Foster College of Business
All programs offered by the Foster College of Business, Bradley University, are accredited by the AACSB International: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
- Courses and Curricula
- Admission and Transfer Requirements
- Graduation Requirements
- Minor in Business Administration
- Minor in Business Studies
- Business Undecided Program (BUS-UBS)
- Global Scholars Program
- Turner Center for Entrepreneurship
Mission And Vision
Vision Statement
To be the standard for engagement, innovation, and impact in business higher education.
Mission Statement
Through close interaction and experiential learning, we empower individuals and organizations to achieve great outcomes.
Our Values
In everything we do, we value integrity, persistence, innovation, collaboration, impact, growth, diversity, and risk taking.
Distinctive Competencies
Faculty who are scholar/educators, utilization of experiential learning, expertise in providing business acumen to technical professionals.
Courses And Curricula
The courses and curricula of the Foster College of Business are derived from the mission and objectives of the College. There are three categories of courses that enable the College to fulfill its mission: Bradley Core Curriculum (BCC) courses, College core courses, and courses in the major areas offered by the College.
We believe that a general education is critical for preparing students for business careers, and business majors must complete BCC requirements, which can be found in the All-University Degree Requirements section of this catalog. BCC emphasizes eight "Areas of Inquiry" that will develop communication skills and more deeply engage the student in the process of intellectual growth. The student chooses from a list of approved courses.
The second part of the curriculum is the common core of business courses required of all Foster College of Business graduates. This core provides an understanding of the dynamics of the firm, introduces students to the business functions of organizations, develops an understanding of how business and society interact, and gives a view of policy-making in firms. The core curriculum, along with general education courses, helps to develop the analytical skills business professionals must have.
The third category of courses is derived from the College’s mission and objectives and consists of courses in the student’s major. Majors are offered in accounting, actuarial science-business, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, international business, management and leadership, management information systems, and marketing. Courses in the major help develop the abilities and skills necessary in entry-level jobs. These courses provide a background that allows for maximum professional growth in whatever profession the student chooses.
Students who choose to double major in the Foster College of Business must complete requirements for both majors and must have at least 18 unique hours in courses in their second major that were not used to fulfill the requirements of their first major.
Because knowledge, organizations, and societies are dynamic, the College stresses adaptability and flexibility. Students should anticipate that courses in the core curriculum and in the major will change and evolve as circumstances warrant. All students in the College are assigned a faculty advisor who should be consulted regularly so that a coherent course of study may be developed.
Admissions And Transfer Requirements
- Students interested in applying for admission to the Foster College of Business must contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at Bradley University. All students must meet the university entrance requirements to be admitted to the college.
- Students currently registered at Bradley University who are interested in declaring a major or minor in business need to contact the Associate Dean.
Freshmen and transfer students who elect the AEP Program or a major in another college may change into the Foster College of Business during their first year if they have met the entrance requirements of the Foster College of Business at the time of their admission to the University. Freshmen and transfer students who did not meet the admission requirements at the time of their entry into the University may change into the College after completing MTH 114, MTH 115, or MTH 121, earning a "C" or better in ATG 157, and earning a cumulative GPA of 2.00 and earning a 2.00 GPA in business courses.
Students who are transferring from an AACSB-accredited school may transfer upper-level business courses for credit.
- Junior/senior-level business core courses or courses required in a business major taken on the freshman or sophomore level at another institution will not transfer into the Foster College of Business.
- Business courses transferred from other institutions with the grade of “D” will not be accepted by the Foster College of Business.
- The legal environment of business requirement may be satisfied by transfer students who have completed a legal environment course at a college or university that is not AACSB accredited provided that the course has been approved for transfer credit by the Foster College of Business. Once a student is enrolled at Bradley University, this course may only be transferred to the Foster College of Business from AACSB-accredited schools.
