Education, Counseling, and Leadership Courses
ENC 200 - Introduction to Leadership Studies
(3 hours)
Interdisciplinary introduction to leadership theory and development of student leadership skills and experience. Students study theories of leadership development grounded in varied academic disciplines and apply the theoretical framework to case studies and to live leadership presentations. This is the required initial course for the Minor in Leadership Studies.
ENC 276 - Theory and Practice of Career And Life Planning
(3 hours)
Current theory and practice of career and life planning; personal applications.
ENC 300 - Advanced Leadership
(3 hours)
Advanced leadership theories and the development of leadership skills will be developed and discussed. Students study theories of leadership development grounded in varied academic disciplines and apply the theoretical framework to case studies and to live leadership presentations. Prerequisite: ENC 200
ENC 301 - Planning Employment Strategy
(1 hour)
Prepares students for finding internships and full-time employment after graduation. Develops a systematic approach to long-term career planning including occupational research, organizational research, and practice of job-seeking skills. Pass/Fail.
ENC 305 - Service Learning: Outreach & Engagement
(1-3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
A service learning experience administered by The Lewis J. Burger Center for Student Leadership and Public Service in collaboration with the Education, Counseling, and Leadership department. Not intended to satisfy departmental or major program requirements. Course may be repeated for a total of 3 hours credit with a combined total of 3 hours available for all service learning experiences. The number of hours awarded for the service learning assignment will be dependent upon the number of total hours worked during the semester. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite:
ENC 370 - Human Relations Development-Techniques
(2 hours)
Basic literature, research findings, and techniques of the lay and professional helper; effect of the lay helper on human relations. Prerequisite: PSY 101 (or PSY 104) or ETE 225, or consent of instructor. Corequisite: ENC 375
ENC 375 - Human Relations Development Laboratory
(1 hour)
Supplemental practice sessions and exercises in skills of EHC 370. To be taken concurrently with EHC 370 CoRequisite: ENC 370
ENC 380 - Independent Study
(1-3 hours)
Individual study and investigation through selected readings, discussion, and/or written assignments. Students select subject of study with advisor approval. May be repeated up to a maximum of 3 credit hours.
ENC 381 - Seminar in Leadership
(1-6 hours)
Special topics or current issues related to leadership in various fields. May be repeated under different topics to a maximum of six hours.
ENC 384 - Topics in Counseling
(1-3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of three hours credit.
ENC 440 - Interpersonal Relations and Communications in Education
(2 hours)
Principles and procedures for building effective relationships and communications among teachers, students, parents, school personnel, and others. Emphasis on practical concepts and skill building. Opportunities for extensive practice and evaluation of skills. Simulated experience in staffings, parent conferences, and other important interactions.
ENC 486 - Leadership Practicum
(3 hours)
Provides an opportunity to apply leadership concepts discussed in the classroom through involvement, volunteerism, and interaction with leaders from the surrounding community. Prerequisite: ENC 200, ENC 300.
ENC 510 - Statistical Procedures
(3 hours)
Principles and procedures for statistical interpretation of data. Study of measures and control tendency, variability, correlation, and introductory predictive and inferential statistics.
ENC 530 - Loss and Grief Counseling
(1 hour)
Offers students the opportunity to understand the beliefs about loss and grief, blockers, and interventions. Students will identify the different types of losses. Loss and grief seem to underlie all life experience, and culture and gender influence how we grieve and mourn. Integration of neurocounseling into the grief process is discussed.
ENC 540 - Human Growth and Development
(3 hours)
Studies that provide an understanding of the nature and needs of persons at all developmental levels and in multicultural contexts, including common theories, neurobiological behavior, models of resiliency, exceptional abilities, factors that affect normal and abnormal behavior, and wellness over the life span. Experiential activities emphasize personal contact and on-site work with people of different ages and stages of physical and psychological development.
ENC 550 - Independent Study
(1-6 hours)
Independent study in a selected area related to educational goals.
ENC 551 - Substance Abuse Counseling
(2 hours)
Theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors, including strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment.
ENC 580 - Nonprofit Financial Leadership
(3 hours)
Provides students with a comprehensive overview of financial management related to nonprofit organizations. Topics include various budgeting systems and other financial management tools; service costing and the linking of costs to performance measures; fee setting; and government contracting.
ENC 581 - Topics in Nonprofit Leadership
(1-3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of six hours credit.
ENC 582 - Grant Writing in Nonprofit Leadership
(3 hours)
This course is designed to provide an introduction to grant writing and methods for writing grant proposals. Students will learn to critique, research, and write grant proposals. Emphasis will be placed upon organization of a grant writing campaign and preparation of a complete proposal package.
ENC 583 - Supervision and Employee Engagement in Nonprofit Leadership
(3 hours)
Focuses on the recruitment, selection, and engagement of employees within the context of mission in nonprofit organizations.
ENC 584 - Topics in Human Development Counseling
(1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of six hours credit.
ENC 585 - Understanding Schools: A Primer for Non-Teachers
(2 hours)
Intended for non-teachers seeking state licensure as a school counselor. This course is a combined survey and field observation experience. Students will learn about the structure, organization, and operation of the US educational system, P-12. Using current neuroscience and neurocounseling research on teaching and learning students are introduced to concepts in curriculum and instruction, to include reading methods and reading in the content areas. Prerequisite:
ENC 586 - Counseling Diverse Populations
(3 hours)
Students are introduced to value systems and diverse groups and the use of theories and models of diversity in establishing effective helping relationships.
ENC 604 - Research Methodology and Applications
(3 hours)
Research methods, statistical analysis, needs assessment, and program evaluation utilized in counseling, education, and human service administration. The use of research to inform evidence-based and ethical practice in decision making is emphasized.
ENC 605 - Legal and Social Change
(3 hours)
Analysis of the effects of legal and social change on lives of young people and on the work of educators and other helping professionals; focus on selected issues of legal and social change with diverse populations.
ENC 606 - Interpersonal Behavior & Organizational Leadership
(3 hours)
Theory and practice related to interpersonal communication, organizational behavior, and leadership are addressed. Students analyze the neuroanatomy of leadership on four levels: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship Leadership skills are developed in the context of mentoring, conflict resolution, and work group dynamics.
