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BU foreWarn - TEST - This is a TEST of the Bradley University foreWarn emergency notification system. This is only a TEST. MR


The political science department at Bradley University is committed to providing the best possible educational experience for our majors and minors. To that end, the department offers an internship program, so students can gain practical real-world experience in government agencies, political campaigns, nonprofits and other organizations which impact politics in the United States. Not only does an internship experience provide valuable professional experience, but it offers contacts and references important for building careers.

PLS 480 is a variable credit-hour offering. You may receive one to six hours of credit, depending on the length of the internship. Each academic hour requires 70 contact hours on the internship. Contact the internship coordinator to enroll by reserve card. If the internship is during a semester, you will need 210 hours (15 hours a week) for three credit hours. In addition to working the required number of hours, you must complete the following tasks to receive credit:

  • Provide your own transportation as job sites are off campus.
  • Keep a journal, at least on a weekly basis.
  • Complete an academic project supervised by the internship coordinator. Commonly, a three-to-five page paper is required for three hours of credit, but other options are encouraged.
  • Provide contact information for your internship site supervisor to the internship coordinator. Typically, a job title and an email address will do. Your supervisor will evaluate your performance during the course of the internship. Of course, your work must be satisfactory in order to receive a passing grade.

The internship course is graded on a pass/fail basis. You must complete all requirements and turn in all documentation by the last day of exams of the semester in which you are to receive credit. Incompletes will be awarded only in accordance with Bradley University policy as outlined in the student handbook and undergraduate catalog.

In addition to the internship in political science, the Pre-Law Center offers internship credit for legal internships, such as working for a law firm or assisting a judge. More information about PLW 300 can be found at Undergraduate Catalog.

University rules governing late enrollments apply. Once past the date for dropping and adding classes, you must follow the procedure to add a course.

Summer and January Interim internship credit is available, but the internship must overlap the semester for which you receive credit. Zero hour internship arrangements, with no tuition, can be made through the Smith Career Center.