Emergency Alert

foreWarn Emergency Alert - Weather Closure

Due to winter weather conditions forecasted for the Peoria area, the Bradley University campus will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, and all classes should move to remote learning at their already scheduled times. Campus offices should move to remote work. Most campus facilities will be closed tomorrow. Essential personnel should check with their supervisor for specific instructions. The following will be open on campus: Markin Center - regular operation hours Geisert Hall Dining - regular operation hours, but closing at 8 p.m. Student Center Dining - limited options may be available - will open at 9 a.m., closing at 8 p.m. All other dining operations will be closed. Library - hours will be posted at https://www.bradley.edu/academic/lib/ Men’s Basketball versus Southern Illinois will be played at the scheduled time of 6 p.m. at the Civic Center. Go Braves! See bradley.edu for updates and more information. Click here to view the University Inclement Weather Policy.

Slane College of Communications and Fine Arts

Jeffrey Huberman,

The mission of the Slane College of Communications and Fine Arts shall be the pursuit of excellence in providing distinctive programs and learning environments most conducive to the intellectual, aesthetic, and professional development of its students and faculty. The College also recognizes its centrality to the broader University as a participant in general education and to the larger community, nation, and world as a cultural and communications center. In keeping with this mission, the College offers graduate degrees in the Department of Art and Design, as well as courses in communication and interactive media. A dedicated faculty of professional artist-teachers is committed to providing quality educational opportunities to students desiring post-baccalaureate study.

Gary Will,
Chair, Department of Art

Sarah Glover,
Graduate Advisor and Coordinator

The graduate degree program in art was established in 1948. The program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).


The Mission of the graduate art program is the professional development of individual studio and scholarly abilities, exemplified by the production of a significant body of work. Students admitted to the program demonstrate the potential to engage existing dialogues in the visual arts and address developing technologies and discourses.

Two levels of graduate degrees are offered: a Master of Art in Studio (M.A.) and a terminal graduate degree, Master of Fine Art (M.F.A.), which designates the highest level of academic achievement in studio art. The purpose of these degrees is to prepare students for professional practice in the field of studio art. Through participation in the program, students gain knowledge and insight into historical and contemporary ideas and studio theory and practice.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for graduate degrees in art shall demonstrate a special ability for growth and conceptual development in their area of concentration.

Following are requirements for admission to the program:

  1. Official transcript confirming an undergraduate degree with a major in art, design, or the equivalent, and in fulfillment of requirements of Graduate Education.
  2. Digital images of a cohesive body of work (20 jpeg images at 72 ppi, 1020 pixels on longest side) representing: ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, or visual communication production work.
  3. Three letters of recommendation.
  4. A statement of one’s interests, abilities, and direction in art and/or design. (250 words).
  5. Personal interview with graduate or studio area co-coordinator (recommended).
  6. Application deadlines are August 15 (for spring entrance) and January 15 (for fall entrance) to be assured full consideration.

In some cases, conditional acceptance is possible. Undergraduate study may be necessary where deficiencies exist. Students who already hold a Master of Arts degree in studio art may be admitted to the M.F.A. program (see residency requirements below). For details, consult the department chair or graduate coordinator.

Degree Requirements:

General requirements:

  1. The following studio major concentrations are offered: ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and visual communication.
  2. A residency of 48 semester hours is required for the M.F.A. degree and 24 semester hours for the M.A. degree.
  3. Upon approval student may transfer 6 hours of credit in the major concentration from another accredited institution. The graduate coordinator may recommend acceptance of hours to the Dean of Graduate Education. In rare instances, and upon written approval of the Dean of Graduate Education, more than 6 semester hours may be transferred. But in no instance will Bradley accept more than 12 hours of transfer credit toward a degree.
  4. Undergraduate study may be necessary where deficiencies exist. The graduate faculty will make a collaborative decision regarding courses that fulfill specific deficiencies for the student’s continuation in the program.
  5. Each student is assigned a graduate advisory committee consisting of a major professor in the field and two additional graduate faculty members. The student must work closely with the Graduate Advisor and Coordinator to plan his or her program of study.
  6. Students are eligible to advance to candidacy with an oral and visual presentation to the graduate faculty after completion of 9 hours but before 18 hours.
  7. It is recommended that full-time graduate students take one seminar each semester until the requirement for seminar is completed. Six credits of seminar courses are required.'
  8. Students must pass a written comprehensive examination and deliver an acceptable oral presentation.
  9. Documentation of the student’s thesis exhibition and presentation shall be the responsibility of the student and will become the property of the University.

