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Events and Activities

DPT Open House

On Thursday OCTOBER 6 starting at we will host a VIRTUAL Open House event from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The program will consist of several faculty presenting different aspects of the program, the admission committee chair will talk about the application process. You will have time to ask questions.

IMPORTANT- you must register for these events by clicking the link. You must supply a working email.

This open house is limited to college sophomores, juniors, seniors, and to those applying to PT school in the fall of 2022. If you have any questions please email

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2nd Year Class Update

The Bradley University Doctor of Physical Therapy class of 2020 students have accomplished much throughout the 2018 calendar year. From working hard to achieve success in fundamental core classes like orthopedics and neuroanatomy, to completing our first clinical experiences during the summer, we are well on our way to earning our doctorate degrees to practice as licensed physical therapists. Recently, our class put on the annual Gary R. Tippett Hilltop Trot 5k Race and 1 mile walk to fundraise for us to attend outside educational experiences like the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting and to help further prepare us for our licensure exam. Currently, our class is spending time examining treatment methods to best help patients who have neurological pathology or insults like cerebral vascular accidents, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and many other conditions. Much of what we are learning has also been in the context of inpatient rehabilitation or acute care which has begun to prepare many of us for hospital affiliated clinical experiences this upcoming summer. Transitioning into 2019 we look forward to further rounding out our education with spine and cardiopulmonary related classes as we inch closer to our third and final year of graduate education.

1st Year Class Update

The first years are adjusting well enough to the busy workload and fast pace of physical therapy school! We recently completed our first summer classes of Gross and Functional Anatomy. As the only class in the department with didactic courses during the summer, we had a blast having the Department facilities to ourselves and enjoyed getting to know each other in the close-knit environment. Playing sand volleyball and exploring Peoria were a few of the activities we did together to relax and unwind in our free time. With almost eight weeks of the fall semester behind us, we now have the first rounds of exams and hands-on practicals under our belts. Looking ahead, we are beginning to dip our toes into our research projects and specifically currently learning about patient transfers in OUR Foundations of Physical Therapy and beginning to tackle the lower extremity in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy 1. Our research topics are beginning to take form and we are integrating well into the various activities and events the department has to offer.