Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation is the place where Like Minds and Different Majors meet. No matter your career path, a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation can pave the way for you to dream, design, and develop your way to a brighter future! The entrepreneurship and innovation minor (SEI) welcomes all undergraduate students at Bradley University.

Is an entrepreneurship and innovation minor for me?

Yes! Entrepreneurship is the process of discovery, evaluation, and pursuit of opportunities. Innovation is putting ideas into practice. This minor consists of 15 hours; 5 courses; 3 required and 2 of student’s choice. An entrepreneurship and innovation minor is useful for students in all career fields, such as:

  • Fine arts and liberal arts students interested in self-employment or freelancing
  • Science, health science, and engineering students intending to work for innovative companies
  • Students who are passionate about social or environmental issues and want to develop solutions to positively impact their communities
  • Aspiring accountants, lawyers, and doctors, who may start their own practice or have entrepreneurial clients
  • Any student interested in learning about an entrepreneurial mindset and innovative thinking

How will the minor in entrepreneurship and innovation help my career?

Employers seek graduates with enhanced skills in opportunity recognition, problem solving, execution intelligence and creativity. Additionally, many graduates pursue careers as freelancers, relying on their knowledge of entrepreneurial skills to complete projects as they work for themselves. The minor equips you with the right tools to be ready for the workforce.

Minor Requirements

Required Courses - 9 hrs.

  • ENT 280: Entrepreneurial Creativity Fall only
  • SEI 305: Innovation Journey
  • ENT 381: Entrepreneurship for Non-Business Students or ENT 382: Entrepreneurship Startups

Minor Electives - 6 hrs.

  • BLW 347: Law and the Entrepreneur
  • BUS 362: Innovation in Organizations
  • COM 305: The Persuasive Process
  • COM 388: Social Media Communication
  • COM 394: Communication & Conflict Mgmt
  • ENT 281: The Entrepreneurial Career - 1 hour
  • ENT 383: Managing Entrepreneurial Growth
  • ENT 386: Social Entrepreneurship
  • ENT 389: Advanced Topics in Entrep.
  • ENT 482: Entrepreneurial Experience
  • ENT 488: Entrepreneur Internship
  • ENT 499: Independent Study in Entrep.
  • FCS 170: Hospitality Leadership I
  • FCS 270: Special Event Planning
  • I M 113: Introduction to Interactive Media
  • I M 450: Issues in New Media Theory
  • MUS 101: Introduction to Music Business
  • MUS 304: Music Licensing and Contracts
  • SEI 200/300: Topics in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • SEI 210/310: Practicum in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • SEI 330: Intellectual Capital Mgmt Primer
  • THE 223: Theatrical Producing

Or other courses with the consent of the TSEI Academic Director

    Get Stared Today! Contact SEI Advisor, Dr. Jane Talkington at: jatalkington@bradley.edu or call (309) 677-3890 to declare your SEI minor.