Master of Arts in Studio Art

The Master of Arts in Studio Art requires a minimum of 33 hours of credit. The degree is offered with a required oral presentation, written comprehensive exam, and exhibit in concentrations of ceramics, drawing, printmaking, painting, sculpture, photography, or visual communications.

The required 33 hours includes at least 15 hours in a primary studio area, 6 hours in graduate studio electives, 3 hours graduate electives, 3 hours in art history and contemporary practice, 3 hours in theory and criticism, and 3 hours credit for thesis exhibition.

M.A. candidates must hold a B.F.A., B.A., B.S. or degree in art equivalent to that offered by Bradley University. Undergraduate courses to remediate deficiencies must be completed but do not apply toward the 33 semester hour graduate degree requirements.

All M.A. students undergo graduate faculty review for advancement to candidacy for M.A. degree after completion of 9 hours but before completion of 18 hours. A written artist’s statement must also be approved and accompany the work at this time.

In consultation with the graduate advisor and thesis committee, M.A. candidates will write a comprehensive exam paper leading to a thesis exhibition. This paper will be based on topics agreed upon between the candidate, the graduate advisor, and graduate committee reflecting issues contained in the body of work presented for the exhibition. The course number, Art 698, is assigned to this written element for which the student earns 3 hours credit.

Course Requirements

Studio (major concentration) - 15 hrs.
Graduate studio electives - 6 hrs.
Graduate electives (must be pre-approved University graduate courses, additional graduate studios, seminars) - 3 hrs.
Seminar in art history or contemporary practices - 3 hrs.
Seminar in theory and criticism - 3 hrs.
Thesis (exhibition) - 3 hrs.

Total: 33 hrs.

Sample plan of study:

Semester 1
Studio (concentration) - 6 hrs.
Seminar - 3 hrs.
Total: 9 hrs.

Semester 2
Studio (concentration) - 6 hrs.
Graduate level elective - 3 hrs.
Seminar or pedagogy - 3 hrs.
Total: 12 hrs.

Semester 3
Studio (concentration) - 6 hrs.
Seminar - 3 hrs.
Art 698 Thesis Exhibition M.A. - 3 hrs.
Total - 12 hrs.

M.A. Total: 33 hrs.

Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art

The Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art requires a minimum of 60 hours of graduate credit (inclusive of M.A. credits). The degree is offered with thesis exhibition and oral defense with concentrations in: ceramics, drawing, printmaking, painting, sculpture, photography, and visual communication.

The required total of 60 hours (inclusive of M.A.) requires at least 18 hours in a concentration area subject, at least 9 hours in secondary studio areas selected from the fields listed above, and at least 6 hours in historical seminar courses focusing on historical and theoretical themes.

M.F.A. students must hold an M.A. in art equivalent to that offered at Bradley University. Transfer credit is decided by faculty review in consultation with Graduate Education.

M.F.A. students will earn 3 hours for a written comprehensive exam that addresses issues of technical, aesthetic, and historical concerns of their work. Culmination of the M.F.A. program will result in the production and exhibit of work and presentation of an oral defense by registering for Art 699.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the M.A. program in a studio area - 33 hrs.

M.A. in Studio Art hours from Bradley are fully transferable to M.F.A.

For M.A. transfer credit from another university, see Bradley University Graduate Catalog.

Course Requirements

Studio concentration - 18 hrs.
Graduate studio electives - 3 hrs.
Graduate electives (must be pre-approved University graduate courses, additional graduate studios, seminars) - 3 hrs.
Thesis (exhibition) - 3 hrs.
M.F.A. program hours - 27 hrs.

M.A. Hours - 33 hrs.

Total Hours Required (Combined M.A., M.F.A.): 60 hrs.

Sample plan of study:

Semester 1:
Studio (concentration) - 3 hrs.
Studio elective - 3 hrs.
Seminar or University graduate elective - 3 hrs.
Total semester hours - 9 hrs.

Semester 2:
Studio (concentration) - 6 hrs.
Studio elective - 3 hrs.
Total semester hours - 9 hrs.

Semester 3:
Studio (concentration) - 6 hrs.
Art 699 Thesis Exhibition M.F.A. - 3 hrs.
Total semester hours - 9 hrs.

This is the official catalog for the 2022-2023 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.