Sociology and Anthropology Courses
ANT 101 - The Anthropological Perspective
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Introduction to field of cultural anthropology and its unique perspective for the study of human culture and societies. Examines modes of social organization and dimensions of culture worldwide. Students are introduced to the diversity of human cultures and to anthropological theories and methods through ethnographic examples drawn from a variety of non-Western cultures. Focuses on processes and institutions of enculturation, including linguistic, economic, kinship, religious, political, and aesthetic practices. Considers the processes of culture change and the effects of colonialism and globalization on these processes.
ANT 102 - Introduction to Physical Anthropology
(3 hours)
Examines fundamental aspects of the physical nature of humans and human variability. Selectively reviews the long record of human biological adaptations that have existed from the appearance of the earliest hominids up to the development of anatomically modern forms. Topics include principles and mechanisms of evolution, human variation and adaptability, non-human primate behavior,
ANT 303 - Culture & Belief: Magic, Witchcraft, Religion
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Introduces students to the anthropology of religion, examining the relationship between culture and belief in a cross-cultural perspective and exploring a variety of religious experiences from different cultures around the world, with an emphasis on small-scale and non-Western societies. The course also examines beliefs in magic, witchcraft, and sorcery; animism; ritual; possession and trance; the intersection of belief and healing; religious syncretism and the impact of colonialism on religious belief. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 101 or ANT 101.
ANT 305 - Peoples and Cultures of the World
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Examines the cultural and structural features of a particular region of the globe or a specific cultural group. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the processes and institutions of enculturation, and examine the effects of colonialism and globalization on the processes of cultural change. Topics will vary by semester and will be stated in the semester schedule of classes. Geographic foci will include, among others, Asia, Latin America, and indigenous Australia. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 semester hours. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 101 or ANT 101.
ANT 306 - Illness and Healing in Cross-Cultural Perspective
(3 hours)
Introduces medical anthropology and the social aspects of health, illness, and healing in different cultures. Considers the interaction between 'traditional' healing systems and biomedicine in developing nations and among transnational populations. Explore Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 101 or ANT 101.
ANT 314 - Indigenous Peoples
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Analysis of the experiences of indigenous peoples around the world. Focus on social, cultural and historical patterns, with an examination of the effects of colonialism and globalization. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or ANT 101; or consent of instructor.
ANT 402 - Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods
(3 hours)
The purpose of this class is to learn what ethnographic and qualitative research is and how ethnographers and qualitative researchers work. Students will read and discuss a variety texts on methodological issues; read and critique ethnographic texts; and engage in qualitative research by designing a mini-research project, carrying it out, analyzing data, and writing it up. Topics covered include research questions and design, ethics and informed consent, ethnographic representation and responsibility, theoretical and practical concerns about fieldwork and participant observation, field notes, interviews and life histories, processing and analyzing data, and writing up research results. Prerequisite: SOC 101 or ANT 101; and Anthropology minor or Sociology major
ANT 403 - Anthropology Senior Project
(1-3 hours)
Special study of individual topics in anthropology with faculty supervision. Primarily for Anthropology Minors. Prerequisite: ANT 101; or instructor consent.
SOC 100 - The Sociological Perspective
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. SB
Sociological insight into study of humans, society, and culture.
SOC 200 - Sociology Proseminar
(1 hour)
Overview of the discipline of sociology. Focus on specializations within the field, possible career paths, and options for graduate study. Introduction to discipline-specific research and writing skills. Discussion of faculty members' ongoing research activities. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Major in sociology or consent of instructor.
SOC 205 - Immigration: People, Place and Power
(3 hours)
Core Curr. MI,SB
This course examines the origins and outcomes of international immigration. Using perspectives and evidence from the social sciences, the natural sciences, and the humanities, we consider issues including the complex social and environmental factors that drive immigration; state, popular and media responses to immigration; and the effects of immigration, both for immigrants and for the nations they leave and enter. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 210 - Sociology of Families
(3 hours)
Examination of the notion of the U.S. American family from a sociological perspective. Focus on perceptions of the family throughout U.S. American history, in mass media, and in relation to public policy; the historical transformation of families; the diverse and changing aspects of families; and the impact of social change and problems on the families of U.S.A. Emphasis on how society and the economic system affect families. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 211 - Contemporary Social Problems
(3 hours)
Sociological analysis of current social problems in the U.S.: poverty, racism, sexism, agism, medical care, the environment, population, urban disorganization, crime, juvenile delinquency, alcoholism, drug addiction, family disorganization, and mental illness. Use of different perspectives promotes a broad understanding of the study of social problems. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 212 - Sociology of Diversity
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. CD
Analyzes nature, forms, and problems of social "diversity" with emphasis on patterns of difference and commonality, advantage, and disadvantage in the area of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and physical disability. A particular focus will be on ways inequalities in wealth, education, employment, health, the criminal justice system, popular culture, and the political process are reproduced and challenged in contemporary societies.
