Lizabeth Crawford

Lizabeth Crawford

Professor of Sociology

    Off Campus


Ph.D., Sociology, Indiana University Bloomington
M.A., Sociology, Indiana University Bloomington
B.A., Sociology and Psychology, Coe College


Lizabeth Crawford is a professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology, Criminology & Social Work. She holds a B.A. in sociology and in psychology from Coe College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology, with a concentration in quantitative methods and a Ph.D. minor in psychology, from Indiana University-Bloomington. Her areas of expertise are social psychology, youth substance use, the sociology of mental health, and applied research and assessment.


The winner of two teaching awards at Bradley, Dr. Crawford regularly teaches the department’s core research methods course and the Sociology Program’s research-oriented capstone seminar, as well as classes on the sociology of mental health and on social psychology.  Her social psychology textbook, Individual and Society:  Sociological Social Psychology (Routledge/Taylor and Francis), is widely used in undergraduate courses on sociological social psychology in the U.S. and internationally.


Dr. Crawford’s research focuses on substance abuse among adolescents and young adults. She has published articles in a number of scholarly journals, including Addictive Behaviors, the Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, the Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, the Journal of Drug Education, and the Journal of Family Issues. During her time at Bradley, she has also mentored many sociology students, overseeing their work on empirical research projects for presentation at Bradley’s Scholarship Exposition and professional conferences. 
Selected Publications
Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Katherine B. Novak. Self and Society:  Sociological Approaches to the Study of Human Social Behavior. New York:  Routledge (anticipated release, May 2013).
Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Katherine B. Novak. “Beliefs about Alcohol and the College Experience, Locus of Self, and College Undergraduates’ Drinking Patterns.”  Forthcoming in Sociological Inquiry.
Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Katherine B. Novak. 2010. “Beliefs about Alcohol and the College Experience as Moderators of the Effects of Perceived Campus Drinking Norms on Levels of Alcohol Use among College Undergraduates.”  Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 54:  69-86.
Novak, Katherine B. and Lizabeth A. Crawford. 2010. “Routine Activities as Determinants of Gender Differences in Delinquency.”  Journal of Criminal Justice 38:  913-920.
Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Katherine B. Novak. 2008. “Parent-Child Relations and Peer Associations as Mediators of the Family Structure – Substance Use Relationship.”  Journal of Family Issues 29:  155-184.
Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Katherine B. Novak. 2007. “Resisting Peer Pressure: Characteristics Associated with Other-Self Discrepancies in College Students’ Levels of Alcohol Consumption.”  Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 51:  35-62.
Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Katherine B. Novak. 2006. “Alcohol Abuse as a Rite of Passage: The Effects of Beliefs about Alcohol and the College Experience on Undergraduates’ Drinking Behaviors.”  Journal of Drug Education 36:  193-212.

Much of Dr. Crawford’s research focuses on the structural roots of drinking on college campuses and on how common activity patterns and peer group norms intersect to shape adolescents’ risk for substance use and other forms of delinquency.  She has published articles on these topics in a variety of scholarly journals within sociology, criminology and related fields. 

Selected Publications

  • Crawford, Lizabeth A., Novak, Katherine B., and Jayasekare, Rasitha R. 2019. “Volunteerism, Alcohol Beliefs, and First-Year College Students’ Drinking Behaviors.” The Journal of Primary Prevention 40(4): 239-448.
  • Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Novak, Katherine B. 2018. “Being with Friends and the Potential for Binge Drinking During the First College Semester.” Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 30(20):79-96.
  • Crawford, Lizabeth A., Novak, Katherine B., and Foston, Amia K. 2018. “Routine Activities and Delinquency: The Significance of Bonds to Society and Peer Context.” Crime & Delinquency 64(4):472-509.
  • Crawford, Lizabeth A. and Novak, Katherine B. 2018. Individual and Society: Sociological Social Psychology (2nd Edition). Routledge/Taylor & Francis.


Dr. Crawford serves on University’s Institutional Review Board as well as on other College and University committees, and she is currently involved in an assessment of students’ experiences at Bradley.  She also reviews manuscripts for journals focusing on substance use, crime and delinquency, and adolescent health.