ENC 607 - Neurocounseling: Bridging Brain and Behavior
(3 hours)
This introductory neurocounseling course will teach students how physiology and the brain affect behavior and emotions and thus impact counseling. Concise self-regulation methods and strategies for integration into counseling will be offered.
ENC 608 - Brain-Based Counseling Interventions
(2 hours)
Students will become skilled in neurocounseling interventions supported by current research findings. Through experiential activities, discussion, research, and reflections, students will interactively explore interventions designed to support healthy brain plasticity and bridge counseling skills to the brain's physiology and function. Interventions such as mindfulness, meditation, neurotherapy, neurofeedback, and other strategies for self-regulation will be demonstrated, discussed, and practiced.
ENC 610 - Survey in Nonprofit Leadership
(3 hours)
An introduction to the roles and responsibilities of administrators in nonprofit organizations. Trends in nonprofit service delivery, including organizational leadership and culture, human resource management, financial management, strategic planning, working with boards, marketing and public relations, social service partnership and collaboration.
ENC 611 - Instructional Leadership
(3 hours)
Identification of current instructional changes and requirements in PK-12 schools and consideration of leadership and necessary knowledge to create effective school learning communities.
ENC 612 - Institutional Planning and Evaluation
(3 hours)
Identification, analysis, and application of techniques and tools of institutional planning and evaluation. Program, personnel, financial, facility, and institutional planning. Prerequisite: ENC 610.
ENC 620 - Human Development Counseling: Professional Orientation
(2 hours)
A survey course introducing the counseling profession as the promotion of human development, including an overview of the historical and philosophical development of the field, a survey of relevant skills, client population, and settings. Required of all students preparing to become leaders in the profession of counseling.
ENC 621 - Career and Life Planning Across the Life Span
(3 hours)
Basic counseling skills for career planning, exploration, and decision-making across the life span. Theories of career development, assessment in career counseling, career guidance programs for primary, secondary, and higher education, and career issues for special populations are addressed. Opportunity for practical experience in interviewing, assessment, and career information gathering and distribution is provided.
ENC 622 - Counseling: Ethics and the Law
(1 hour)
The study of ethical standards of professional organizations and credentialing bodies, and application of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling. Ethical decision-making and critical thinking are emphasized and practiced.
ENC 623 - Pre-Practicum in Counseling
(3 hours)
Instruction, demonstration, practice, and evaluation in basic interviewing and counseling skills. Emphasis on practice and skill development. Prerequisite: ENC 620 or concurrent enrollment.
ENC 624 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling
(3 hours)
The study of counseling theories and models that facilitate client conceptualization, selection of appropriate interventions, and development of a personal model of counseling. Prerequisite: ENC 623 or concurrent enrollment or consent of instructor.
ENC 625 - Principles of Group Counseling
(3 hours)
Group theory and experiential understanding of group counseling dynamics including group purpose, practices, methods, and group leader facilitation skills for a multicultural society will be taught. Students will receive supervised practice and experience in group counseling as a leader and as a participant. Prerequisite: ENC 623 and 624; or consent of instructor
ENC 630 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders
(3 hours)
Etiology, diagnostic process, and nomenclature, treatment, referral, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders. Prerequisite: ENC 624.
ENC 631 - Crisis Intervention Counseling
(1 hour)
Effects of crises, disasters, and other trauma-causing events on persons of all ages: principles of crisis intervention, emergency management systems, and psychological first aid.
ENC 632 - Psychopharmacology in Counseling
(1 hour)
Basic classifications, indications, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications. Prerequisite: ENC 630.
ENC 640 - Clinical Supervision
(2 hours)
Offers students the opportunity to better understand the supervisory process. Evidenced-based supervision (EBS), different models of supervision and a common factors approach are emphasized. Integration of neurocounseling into supervision is discussed. Prerequisite: ENC 623 and ENC 624
ENC 641 - Assessment in Counseling
(3 hours)
Individual and group approaches to assessment and evaluation in a multicultural society including historical perspectives, basic concepts of standardized and non-standardized testing, and other assessment techniques. Statistical concepts and social/cultural factors related to assessment and evaluation.
ENC 651 - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
(3 hours)
Principles of clinical mental health counseling including prevention, intervention, consultation, and advocacy as well as operation of programs and networks that promote mental health in a multicultural society. Prerequisite: ENC 620 or consent of instructor.
ENC 653 - Professional School Counseling K-8
(3 hours)
Students will learn about the history and development of elementary and middle school counseling programs, including their administration, financing, and accountability. Using current neuroscience and neurocounseling research on teaching and learning, students will be introduced to reading methods; reading in the content areas; cognitive, experiential, and social-emotional learning skills; methods for group and individual counseling; and methods for counseling students with disabilities and students from diverse populations. Prerequisite: ENC 620 or consent of instructor.
ENC 654 - Consultation in the Helping Professions
(2 hours)
A conceptual understanding of effective consultation and its relevance to the helping professional. Demonstration of knowledge and skills necessary to deliver effective consultative services in schools and clinical mental health agencies. Prerequisite: ENC 620 and foundational concentration course (ENC 651, 653, or 655) or consent of instructor.
ENC 655 - Professional School Counseling in Secondary Schools
(3 hours)
Secondary professional school counseling programs, including administration, finance, and accountability; cognitive and experiential skills. History and development of school counseling; secondary school education and counseling programs (similarities and differences); group and individual counseling; the counselor's role in school testing; career planning and exploration. Practical experiences. Prerequisite: ENC 620 or consent of instructor.
ENC 661 - Couple and Family Counseling
(3 hours)
Theories and techniques of couples and family counseling. Emphasis is on working with couples, families, and children to promote human development, including the role of the family counselor within the network of school and clinical mental health settings. Prerequisite: ENC 651 or 653 or 655.
ENC 662 - Community Relations
(1 hour)
Developing effective community relations through a four-step process involving two-way communication and researching, planning, communicating, and evaluating.
ENC 663 - Counseling and the Dynamics of Aging
(1 hour)
The mental health dynamics of aging and its impact on the human service professions. Practical skills of gerontological counseling and their relationship to the concerns of aging.