- Students electing to take courses at another accredited institution to apply toward credit to meet graduation requirements assume the responsibility for the transferability of the credit. Students must get pre-approval from their department chair and dean of the college before enrolling in a course to be taken at another school. The student is also responsible for requesting an official transcript be sent to the Registrar’s Office once the course is completed.
Permission will be given to take junior/senior business courses only at AACSB-accredited schools.
The appropriate form may be obtained in the Foster College of Business.
Graduation Requirements
Courses of Instruction
Courses numbered 100 to 199 are primarily for freshmen; those numbered 200-299 are for sophomores; those numbered 300-499 are open only to juniors and seniors, although students with 42 hours may take the 300-level gateway course into their declared first business major. Courses numbered 500-599 are open only to graduate students and undergraduate students with consent of the Associate Dean. Courses numbered 600-699 are open only to graduate students.
Curriculum Requirements
Students who maintain continuous enrollment and who complete work toward the baccalaureate degree within five years from the date of entry may graduate under either the catalog in effect at the time of entrance or under the catalog in effect at the time of graduation. A change in major could mean meeting new requirements in force at the time of the change as a condition for acceptance into that major. Students whose work has been interrupted for one or more semesters may be held to requirements in effect at the time of their re-enrollment.
University Requirements
Bradley Core Curriculum
Bradley Core (Quantitative Reasoning) - the courses offered by Bradley that will satisfy the Foster College of Business mathematics requirements are:
- MTH 114 Applied Finite Mathematics, or
- MTH 115 Brief Calculus with Applications I, or
- MTH 121 Calculus I
The third option, MTH 121, is slightly more rigorous, and should be selected by students with a strong background in math who are planning a career in one of the more quantitative areas of business or future graduate study.
Math Placement
The specific math course sequence that must be taken by a student is determined on an individual basis. The program presented here is designed to accommodate the typical student, but students may discuss appropriate alternatives with their advisors. A student’s previous mathematical experience and performance on proficiency exams are used to establish an appropriate sequence. If a student has satisfied the entrance requirements and achieves an SAT math score over 580 or an ACT math score over 27, it is recommended that he or enroll in MTH 121. Students who have satisfied entrance requirements and achieved an SAT math score over 480 or an ACT math score over 23 are eligible to enroll directly in MTH 115, but not in MTH 121. To enroll in MTH 114, students need the sum of the mathematics ACT score and the mathematics placement exam score to be at least 45. Students who do not meet these requirements may be admitted to the College with a math deficiency. They must take prerequisite courses as specified by the Mathematics Department. CLEP general mathematics credit will not be accepted in lieu of the required mathematics courses nor does the College grant any credit toward graduation for CLEP in mathematics. Students will not receive credit toward the required hours for graduation for Intermediate Algebra (MTH 100 at Bradley) or for math courses not requiring at least Intermediate Algebra as a prerequisite. Similarly these courses and CLEP mathematics will not be accepted for credit toward the BCC requirement.
- Social and Behavioral Science requirement may be fulfilled by successfully completing ECO 221 and ECO 222, which are required in the business core.
- The Multidisciplinary Integration requirement may be fulfilled by successfully completing M L 452 and BUS 400
- The remaining BCC courses are explained elsewhere in the All-University Degree Requirements section of this catalog.
Junior/Senior hours – 40
College Requirements – 47 hours
College Core
- BUS 100 Contemporary Business - 3 hrs.
- ATG 157 Accounting Principles – Financial - 3 hrs.
- ATG 158 Accounting Principles – Managerial - 3 hrs.
- MIS 173 Information Systems Business Applications - 3 hrs.
- ECO 221 Principles of Microeconomics - 3 hrs.
- ECO 222 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 hrs.
- M L 250 Interpersonal Effectiveness in Organizations - 2 hrs.
- QM 262 Quantitative Analysis I - 3 hrs.
- MTG 315 Principles of Marketing - 3 hrs.
- FIN 322 Business Finance - 3 hrs.
- BLW 342 Legal Environment of Business - 3 hrs.
