Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr Yufeng Lu, Chair
Dr Jung Wang, Graduate Coordinator
Department Mission: The mission of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is to educate the next generation of electrical and computer engineers to meet the challenges of the future, and empower electrical engineering graduates for immediate and sustained success in their professional practice.
Program Educational Objectives: The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a graduate program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE). The goal of the MSEE program is to enhance the student’s understanding of advanced concepts in core areas of modern electrical and computer engineering and to enrich the student’s design and/or research skills in a specialization of the student’s choice. The MSEE degree program educational objectives (PEOs) are given by
1. To graduate electrical engineers who can design experiments and conduct projects independently.
2. To graduate electrical engineers who understand and employ state-of-the-art software tools for simulation, validation, and implementation of hardware and software.
3. To graduate electrical engineers who can read technical literature, acquire new knowledge, and apply new findings into practice.
4. To educate electrical engineers who will further seek for advanced education in his/her chosen fields.
Program of Study:
Students work closely with the ECE graduate program coordinator to write a program of study best suited to their background and interests. Course sequences, design projects, and research are available in a broad range of areas such as cyber-physical systems, computer engineering, controls and robotics, Internet of Things (IoT) and networking, Machine learning and AI, RF and wireless communication, and signal processing.
Examples of specialization areas with their associated courses are listed below:
Wireless Communication, RF and Signal Processing
ECE 531 - Communication Theory I (3 hours)
ECE 532 - Communication Theory II (3 hours)
ECE 550 - Electromagnetic Theory (3 hours)
ECE 551 - Radio Frequency Circuits and Systems (3 hours)
ECE 552 - Wireless Communication Systems (3 hours)
ECE 553 - Radio Frequency Communications Laboratory (3 hours)
ECE 555 - Optical Fiber Communication (3 hours)
ECE 560 - Digital Signal Processing (3 hours)
ECE 561 - Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing (3 hours)
ECE 566 - Real-time DSP Laboratory (3 hours)
ECE 631 - Advanced Communication Theory (3 hours)
ECE 650 - Advanced Electromagnetic Theory (3 hours)
Controls, Robotics and Mechatronics
ECE 541 - Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (3 hours)
ECE 542 - Advanced Data-Driven Control and Applications (3 hours)
ECE 543 - Distributed Learning Control of Dynamic Systems (3 hours)
ECE 544 - Introduction to Autonomous Robotics (3 hours)
ECE 568 - Introduction to Mechatronics (3 hours)
ECE 574 - Mobile Robot Navigation and Mapping (3 hours)
ECE 630 - Random Variables and Signals (3 hours)
ECE 640 - Dynamic Systems Analysis (3 hours)
ECE 642 - Advanced Control Systems (3 hours)
ECE 643 - Optimal Control Systems (3 hours)
Power Electronics and Alternative Energy
ECE 541 - Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems (3 hours)
ECE 542 - Advanced Data-Driven Control and Applications (3 hours)
ECE 543 - Distributed Learning Control of Dynamic Systems (3 hours)
ECE 545 - Power Electronics Fundamentals (3 hours)
ECE 546 - Power Laboratory (3 hours)
ECE 640 - Dynamic Systems Analysis (3 hours)
ECE 642 - Advanced Control Systems (3 hours)
ECE 643 - Optimal Control Systems (3 hours)
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Digital System Design
ECE 562 - Digital Image Processing (3 hours)
ECE 563 - Medical Imaging (3 hours)
ECE 565 - Engineering Applications of Machine Learning (3 hours)
ECE 580 - Digital Systems: Communication and Interface (3 hours)
ECE 581 - Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis (3 hours)
ECE 582 - Digital Systems: High Level Synthesis and Codesign (3 hours)
ECE 583 - Digital Systems: Microprocessor Architecture and Design (3 hours)
ECE 584 - Digital Systems: Peripheral Architecture and Design (3 hours)
Internet of Thing (IoT), Networking, and Cybersecurity
ECE 570 - Embedded Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming (3 hours)
ECE 571 - Real-time Operating Systems (3 hours)
ECE 572 - Embedded Microcontroller Linux (3 hours)
ECE 573 - Embedded TCP/IP (3 hours)
ECE 574 – Security of Industrial Automation (3 hours)
ECE 580 - Digital Systems: Communication and Interface (3 hours)
ECE 581 - Digital Systems: Design and Synthesis (3 hours)
ECE 582 - Digital Systems: High Level Synthesis and Codesign (3 hours)
In addition, Students may work on special topics in Electrical Engineering to address emerging applications, conduct a research project or work on their thesis with faculty advisor. The ECE department has excellent computer and laboratory facilities to support advanced studies in these areas.