ENC 669 - Special Education Law
(2 hours)
The course reviews all disability categories related to special education services and includes appropriate staffing and instructional methods for students with exceptionalities. Course content provides information on state and federal requirements relative to students where English is not their primary language and the statutory provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). An examination of stakeholders and participants in special education services, identification/evaluation of services, appropriate instructional methods, least restrictive environment, related services, and free and appropriate education.
ENC 670 - Human Resource Management
(3 hours)
Survey approaches to supervision and evaluation in K-12 education based upon legislative requirements; examination of the relationship between practices, professional development, and the improvement of instruction; development skills of classroom observation and conferencing; and development of skills in hiring and induction of personnel.
ENC 673 - Leadership Perspectives
(3 hours)
Concepts of leadership, organizational theory, and decision making presented from multiple perspectives; focus on the practice of educational administration and nonprofit leadership. Prerequisite: EHC 606 or consent of instructor
ENC 676 - The School Principalship
(3 hours)
Various components, background, and training for an entry-level elementary or secondary school principal. Prerequisite: ENC 673 or consent of instructor.
ENC 677 - Educational Finance
(2 hours)
Theory and practice; historical and present sources of revenue and allocation of funds.
ENC 678 - United States Public School Law
(3 hours)
Legal aspects of education. Constitutional, statute, and administrative laws related to public and private education.
ENC 681 - Seminar in Educational Administration
(0-6 hours)
Special problems, areas, or current issues in student's chosen field within educational administration/supervision. Maximum of three hours may be taken under a single topic.
ENC 682 - Seminar in Nonprofit Leadership
(1-6 hours)
Special problems, area, or current issues in nonprofit leadership.
ENC 684 - Seminar in Professional Counseling
(0-6 hours)
Seminar for students specializing in counseling who desire to concentrate on special problems or areas. A variable credit course that may be taken more than one to a maximum of 6 hours.
ENC 686 - Field Experiences in Administration
(0-6 hours)
A culminating experience to give the student the opportunity to work with a practicing administrator in the application of theoretical knowledge from previous coursework to administrative tasks. Accompanying seminars focus on selected topics associated with leadership and administration. Requires 150 hours of supervised activity for three hours of credit. Prerequisite: Departmental consent
ENC 690 - Practicum
(2 hours)
Supervised application of theory and development of counseling skills with clients representing the ethnic and demographic diversity of the community. Prerequisite: ENC 625; consent of instructor.
ENC 691 - Internship I
(1-2 hours)
Comprehensive supervised experience that reflects a professional counselor's work appropriate to the students' designated program area. Prerequisite: ENC 690; consent of instructor
ENC 692 - Internship II
(1-6 hours)
Comprehensive supervised experience that reflects a professional counselor's work appropriate to the students' designated program area. Prerequisite: ENC 690; consent of instructor
ENC 699 - Thesis
(0-6 hours)
Advanced educational or social science research under the guidance of a departmental faculty member. Student will design, develop, and present the research proposal, then conduct the approved research study consistent with the Committee for Use of Human Subjects in Research (CUHSR) regulations and university ethical guidelines. Minimum of 3.0 and maximum of 6.0 hours may be taken and applied toward Master's degree.
ENC 703 - Action Research 1: Introduction to Action Research
(3 hours)
Introduction to action research and how it can be used to inform practice. Focus on the action research process as an approach to scholarly research, selecting and developing a research topic, ethical considerations in scholarly research, and designing a scholarly research project. Prerequisite:
ENC 704 - Action Research 2: Action Research Design and Ethics
(3 hours)
Guides students through the processes of scholarly research design and human subject research approval. Focus on research methods; ethical standards for scholarly investigation; developing a theoretical framework; writing a literature review; and writing a research proposal. Prerequisite: ENC 703
ENC 705 - Action Research 3:Data Collection in Action Research
(3 hours)
Guides students through the data collection stage of an ongoing scholarly research project. Focus on methods of data collection and analysis; data management; and initial data analysis. Prerequisite: ENC 704
ENC 706 - Action Research 4: Data Analysis and Reporting in Action Research
(3 hours)
Guides students through the data analysis and reporting stages of an ongoing scholarly research project. Focus on methods of data analysis; framing a scholarly discussion; drawing conclusions; and presenting scholarly work. Prerequisite: ENC 705
ENC 707 - Action Research 5:Scholarly Writing and Presentation in Action Research
(3 hours)
Guides students through the process of reporting an ongoing scholarly research project using a five-chapter format and reporting scholarly research to various audiences. Focus on standards for scholarly writing; presenting scholarly work; and application of action research findings. Prerequisite: ENC 706
ENC 708 - Boards and Educational Governance
(3 hours)
Examines board policies and working relationships between higher education institutions and the larger community. Focus on standards, accountability, the impact of pressure groups, and leadership and policy development within the framework of the educational institution and the political environment. Prerequisite:
ENC 709 - Ethical & Political Foundations of Educational Policy
(3 hours)
Critical analysis of higher education policy from social justice perspectives. Focus on application of effective political leadership practices to ensure equity for all students. Prerequisite:
ENC 710 - Learning in an Era of Technology
(3 hours)
Critical analysis of effective uses of technology in higher education learning environments. Focus on systemic structures to ensure effective, accessible learning for all students. Prerequisite:
ENC 711 - National Trends in Assessment, Data Analysis & Accountability
(3 hours)
Examines current trends in assessment and effective leadership practices in higher education to ensure accountability and inform continuous improvement. Prerequisite:
ENC 712 - The Superintendency
(3 hours)
This course will guide the EdD candidate to understand the role of the school superintendent in the Twenty-First Century. Prerequisite:
ENC 713 - Legal & Ethical Issues Facing the Superintendency
(3 hours)
This course will guide the EdD candidate to examine key legal issues that govern daily and long-range decisions for educational leaders. The focus is on understanding State and federal laws and emphasizes analysis of key legal concepts. Students will examine trends in law and the initiation of educational law to positively influence educational institutions. Prerequisite:
ENC 714 - Supervision of Instruction
(3 hours)
This course will guide the EdD candidate to understand the role of the school superintendent to work effectively with principals and teachers in both developmental and differentiated ways. Prerequisite:
ENC 715 - Educational Finance
(3 hours)
This course is designed to assist students in developing the concept of using resources to realize educational goals in an ethical, practical and efficient manner for a school district, leveraging money and other resources for growth and change. Prerequisite:
ENC 716 - Culture & Community
(3 hours)
Analysis of effective practices involved in identifying critical cultural aspects of a school community and application of processes to strengthen cultures to meet student learning needs. Communities include students, families, teachers and other professional staff, and the community at large. Social media and crisis communication strategies are included in course. Prerequisite:
ENC 717 - Leadership in Higher Education & Community College
(3 hours)
Examination of leadership roles in higher education and community colleges and applications to specific cases. Prerequisite:
ENC 718 - Administration of Online Programs in Higher Ed & Community College
(3 hours)
Role of administrators in the creation and maintenance of effective online courses or programs including curricular, faculty, contractual issues, and technology support systems Prerequisite:
ENC 719 - Student & Academic Affairs
(3 hours)
Systematic inquiry into ethical issues faced by contemporary educational leaders related to student and academic affairs and effective resolution strategies. Prerequisite:
ENC 720 - The Contemporary Learner
(3 hours)
A study of the latest research and trends surrounding the adult, post-secondary learner. Course explores innovative approaches in education where leaders develop the capacity to engage communities and educators to imagine, build and sustain vibrant learning ecosystems that allow all students to thrive. Prerequisite:
ENC 721 - Financial Affairs in Higher Education
(3 hours)
Systematic inquiry into political, economic, and social issues faced by contemporary educational leaders related to the financing of higher education. Prerequisite:
ENC 722 - Internship 1
(3 hours)
The first of a two-semester internship in higher education administration. Focus on examining and addressing present and future leadership challenges in an authentic educational setting. Prerequisite: ENC 706
ENC 723 - Internship 2
(3 hours)
The second of a two-semester internship in higher education administration. Focus on examining and addressing present and future leadership challenges in an authentic educational setting. Prerequisite: ENC 722
ETE 100 - Technology Applications
(1 hour)
Application of technology concepts and skills to human service professionals. Database construction; linear and nonlinear multimedia projects. Using graphics, text, sound, animation, and other media resources. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of department chair.
ETE 107 - Conceptualizing Math for Teachers I
(3 hours)
Development of a deep understanding of concepts, relationships, and algorithms in various areas of mathematics examined. Topics include set theory, variables, patterns and algebraic relationships, equations and systems of equations, graphing; real numbers and operations, properties of number systems, ratios and proportions, percents; measurement systems, measurement relationships. Focus is on problem solving, analysis, representation of concepts, and communicating understanding and reasoning of the mathematical concepts studied. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or permission of department chair.
ETE 108 - Conceptualizing Math for Teachers II
(3 hours)
Development of a deep understanding of concepts, relationships, and algorithms in various areas of mathematics examined. Topics include data presentation, computation, and meaning of descriptive measurements; basic combinatorics, probability concepts, probability distributions, expectations; linear, quadratic, exponential, and other functions, geometric constructions, 2-D and 3-D shapes, spatial relationships, geometric reasoning and proof. Focus is on problem solving, analysis, representation of concepts, and communicating understanding and reasoning of the mathematical concepts studied. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of department chair; ETE 107.
ETE 115 - The History of Education in the United States
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. SF
Core Curr. HU,MI
Surveys the history of American education from the Colonial Era to the present. Treats the changing character of education in the context of broader social and cultural developments. Provides both knowledge of the history of American education and an appreciation of historical perspectives as ways of understanding contemporary education. Examine the evolving historical contexts that served to shape and define American education. Specifically, the course will explore the role of education i.e., policies, purposes, practices, and reform efforts throughout U.S. history, and examine its relationships with the American economic, political, social, and cultural landscape.
ETE 116 - Introductory Field Experience
(1 hour)
Exhibit professional and ethical behaviors, engage in a minimum of 25 hrs of directed observations throughout the semester in an academic setting. Besides observing within a classroom, candidates work with a group of children at an appropriate level, depending on the individual areas of licensure. Collaborate with professionals to develop foundational knowledge related to planning for instruction and assessment, a sense of the whole school culture including an awareness of the social and emotional development of children. Introduced to the language of teaching and apply the knowledge in their reflections analyzing the setting. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of department chair; ETE 115 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 120 - Early Childhood Professional Roles and Responsibilities
(3 hours)
Core Curr. WI
Meeting education needs of children from birth through age eight. Care for the whole child including an awareness of the social and emotional development of children. Career opportunities, roles, and responsibilities. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. This is a Writing Intensive course. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of department chair.
ETE 194 - Physical Education for P-6 Schools
(1 hour)
Content and pedagogy for physical education in grades P-6 to meet the needs of diverse learners. Introduction to physical education in the regular classroom. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of Department chair.
ETE 196 - Fine Art in the P-6 Schools
(2 hours)
Content and pedagogy for fine art in grades P-6 to meet the needs of diverse learners. Introduction to including art, music, dance, and theatre in the regular classroom using traditional methods and newer technologies. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of Department chair.
ETE 210 - Human Development from Birth to Young Adulthood
(3 hours)
Integration of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of the development and growth of the individual from conception to adulthood. Study the physiology of learning, the interactive nature of the teaching/learning process, and the need to consider developmental and cultural appropriateness in meeting individual learning needs, with an emphasis on acknowledging and accommodating exceptionality and diversity including an awareness of the social and emotional development of children. Environmental factors affecting development, including cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic, individual, social contexts, and parent-child interaction. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of department chair.