- M L 350 Managing for Results in Organizations - 2 hrs.
- BUS 400 Business Capstone Client Consulting Project - 2 hrs.
- M L 452 Strategic Management and Business Policy - 2 hrs.
- Quantitative Skill Building – 3 hrs.
- QM 263 Quantitative Analysis II - 3 hrs.
- ECO 335 Managerial Economics - 3 hrs.
- M L 353 Operations Management - 3 hrs.
- Foster College of Business Core Electives – 6 hrs.*
* Foster College of Business Core Electives include any business course beyond the student's first major.
Other Requirements
- Students must complete 124 hours to receive a degree in business.
- At least one-half of all required business credit hours must be taken at Bradley University.
- A minimum of 15 hours of Foster College of Business junior/senior courses must be taken at Bradley University.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 (C) must be earned in all courses taken at Bradley University and in courses taken in the Foster College of Business.
- It is the student’s responsibility to meet all university academic, financial, and administrative requirements and procedures as outlined elsewhere in this Catalog.
Minor In Business Administration
In order to serve non-business students interested in eventually obtaining an M.B.A., or who desire a limited background in business in order to facilitate their personal career plans, the Foster College of Business offers a minor in Business Administration. The following requirements must be met:
- ATG 157, 158 Accounting Principles - 6 hrs.
- ECO 221/100, 222 Principles of Economics - 6 hrs.
- Q M 262 Quantitative Analysis I - 3 hrs.
- FIN 322 Business Finance - 3 hrs.
- BLW 342 Legal Environment of Business - 3 hrs.
- M L 350 Managing for Results in Organizations - 2 hrs.
- MTG 315 Principles of Marketing - 3 hrs.
Total Hours: 26
Students must achieve a GPA of 2.0 (C) in the Foster College of Business hours required in the minor. Students must successfully complete at least the equivalent of MTH 114. A minimum of 15 hours for the minor must be taken at Bradley University, including FIN 322, M L 350, and MTG 315. Written approval must be obtained from the Dean of the Foster College of Business prior to taking any business courses at another institution.
Students who elect to minor in Business Administration must declare their intention by completing the appropriate forms in the Foster College of Business. Students must have a declared major and minimum of a 2.0 grade point average. Students are strongly advised to complete this math requirement in their first two years. Students who minor in Business Administration must meet the requirements for the minor in force at the time the minor is declared. Students who desire to minor in business administration must be approved by the Dean of the Foster College of Business prior to enrolling in the program. The dean must also approve recording the completion of the minor on the transcript. Transfer policies for minors are the same as those for majors. Please refer to Section 5 above.
Minor In Business Studies
The business studies minor incorporates basic courses from most fields of business, thereby giving non-business students an understanding of basic business theories and practices. The minor provides non-business students with a firm foundation in general business studies, thereby enhancing their attractiveness to prospective employers and preparing them for further professional studies. The minor includes 20 semester hours, described below:
- ATG 157 Accounting Principles - 3 hrs.
- M L 350 Managing for Results in Organizations - 2 hrs.
- MTG 315 Principles of Marketing - 3 hrs.
- FIN 322 Business Finance - 3 hrs.
- ECO 221 Principles of Microeconomics or ECO 100 Intro. to Economics - 3 hrs.
- 6 hours of additional business course work.
The following courses cannot be counted toward the 6 hours: BUS 220, BUS 301.
Total Hours: 20
Note: 12 of 20 hours used to satisfy the minor must be completed at Bradley.
