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Manufacturing Engineering


Joseph C Chen, Ph.D., Caterpillar Professor

Graduate Program Coordinator

Manufacturing Engineering

The Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering & Technology offers a Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering (MS MFE) degree. This degree program responds to a wide range of manufacturing and service industry needs. The MS MFE program is designed to provide students with the knowledge to become future leaders, researchers, and facilitators in the fields of utilizing tools such as lean manufacturing and six sigma in optimizing manufacturing processes and systems. The program combines a broad intellectual horizon with the firm technical foundation necessary to meet future challenges in manufacturing and other related industries. The curriculum builds on a solid foundation of manufacturing materials, processes and systems. In conjunction with a hands-on research project, the program integrates knowledge of the science of materials and processes with the products and systems of manufacturing. The department has an excellent material science laboratory equipped with a variety of materials testing equipment as well as a state-of-the-art manufacturing processes laboratory.

The graduates from the Master of Science of Manufacturing Engineering Program at Bradley University will have successful careers based on:

  • Demonstrated ability to recognize high level manufacturing business problems and implement effective solutions for improving enterprise values
  • Demonstrated ability to handle expanded job responsibilities and effectively lead cross-functional teams in design, development, and improvement of products, processes, and systems.
  • Demonstrated ability in advanced study and/or life-long learning in professional advancements and active participation in professional societies.

The courses listed in the following curriculum must be completed to meet the degree requirements for the Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering with a Manufacturing Management or Production Engineering concentration.

Degree Requirements

The program offers students two options: thesis and research project options. Each of these options require a total of 30 credit hours. A minimum grade point average of 3.00 is required for degree completion. The specific requirements for each option are as follows:

Thesis Option

The Recommended for investigating a research problem in depth for at least one semester work:

  • 24 hours of approval course meeting the following requirements:
    •  3 hours from either IME 511 Engineering Statistical Methods or IME 512 Design and Analysis of Experiments
    • 15 hours from the Manufacturing Engineering Technical Elective courses
    • 6 hours from graduate courses from Engineering, Math, Data Science and Analytics Program,or Computer Sciences approved by major advisor.
  • 6 hours IME 699 Thesis
  • Students should work with their advisor and graduate program coordinator to create a course plan by the end of the first semester. The plan lists the courses required for completion of the program. Courses not on the approved plan may not be counted towards the MSMfE degree.
  • Comprehensive assessment: Thesis presentation and demonstrations.

Research Option

  • 27 hours of approval course meeting the following requirements:
    • 3 hours from either IME 511 Probability & Statistics for Analytics or IME 512 Regression and Experimental Design
    • 15 hours from the Manufacturing Engineering Technical Elective courses
    • 9 hours from graduate courses from Engineering, Math, Data Science and Analytics Program, or Computer Sciences approved by major advisor.
  • 3 hours IME 691 Research
  • Students should work with their advisor and graduate program coordinator to create a course plan by the end of the first semester. The plan lists the courses required for completion of the program. Courses not on the approved plan may not be counted towards the MSMfE degree.
  • Comprehensive assessment: Research presentation and demonstrations.

Manufacturing Engineering Technical Elective courses

  • IME 501 Engineering Economy and Costs - 3 hrs.
  • IME 512 Regression and Experimental Design. - 3 hrs.
  • IME 522 Manufacturing Quality Control - 3 hrs.
  • IME 524 Six Sigma Theory and Methodologies - 3 hrs.
  • IME 531 Polymer and Ceramic Materials and Manufacturing - 3 hrs.
  • IME 533 Composite Materials and Manufacturing - 3 hrs.
  • IME 541 Advanced Forming Processes - 3 hrs.
  • IME 543 Advanced Materials Removal Processes - 3 hrs.
  • IME 553 Advanced CAM - 3 hrs.
  • IME 555 Computer Integrated Manufacturing - 3 hrs.
  • IME 560 Principles of Robotic Programming - 3 hrs.
  • IME 563 Process Engineering - 3 hrs.
  • IME 566 Advanced Facility Planning - 3 hrs.
  • IME 581 Cellular Lean Manufacturing Systems - 3 hrs.
  • IME 586 Advanced Logistical Supply Chain Systems - 3 hrs.
  • IME 590 Geometric Modeling - 3 hrs.
  • IME 592 Tribology - 3 hrs.
  • IME 595 Design for Manufacturability - 3 hrs.

This is the official catalog for the 2022-2023 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.