ETE 215 - Strategies for Effective Teaching
(3 hours)
An in-depth sequence of examining instructional planning and strategies, modes of teaching, and assessment of learning, including an awareness of exceptionality and diversity including an awareness of the social and emotional development of children. Other topics include instructional management, collaboration in curriculum design and delivery and with stakeholders, teacher leadership, decision making, and change processes. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 115 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 116 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 210 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 216 - Effective Planning and Instruction for Teaching
(3 hours)
The study of key teaching frameworks with fundamental instructional strategies developed within the construct of planning lesson segments and units of study, including an awareness of exceptionality and diversity, an awareness of the social and emotional development of children. Application of brain research, methods to facilitate higher order, critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and decision-making. Other topics include instructional management, collaboration in curriculum design and delivery and with stakeholders, teacher leadership, decision-making, and the needs of 21st Century middle school students are addressed. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 115 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 116 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 210 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 219 - Human Development and Effective Field Experience
(1 hour)
Engage in a minimum of twenty-five hours of directed observations in an appropriate, academic setting, where they teach a small group of students and collaborate with the classroom teacher to implement instructional and assessment plans for one student. Candidates are introduced to the language and dispositions of teaching, apply this knowledge in their reflections analyzing the learning environment, incorporate issues of equity and diversity including an awareness of the social and emotional development of children, and apply the knowledge in the creation on a developmental case study of one student. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: ETE 115 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 116 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 210 or concurrent enrollment; one of: Music Education Major, ETE 215, OR ETE 216, or concurrent enrollment in either ETE 215 or ETE 216.
ETE 222 - Gifted Education in American Schools: Foundations and Future
(3 hours)
Philosophy, concepts and testing procedures in gifted education. Students will investigate legal issues and programmatic evaluation for gifted education programs. Additionally, materials, curriculum design, and classroom methods will be introduced. The gifted learner's cognitive, socio-emotional, and talent development, including issues of equity and diversity, will be examined. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 210; ETE 211; one of: ETE 215, ETE 216.
ETE 223 - Gifted Education: Strategies and Practicum
(3 hours)
Field experience in gifted education grades K-12; 20 clock hours in Bradley University Gifted and Talented Summer Institute. In addition 16 hours of in-class instruction of materials and strategies unique to gifted learners will be required. Apply the knowledge of gifted education, including issues of equity and diversity. Prerequisite: ETE 210; one of: ETE 215, ETE 216; ETE 222 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 227 - Development of the Early Adolescent
(3 hours)
Core Curr. WI,EL
Required for the Illinois middle school endorsement, surveys the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development of young adolescents from a cultural perspective, emphasizing implications for effective middle school instruction. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116; ETE 210; major in an education program or consent of department chair.
ETE 228 - Strategies for Middle School
(3 hours)
Core Curr. WI,EL
Philosophy, concepts, and procedure related to organizational structure, curriculum, teaching strategies, and assessment in the middle school. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116; ETE 210; one of: ETE 215, ETE 216; major in an education program or consent of department chair.
ETE 230 - Adapting Curriculum to Support Inclusive Environments
(3 hours)
Exploration of foundational knowledge of characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities, diversity, populations who are at risk, and English Language Learners. Enhance knowledge and performance of individuals with exceptionalities by developing and adapting curriculum materials that meet individual needs within inclusive environments. Response to Intervention outcomes and appropriate evidence-based strategies that support successful inclusion are discussed. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. This course meets foundation knowledge for LBS I certification. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116; ETE 210; one of: ETE 215, ETE 216, or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 232 - Meeting the Needs of All Students within the Disciplines
(2 hours)
ETE 232 provides foundational knowledge of individuals with exceptional learning needs (ELN) with an overview of categories and characteristics. Emphasis is on co-teaching and collaborative alignment of appropriate adaptations, accommodations and modifications to IEPs and 504 plans that support successful inclusion. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116; ETE 210; ETE 219 or concurrent; ETE 215 or concurrent for K-12 ART OR ETE 216 or concurrent for MSE and High School OR ETE 280 or concurrent for K-12 Music
ETE 234 - Language Development
(3 hours)
Language acquisition theory and processes, stages of language development, verbal and non-verbal communication. Emphasis on language differences and diversity, including minority groups, language disorders, and English as a second language. Planning opportunities supporting language use in its various forms to enrich further development. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. ETE 234 is one course that meets criteria for the Illinois ECSE Approval. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 210 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 235 - Methods of Teaching English Language Learners
(3 hours)
Addresses language development and methods for teaching English Language Learners (ELL). Topics include theories of second language acquisition as well as a variety of instructional strategies in the language arts and other content areas. Emphasis will be placed on the social and cultural needs of the ELL and the examination of pre-service teachers' own culture and its impact on their practice. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. There is fieldwork expected for the class. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116; ETE 210 or concurrent enrollment; either ETE 215 or concurrent enrollment OR ETE 216 or concurrent enrollment
ETE 236 - Assessment of English Language Learners
(3 hours)
Covers fundamental basics of testing and assessment of the English Language Learner (ELL), prevalent in today's classrooms. Included are formal and informal assessment strategies; construction and use of teacher-made tests of student learning; interpretation and use of standardized tests, report cards, and grading; reporting procedures; and examination of how to utilize evaluation and assessment to strengthen instruction, differentiate assessment for ELLs, and contribute to positive learner development. There is fieldwork expected for the class. Prerequisite: ETE 235 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 237 - Practicum for Teaching English Learners I
(1 hour)
Candidates engage in a minimum of 40 hours of directed observations and teaching of English Language Learners in an appropriate PK-12 academic setting. Candidates collaborate with the classroom teacher or ESL teacher to plan and implement instruction for small groups and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of language development for English learners. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: ETE 235 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 238 - Practicum for Teaching English Learners II
(1 hour)
Candidates engage in a minimum of 33 hours of directed observations and teaching of English Language Learners in an appropriate PK-12 academic setting. Candidates collaborate with the classroom teacher or ESL teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of language development for English learners. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Prerequisite: ETE 237, and permission of the department chair
ETE 239 - Practicum for Teaching English Learners III
(1 hour)
Candidates engage in a minimum of 34 hours of directed observations and teaching of English Language Learners in an appropriate PK-12 academic setting. Candidates collaborate with the classroom teacher or ESL teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of language development for English learners. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: ETE 237; ETE 238; and permission of the department chair
ETE 240 - Practicum for Teaching English Learners Part 2
(2 hours)
Candidates engage in a minimum of 67 hours of directed observations and teaching of English Language Learners in an appropriate PK-12 academic setting. Candidates collaborate with the classroom teacher or ESL teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of language development for English learners. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: ETE 237, or permission of the department chair.
ETE 245 - American Sign Language I
(3 hours)
General introduction to sign language of the deaf; information regarding the culture of the deaf. Finger spelling and signing skills, which enable signing at a conversational level both receptively (seeing and understanding) and expressively (signing). Available to students from any major throughout the university.