Minor in Innovation Through Collaboration
Students learn the processes to generate, test, and launch new technological innovations in the market through collaboration with business industry and entrepreneurs. While this minor is open to students from all Bradley majors it is designed to draw on the collaboration of technology innovation and business that stimulate the global economy. The minor includes a minimum of 15 semester hours, described below:
Required courses (6 hours):
- BUS 361 Collaboration in Organizations - 3 hours
- BUS 362 Innovations in Organizations - 3 hours
Foundation courses (4-6 hours):
- ATG 157 Accounting Principles – Financial - 3 hours
- ATG 158 Accounting Principles – Cost Management - 3 hours
- ECO 100 Introduction to Economics or ECO 221 Principles of Microeconomics - 3 hours
- ECO 222 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 hours
- M L 250 Interpersonal Effectiveness in Organizations - 2 hours
- MTG 315 Principles of Marketing - 3 hours
- FIN 322 Business Finance - 3 hours
- M L 350 Managing for Results in Organizations - 2 hours
Capstone Courses (4-5 Hours):
Foster College of Business
- BUS 400 Senior Consulting Project - 2 hours and BUS 401 Senior Consulting Project II - 3 hours
Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology
Certain sections of capstone courses deemed to demonstrate collaboration with the approval of the College of Engineering and Technology Dean’s Office, such as:
- CON 493 Senior Project Planning - 1 hour and 498 Senior Project - 3 hours
- C E 493 Civil Engineering Design Project - 1 hour and 498 Civil Engineering Design Project II - 3 hours
- ECE 498 Senior Capstone Project I - 2 hours and 499 Senior Capstone Project I - 3 hours
- IME 499 Senior Industrial Project - 4 hours
- IMT 498 Senior Industrial Project - 4 hours
- M E 410 Mechanical Engineering Senior Project I - 2 hours and M E 411 Mechanical Engineering Senior Project II - 2 hours
Total hours: 15-17
Business Undecided Program – BUS-UBS
This program is for students who want to major in the Foster College of Business but are undecided as to which curriculum to pursue. Students must meet admission requirements for entrance into the Foster College of Business. Students must choose a major by the first semester of their junior year by completing the appropriate form available from the Foster College of Business Undergraduate Advising Coordinator.
Global Scholars Program
Students enrolled in the Foster College of Business have an opportunity to earn the designation of Global Scholar in recognition of achievement in global business studies. The FCB Global Scholars designation may be earned in conjunction with any degree and major within the Foster College of Business. Requirements of the Global Scholars Program do not necessarily add to total credits necessary for graduation.
Coursework for the Global Scholars Program has been designed to broaden student perspectives by providing enhanced preparation for careers in a global marketplace. Topics and issues taught both on the Bradley campus and in international environments will develop within students a capacity to assess international business opportunities and to understand business in the context of different cultures.
The Global Scholars Program provides:
- Recognition by the dean of the college and citation at the Foster College of Business Honors Banquet
- Recognition on the student’s transcript as having achieved the Global Scholars designation
- Opportunity to study abroad as early as a student’s sophomore year with introductory study abroad programs in China or India
- A program logo for student use on resumes and in Smith Career Center files
- Seminars with experienced international business leaders
- Social interaction with guest speakers, Bradley alumni, and international students
The Turner Center For Entrepreneurship
The establishment of the Robert and Carolyn Turner Center for Entrepreneurship builds on the Foster College of Business’s historic strength in small business administration and family business. For nearly 30 years, the College has provided business training and technical assistance to start-up and existing businesses through counseling and training programs. The Turner Center brings together all of Bradley’s educational, research, and related resources and services to help entrepreneurs and family businesses create more successful businesses and to teach entrepreneurship skills to students. Programs and services include:
- Bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship is offered through the Department of Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Law.
- Senior Consulting Project Program allows teams of senior-level business students to serve as consultants on business-related projects, including marketing research, international trade, e-business, and organizational and operational issues.
- Turner Center Lecture Series brings prominent entrepreneurs, authors, and academics to meet with students and speak to the campus community.
- Entrepreneurship practicums involve MBA/MSA students and faculty in conducting projects for local entrepreneurs.
- Services that assist area businesses include: International Trade Center, NAFTA Opportunity Center, Asia Trade Center, Family Business Forum, and Small Business Development Center.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.