SOC 240 - Research Methods
(3 hours)
Social research methods: research design and models of observation, including single subject and program evaluation, quantitative and qualitative methods, sampling techniques, questionnaire construction, types of surveys, measurement problems, and data analysis. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 300 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives On Gender
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Examines the construction of gender in non-western societies, concentrating on the way gender shapes and is shaped by power relations in these societies. Prerequisite: SOC 100, ANT 101, or consent of instructor.
SOC 311 - Comparative Family Systems
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. NW
Core Curr. GP WC
Comparative study of non-Western family systems, with a focus on cross-cultural differences and the potential conflicts of migration. Varying focus on families of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Prerequisite: SOC 100, ANT 101, or consent of instructor.
SOC 312 - Social Inequality
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. SB
Inequality in income, wealth, prestige, and power. Theories explaining roots of and changes in inequality. Emphasis on the U.S.; variations in the extent and forms of inequality across different nations. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 313 - Race, Ethnicity, and Power
(3 hours)
Core Curr. WI,SB
Analysis of dominant-minority group relations. The emergence and dynamic of racism. Exploration of the experience of various ethnic and "racial" groups. Prerequisite: SOC 100, SOC 212 or consent of instructor
SOC 315 - Gender and Society
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. SB
An examination of gender as a system of stratification, as a social construction, and as a system of meaning which changes trans-historically and differs cross-culturally. Focus on structural and interactional aspects of gender inequality, as well as the relationship between gender and other social hierarchies, including class, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexuality. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or instructor consent.
SOC 316 - Sociology of Work and Occupations
(3 hours)
The organization of work, occupational processes, and experiences of workers with a focus on the manufacturing industry and the impact of technology on the structure of work; the rise of the service sector; the emergence of temporary and contract work; professions and professionalization; workplace inequality; and the intersection of gender, family, and work. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 320 - Social Theory
(3 hours)
Development of contemporary social thought from its Euro- American roots. Covers major strands of both classic and contemporary social theory. Prerequisite: SOC Major, SOC Minor, or consent of Instructor.
SOC 321 - Individual and Society
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. HP
Various philosophical conceptions of the relationship between the individual and social order; nature and status of individuality in the modern world. Emphasis on critical evaluation of influential systems of thought: Marxism, phenomenology, and critical theory. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 322 - Self and Social Interaction
(3 hours)
Focus on relationship between individuals and the broader society, the formation of personality, and group influences on human perception and behavior. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or instructor consent.
SOC 325 - Environmental Sociology
(3 hours)
Core Curr. SB
This course introduces students to the social causes and consequences of environmental problems and the conflicting interests and power dynamics that make sustainable solutions difficult to find and implement. The course begins by examining a range of philosophical perspectives on the relationship between Humans and Nature, followed by a brief survey of the range and extent of current environmental crises. We will then focus on four macro-sociological causes of environmental harm worldwide: international development, modern agriculture, armed violence, and energy production. Special attention will be paid to the linkages between environmental harm and political and economic inequality.
SOC 326 - Sociology of Globalization
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Analysis of the process of global integration and its impact on communities, social institutions, and culture. Emphasis on theories of social change and social conflict over the nature and pace of globalization and its impact on non-Western societies. Focus on social class, ethnicity, gender, media, religion, the environment, and social problems confronting non-Western Societies. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 330 - Perspectives On Deviance
(3 hours)
Analysis of the concept and nature of deviance and its various forms, with emphasis on various theoretical perspectives on nature and causation of deviance. Prerequisite: SOC 100.
SOC 331 - Correctional Policies and Society
(3 hours)
Analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of corrections, concepts of punishment and treatment, and their variations in practice. Includes analysis and evaluation of specific alternatives: prisons, probation, treatment centers, and sentencing. Prerequisite: SOC 100.