ETE 260 - Children's Literature
(3 hours)
Types, genres, authors, and illustrators of books for children from birth through middle school. Emphasis on literature response activities; planning and assessing a literature-based curriculum. Analysis of current trends, issues, and the impact of children's literature. Prerequisite: Major in an education program or consent of department chair.
ETE 270 - Physical Development and Health
(1 hour)
A variety of health and nutrition topics about which teachers all levels must be knowledgeable. Must document certification in CPR and First Aid, and plan lessons for health instruction as part of the requirements. Topics examine nutrition; communicable diseases; relationship between fitness and systems of the body; principles of personal, interpersonal, and community health; mental health; and safety. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in education program
ETE 280 - Exploring Diversity: Learners, Families, And Communities
(3 hours)
Gen. Ed. CD
Core Curr. GP WC
The socialization and enculturation of learners in the context of their families, communities, and cultures. Awareness, acceptance, and appreciation of diversity, whether resulting from cultural or ability differences. Emphasis on the teacher's role in involving, educating, and communicating with parents as partners in the educational process. Professional advocacy that supports an inclusionary, multicultural, antiracist, democratic, non-sexist, and global curriculum. ETE 280 is one course that meets criteria for the Illinois ECSE Approval. Prerequisite:
ETE 291 - Assistive Technology for Individuals with Special Needs
(3 hours)
Addresses the assistive technology (AT) evaluation, selection, and application process for individuals with disabilities in school, the workplace and the community. Emphasis on assessment of the individual, environment, and tasks required of the person prior to evaluation of technologies and adaptations that enable the individual to function as fully as possible in his/her daily lives. Through illustrations and case examples students will obtain knowledge and skills required for the use of AT devices or adaptations and factors to consider in the selection and implementation processes. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: ETE 115; ETE 116; ETE 210; one of: ETE 215, ETE 216, or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 301 - Novice Teaching Experiences in Music Classrooms K-8
(1 hour)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in a K-8 school music learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; concurrent enrollment in ETE 351; concurrent enrollment in ETE 310.
ETE 302 - Novice Teaching Experience in High School Music
(1 hour)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in a high school music learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity, and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; concurrent enrollment in ETE 352; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 310 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 303 - Novice Teaching Experience in K-12 Classrooms
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in an elementary or middle school learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 386 or concurrent enrollment, or ETE 387 or concurrent enrollment; concurrent enrollment in ETE 310.
ETE 304 - Early Childhood Novice Teaching Experience
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in supervised teaching experience in a preprimary special education learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; either ETE 328 or concurrent enrollment or ETE 443 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 310 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 305 - Novice Teaching Experience in a LBSI Setting
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in a special education learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 391 or ETE 393; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; ETE 310 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 306 - Novice Teaching Experience Grades 1-6
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in an elementary school learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity, and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 313 or ETE 315; at least two of the following: ETE 313, 315, 335, 336, 339; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment or permission of department chair.
ETE 307 - Novice Teaching Experience in Grades 5-8
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in a middle school learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; at least 2 courses in concentration; concurrent enrollment in content-specific methods course appropriate to the student's teaching area (ENG 392, ETE 355, ETE 356, ETE 357); ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; concurrent enrollment in ETE 310.
ETE 308 - Novice Teaching Experience in the High School
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised teaching experience in a high school learning environment. Collaborate with the classroom teacher to plan and implement formative assessments and instruction for whole class, small groups, and individuals. Candidates complete weekly reflections analyzing the learning environment of their classroom, specifically addressing issues of equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Includes Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 345 or concurrent enrollment; concurrent enrollment in content-specific methods course appropriate to the student's teaching area (ETE 373, ETE 374, ETE 375, ETE 378, or ENG 472); concurrent enrollment in ETE 310, or consent of Department chair.
ETE 310 - Teacher Performance Assessment
(1 hour)
Core Curr. WI
Prepares preservice teacher to complete the education teacher performance assessment (edTPA) required for licensure. Gain skills needed to complete a TPA based upon integration of education program objectives and the novice teaching experience. Analyze the context for learning in the classroom, plan a unit of instruction including adaptations for diverse learners, teach the unit while attending to academic language, assess student learning. Make video recording of the unit teaching and collect student work samples. Reflect on the pedagogical decisions in a formal manner, citing research as justification for the choices. Completed edTPA is evaluated locally and feedback is provided to the candidate. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; major in an education program or consent of department chair; concurrent enrollment in one of: ETE 301, ETE 302, ETE 303, ETE 304, ETE 305, ETE 306, ETE 307, ETE 308.
ETE 313 - Methods of Literacy I: Reading, Writing and Language Grades 1-2
(3 hours)
Core Curr. EL,WI
Addresses literacy instruction in first and second grade including reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and visually representing, including accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Key topics examine theories of literacy development, emergent literacy, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, writing process, literacy assessment, and planning for individual learners. Classroom applications are included. Five to ten hours in a local classroom are required. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education.
ETE 315 - Methods of Literacy II: Reading, Writing and Language: Grades 3-8
(3 hours)
Addresses total literacy instruction for learners at all levels 3-8: Reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and visually representing. It addresses research-based approaches to literacy instruction for the grade school student, including accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Key topics: the reading and writing processes, vocabulary and comprehension, literacy assessments, planning for individual learners, integrating the language arts into the content areas and preparing students for the state writing assessment. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education.
ETE 322 - Emergent Literacy: Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
(3 hours)
Processes, themes, and practices that support the development of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking in children from birth through age 8. A continuum of instructional practices, including contextualized application of phonemic, graphemic, morphemic, and syntactical concepts, that facilitate the emergence of literacy. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education.
ETE 324 - Early Childhood Special Education Methods
(3 hours)
Providing developmentally and culturally appropriate activities to infants and young children with special needs. History and evolution of early intervention services, teaming, collaboration, service coordination, development of Individualized Family Service Plans and Individualized Educational Plans, adaptation of curriculum, instructional models which promote interaction and independence, inclusionary programs, transitional planning. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. ETE 324 is one course that meets criteria for the Illinois ECSE Approval. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education.