Advanced Topics and Research
ECE 681 - Topics in Electrical Engineering (0-6 hours)
ECE 691 - Research I (0-6 hours)
ECE 699 - Thesis (0-6 hours)
For students in BSEE/MSEE 4+1 program, undergraduates will apply for graduation for their bachelor's degree in the semester that they will achieve 126 credit hours and complete all undergraduate degree requirements. Following graduation with the BSEE degree, students are considered graduate students. Students who are admitted to the BSEE/MSEE program will have up to nine graduate hours taken during the final year of the bachelor's degree dual counted for the BSEE and MSEE Degrees. In the student’s graduating year of their undergraduate program, they will take:
- 9 hours of ECE graduate courses (500-level)
In the remaining two semesters (i.e., Year 5) in the MSEE program, the graduate student will take:
- 21 hours of graduate level courses
- 6 hours of approved elective graduate courses
- At least 3 hours of research experience from ECE691 or ECE699
- The comprehensive exam in the graduating semester
Degree Requirements
Students admitted to the graduate program in Electrical Engineering pursuing an MS degree in Electrical Engineering must meet the general graduation requirements of Bradley graduate programs, and need to complete 30 semester hours of graduate course work. Students work with the MSEE graduate program coordinator to identify a specialization area best suited to their background and interests.
Thesis Option
Recommended for investigating a problem in depth for a semester or more
- 18 hours of approved ECE electives
- at least 9-hours from the student's specialization area
- 6 hours of approved elective graduate courses
- 6 hours of thesis in the student's specialization area
- Comprehensive assessment: Thesis presentation, demonstration, and Thesis
Project Option
Recommended for investigating a problem in depth for a semester
- 21 hours of approved ECE electives
- at least 12-hours from the student's specialization area
- 6 hours of approved elective graduate courses
- 3 hours research project or design project in one of the student's specializations
- Comprehensive assessment: Project presentation, demonstration, and report
Students are required to have at least 3 hr of research experience from ECE691 or ECE699; Students may appeal the research requirement to the graduate coordinator by documenting prior experience. If approved, students will instead take a 3 hr of ECE graduate level course to meet the MSEE degree requirements.
All the courses to be counted towards the MSEE degree must be listed in the student’s Graduate Program of Study. This document must be approved by the ECE graduate program coordinator before completion of their first semester in the MSEE. In addition, students may take up to 6 hours of elective approved graduate level courses from other departments. Request to Change Program of Study form is needed to change the Graduate Program of Study. This request must be filed prior to registering for courses and approved by the ECE graduate program coordinator.
MSEE Program Admission:
- Applicants must submit material described in the general admission requirements of Graduate Education.
- Successful completion of an undergraduate electrical or computer engineering or similar program is required for admission.
- Applicants must have achieved a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework.
- Conditional admission may be given if the student’s last 60-hour GPA is below a 3.0 and above a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. It may also be given if the student’s scores on standardized tests fall below the requirement in the discipline; if the student does not have sufficient undergraduate preparation; or in the judgment of the faculty, the quality of work is not totally acceptable. If undergraduate deficiencies are a cause of conditional admission, the faculty in the discipline shall specify the additional coursework prerequisites and/or a standard of achievement in prescribed coursework which will remove the deficiencies.
- Plans of study are also available for those with non-electrical engineering or non-engineering undergraduate degrees. Further information can be obtained by contacting the ECE graduate program coordinator.
BSEE/MESS 4+1 Program Admission:
- Bradley University Electrical Engineering undergraduates may enroll in the 4 + 1 BSEE/MSEE program while completing their bachelor’s degree.
- Students will be considered for the BSEE/MSEE program during the spring of the student’s junior year (preferred date: April 1) or in fall of the student’s senior year, at the latest.
- Students will not be admitted to the program after the first day of spring semester of their senior year.
- The student must follow the application procedures consistent with application to Graduate Education and the Electrical Engineering Graduate Program with the following exceptions. The student:
- does not need to have completed the bachelor's degree to be admitted to the program,
- has greater than a 3.0 GPA in the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework.
- has a minimum of 79 hours completed at time of admission to the program if admitted before completion of junior year, or 95 hours if admitted at the beginning of the senior year.
- does not need to submit letters of recommendation, essays, transcripts, or test scores
This is the official catalog for the 2023-2024 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.