SOC 332 - Juvenile Delinquency
(3 hours)
Analysis of the nature and origin of juvenile delinquency within an historical and theoretical context with emphasis on causation of delinquency and evaluation of different responses to it. Prerequisite: SOC 100.
SOC 333 - Sociology of Violence
(3 hours)
Sociological analysis of the concept and nature of violence in a macro and micro setting, its various manifestations, and evaluation of responses to it. Prerequisite: SOC 100.
SOC 334 - Crime and Society
(3 hours)
Analysis of the concept and nature of crime, the relationship between social structures, social institutions, and crime with a focus on social forces and social controls involved in the creation of crime. Prerequisite: SOC 100.
SOC 341 - Medical Sociology
(3 hours)
Application of a critical perspective to the institution of medicine. Focus on epidemiology, the social construction of illness, and current healthcare trends. Prerequisite: SOC 100, ANT 101, or consent of instructor.
SOC 342 - Social Policy
(3 hours)
Focuses on the major institutions of social structure, such as education, family, government, healthcare, work, and the legal system. Investigates why social policies are developed, how social policy is implemented, and the direct and indirect effects of policy. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 343 - Sociology of Mental Health
(3 hours)
Emphasis on social, cultural, and political factors involved in the definition and control of mental illness. Topics include labeling theory, the impact of status characteristics and social relationships on levels of stress, and legal and ethical issues associated with current modes of treatment. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 344 - Social Movements
(3 hours)
In some contexts, social movements have been considered legitimate political actors; in others, treacherous and subversive. Always they constitute a potential threat to those in power. When do movements emerge and how are they organized? How and when can they successfully bring about social change? We will examine key aspects of social movement theory and practice against the backdrop of a number of important American and international movements that have emerged in the last half century, such as the American civil rights, women's, environmental, and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 70s, the current "Fight for 15" and Black Lives Matter movements, and the global justice, autonomist, and Occupy movements internationally. Prerequisite:
SOC 345 - People, Power, and Politics
(3 hours)
This course will introduce students to major themes, concepts, and debates in political sociology. Focus is on the relations of power between the State and other collective actors in society (e.g. interest groups, political parties, social classes, and social movements), with an emphasis on key axes of contention in US politics today, such as: the political power of corporations; the separation of church and state; political parties, polarization, and congressional gridlock; the trade-off between liberty and equality in free market, socialist, and social democratic systems; taxation and the role of the State in addressing social inequality; and the tension between national security and civil/human rights. Prerequisite:
SOC 346 - Sociology of Education
(3 hours)
Focus on the institution of education and its relationship to the broader society within which it is situated. Emphasis on the ways in which schools reproduce and challenge prevailing economic, social and political relationships; the link between schools and societal stratification; and sociological perspectives on contemporary educational reform. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 390 - Topics in Sociology
(3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under a different topic for maximum of 9 hrs. credit. Prerequisite: SOC 100, SOC 101, or consent of instructor.
SOC 391 - Internship in Applied Sociology
(3 hours)
Supervised work in applied settings; study of practical problems from the perspective of the discipline. Prerequisite: Prior arrangement, consent of Department Chair. SOC 391 is prerequisite for SOC 392.
SOC 392 - Internship in Applied Sociology
(3 hours)
Supervised work in applied settings; study of practical problems from the perspective of the discipline. Prerequisite: Prior arrangement, consent of Department Chair. SOC 391 is prerequisite for SOC 392.
SOC 420 - Critical Theory
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. HP
Introduction to influential social theorists affiliated with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. Emphasis on their critique of social and cultural forms of domination in Western democracies, the question of revolutionary agency, and possibilities for emancipatory social change. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or consent of instructor.
SOC 450 - Senior Seminar in Sociology
(3 hours)
Students will have the opportunity to synthesize and integrate perspectives from their sociology courses and apply these perspectives to real-world social problems. Prerequisite: Major in sociology, senior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 490 - Directed Readings
(1-3 hours)
Special study on topics with faculty supervision. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
SOC 491 - Directed Research I
(1-3 hours)
Empirical research with faculty supervision. Prerequisite: 3.5 GPA in Sociology and consent of instructor.
SOC 492 - Directed Research II
(1-3 hours)
Extended individual research with faculty supervision. Prerequisite: 3.5 GPA in Sociology and consent of instructor.
This is the official catalog for the 2018-2019 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.