ETE 328 - Early Childhood Methods
(6 hours)
Core Curr. MI
Strategies for teaching language arts, science, mathematics, social studies, art, music, and movement in preprimary and primary grades within an integrated, thematic curriculum. Emphasis on the role of play, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgment and accommodations of exceptionality and diversity, transitions, horizontal relevance, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education.
ETE 335 - Methods of Teaching Social Studies Grades 1-6
(3 hours)
Content and methods of teaching social studies in grades 1-6, including accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education.
ETE 336 - Methods of Teaching Science Grades 1-6
(3 hours)
Plan, implement, and evaluate a science program for children in grades 1-6. Emphasis on the nature of school science, students' misconceptions, and meaningful science activities, including accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; SCI 10x.
ETE 339 - Methods of Teaching Mathematics Grades 1-6
(3 hours)
Core Curr. WI
Emphasis on teaching strategies, materials, and organizational plans related to the grades 1-6 mathematics curriculum. Work with Common Core Standards in Math as well as National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is integrated throughout the semester. Focus on active involvement of students in the learning process. Future teachers learn about and plan lessons including appropriate teaching strategies, mathematical projects, accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 108 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 345 - Guiding Learners: Creating Safe, Inclusive Learning Enviro Environments
(3 hours)
Emphasis on theories of guidance and learner-centered instruction including Response to Intervention (RtI) strategies for positive behavioral supports. Classroom management that is developmentally and culturally appropriate practice to nourish natural curiosity, develop problem-solving skills, acknowledge and accommodate learners with exceptionalities, including diverse cultures, students at risk, and English Language Learners, and develop a sense of community for success of all learners within inclusive environments. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; concurrent with appropriate Novice Teaching course (ETE 301, ETE 302, ETE 303, ETE 304, ETE 305, ETE 306, ETE 307, ETE 308) or permission of department chair.
ETE 350 - Topics in Teacher Education
(1-6 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Topic stated in current Schedule of Classes. May be repeated under different topics for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor and department chair.
ETE 351 - Music Methods Grades K-8 for Music Majors
(3 hours)
Methods and materials appropriate for teaching music in grades K-8. Observations in the public schools; planning the K-8 music curriculum; experience teaching lessons in all areas of classroom music. Discussion on accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; concurrent enrollment in ETE 301; ETE 310 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 352 - High School Music Methods for Music Majors
(3 hours)
Methods of teaching music in the high schools; administration of a music department. Instrumental and choral programs, general music, and high school music theory. Emphasis on development of a philosophy of music education. Discussion on accommodations of exceptionality and diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment.
ETE 355 - Methods of Teaching Middle School Social Studies
(3 hours)
Content and pedagogy of middle school social studies, including history, psychology, and the general social science areas. Designing and implementing social studies instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches. Emphasis on instructional planning, assessment of student performance, motivational strategies, reading diagnostic techniques, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgement and accommodations of exceptionality and diversity, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy; ETE 216; ETE 369; concurrent with ETE 307
ETE 356 - Methods of Teaching Middle School Science
(3 hours)
How to plan, implement, and evaluate a science program for middle school students. Emphasis on the nature of school science, students' misconceptions, and meaningful science activities. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy; ETE 216; ETE 369; SCI 10X and SCI 30x; concurrent in ETE 307
ETE 357 - Methods of Teaching Middle School Mathematics
(3 hours)
Emphasis is placed on teaching strategies, materials, and organizational plans related to the 5-8 mathematics curriculum. Assessment strategies appropriate for middle school mathematics are addressed. Focus is on active involvement of students in the learning process and the use of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards and Common Core State Standards - Mathematics (CCSSM). Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy; ETE 108; ETE 216; ETE 369; concurrent in ETE 307.
ETE 368 - Content Reading for All Students
(2 hours)
Relationship between learning to read and reading to learn; all aspects of literacy as applied to instruction. Primary focus on understanding a wide range of literacies and how to integrate literacy while teaching subjects that include mathematics, social studies, sciences, English, music, art, and family/consumer sciences. Emphasis on helping all readers, including students with English as a second language, students with reading difficulties, and students with special needs. Evaluation of the appropriateness of classroom resources such as textbooks, e-textbooks, lab manuals, course software, and online supplements. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education
ETE 369 - Assessing All Students
(2 hours)
For future classroom teachers, instructional assessment, that meets the needs of students and theobjectives of the discipline, is essential. Writing instructional objectives, constructing formative andsummative teacher-made assessments, designing authentic assessments, analyzing assessmentdata, interpreting standardized test scores, and addressing needs of learners is part of the curriculum.Emphasis on diversity using developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation forTeacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education
ETE 373 - Methods of Teaching High School Mathematics
(3 hours)
Core Curr. WI
Emphasis on teaching strategies, curriculum materials, instructional planning, assessment of student performance, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, and classroom organization related to the 9-12 mathematics curriculum. Focus is on active involvement of students in the learning process. Designing and implementing mathematics instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches, appropriate utilization of mathematical technology, acknowledgment and accommodations of exceptionality and diversity, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to Candidacy; ETE 369; concurrent with ETE 308.
ETE 374 - Methods of Teaching High School Science
(3 hours)
Content and pedagogy of high school science. Designing and implementing science instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches including project-based science. Emphasis on instructional planning, assessment of student performance, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgment and accommodations of exceptionality and diversity, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 369; SCI 10x or concurrent; concurrent enrollment in ETE 308.
ETE 375 - Methods of Teaching High School Social Studies
(3 hours)
Content and pedagogy of high school social studies, including family and consumer sciences, history, psychology, and general social science. Designing and implementing social studies instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches. Emphasis on instructional planning, assessment of student performance, motivational strategies, microteaching, reading diagnostic techniques, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgment and accommodations of diversity and exceptionality, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 375; concurrent enrollment in ETE 308.
ETE 378 - Methods of Teaching Family & Consumer Science
(3 hours)
Content and pedagogy in family and consumer sciences for grades 9-12. Designing and implementing instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches including project-based family and consumer sciences. Emphasis on instructional planning, assessment of student performance, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgment and accommodations of exceptionality and diversity, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practices. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 369; concurrent enrollment in ETE 308.
