.
“Coping with the Grief of Ignorance. Evagrius Ponticus’ Hermeneutics of the Distance between God and Humanity” in Arches, Revue Internationale des Sciences Humaines, éditée par l’Association Roumaine des Chercheurs Francophones en Sciences Humaines nr. 7 (2003). (www.arches.ro)
“From Tragedy to Philosophy. Socratic Investigation as Therapeutic Transformation.” Caietele Institututlui Teologic Romano-Catolic “Sfinta Tereza” 2 (2001), Bucharest, Romania.
“Kindredness with God as the Constitutive Principle of the Hierarchy in the Theology of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite” published in Romanian translation in Altarul Banatului No. 10-12, 2001, Timisoara, Romania.
“Husserl's Cartesian Meditations. Preliminary Clarifications for a Full Phenomenological Harmonization of the Egological Intentionality with the Spontaneity of the Other" Revue roumaine de philosophie, 1998 Bucharest, Romania.
"Eating the Lamb that Ate the Lamb. The Eucharistical Articulation of the Triduum Paschale in the Paschal Theology of St. Ephraem the Syrian" published in Romanian translation in Revista Catolica Verbum 1996, Bucharest, Romania.
"One to Many. An Investigation in Plotinus' Understanding of Difference" Revista de Studii Clasice (Classical Studies Review) XXXI-XXXIII/1995-1997, Bucharest, Romania.
"Cappadocian Trinitarianism. Toward an Ontology-free Apperception of Personhood" Revista Catolica Verbum, 1994, Bucharest, Romania.