ETE 386 - Methods of Teaching K-12 Art
(3 hours)
Content and methods for teaching art K-12. Designing and implementing art instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches. Emphasis on sequential enhancement of media and techniques in relation to the developmental needs of different levels of students, instructional planning, assessment of student performance, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgment and accommodations of exceptionality and diversity, and culturally appropriate practices, aligned with the state and national goals. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 369.
ETE 387 - Methods of Teaching K-12 Foreign Language
(3 hours)
Content and pedagogy of K-12 foreign language. Designing and implementing foreign language instruction and curriculum using a variety of approaches. Emphasis on instructional planning, assessment of student performance, learning environments, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, acknowledgment and accommodation of exceptionality and diversity, and developmentally and culturally appropriate practice. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 369.
ETE 391 - Characteristics and Methods for Learners with Developmental Disabilities
(3 hours)
Characteristics and methods for planning and teaching students with moderate to severe exceptionalities (i.e., intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, orthopedic, other moderate to severe exceptionalities). Emphasis on moderate to severe developmental disabilities, Individual Education Programs, self-determination, assessment, experiential-based curriculum in the psychomotor, cognitive, affective domains, transition planning, person-centered adaptations for inclusion within society. Students are required to complete 12 student contact hours with individual(s) with moderate to severe developmental disabilities in an educational setting. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; PSY 101 or equivalent.
ETE 393 - Characteristics and Methods for Learners with Emotional and Learning Disabilities
(3 hours)
Characteristics, methods, strategies for use with children and adolescents with emotional and learning disabilities in K-12 and special education classrooms (ages 3-21). Helping process, communication and interpersonal skills are covered, as well as Applied Behavioral Analysis. Emphasis on analysis of classroom situations and application of theories, educational techniques to create positive learning environments for learners with mild to moderate emotional and learning disabilities. To ensure that students will become educational leaders and informed decision makers, teaching strategies in basic skills, metacognition, study skills, and social skills will be addressed. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; PSY 101 or equivalent.
ETE 395 - High School Special Education
(3 hours)
Skills to plan, implement, and evaluate programs for adolescent students needing special education services in high school situations. Emphasis on a developmentally, sequenced planned curriculum, including basic academic skills, pre-vocational and vocational skills, as well as work-study programs. Current issues and trends: inclusion of the high school student in the least restrictive environment, life planning, consumer education, personal and social adjustment, appropriate individualized instruction, high school group instruction, and independent living skills. 12 hours of mentor/tutoring in the field with High School+ students is required. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; one of ETE 393 or concurrent enrollment, or ETE 391 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 402 - Educational Methods, Strategies and Evaluation Techniques
(3 hours)
Designed to increase theoretical knowledge and practical skill for teaching persons with different learning styles. Classroom experiences include a focus on methods, strategies, and evaluation techniques to meet different learning styles. Prerequisite: Consent of ETE Department Chair.
ETE 425 - Life Planning for Learners with Exceptionalities
(3 hours)
Addresses legal, psychological, and social impact of various exceptionalities, and professionalism. The laws governing the development and implementation of educational and transition programs for individuals with exceptionalities is also reviewed. Discussion and evaluation of legal documents for consent and notification. Code of Ethics and Standards for Professional Practice, and Individual Education Program development will be the focus. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Senior standing; advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; at least one of ETE 391, ETE 393, ETE 395.
ETE 426 - Assessments for Learners with Exceptionalities
(3 hours)
Diagnostic processes for learners with exceptionalities, preschool through high school. Screening, formal, and informal assessment, and evaluation techniques. Practice in test administration, scoring, evaluation, Individual Education Programs. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Senior standing; advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; at least one of ETE 391, ETE 393, ETE 395.
ETE 430 - Readings in Elementary Education
(1-3 hours)
Individual study and investigation for seniors. Prerequisite: consent of instructor; approval of the department chair; advancement to degree candidacy in the department.
ETE 443 - Early Childhood Assessment
(3 hours)
Focus is on formal, informal, authentic, and performance-based assessments to determine student needs and progress; planning instruction incorporating assessment for Individualized Family Service Plans or Individualized Education Plans and to meet the needs of all students; transitional planning; collaboration and communication with families and professionals. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. ETE 443 is one course that meets criteria for the Illinois ECSE Approval. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; ETE 324 or concurrent enrollment.
ETE 445 - Multidisciplinary Collaboration
(3 hours)
Focus is effective collaboration with families, educators, administrators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways. Competent teachers will use knowledge and effective written, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to foster leadership, active inquiry, supportive interaction, shared goals, and group consensus that advocate and support the success among learners with exceptionalities. Working together toward common goals of meeting unique needs of all students necessitates teamwork for successful co-teaching, Response to Intervention, and successful transitions pre- and post-secondary education. Preparation for Teacher Performance Assessment. Prerequisite: Senior standing. For majors not in an education program: one course at the 300 level; majors in an education program: advancement to degree candidacy, one methods course at the 300 level; LBS I: at least one of ETE 391, ETE 393, ETE 395 or concurrent enrollment; or consent of ETE Department chair.
ETE 491 - Student Teaching 5-8
(12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised, full-time teaching experience in a Peoria-area 5-8 learning environment. Plan and implement instruction, assessments for individuals, groups, and class, gradually taking responsibility for 100% of teaching duties including issues related to equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Complete weekly reflections to assess professional growth as defined by the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Open only to students who have: adequate preparation in subject matter, demonstrated proficiency with regard to program and course objectives, prerequisites, and evidenced fitness for entering the teaching profession. Include Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; completion of 2/3 of hours in concentration; all required ETE courses below the 400 level for the program; GPA 2.50+ for each: overall, teaching field, professional education courses; State of Illinois content area test passed & other related tests passed; cleared background check; approval of Department chair.
ETE 493 - Student Teaching For Music K-12
(12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in 2 supervised, full-time teaching experiences, 1 at high school and 1 in middle or elementary school, in a Peoria-area learning environment. Plan and implement instruction and assessments for individuals, groups, and class, gradually taking responsibility for 100% of classroom teaching duties including issues related to equity, diversity, social and emotional awareness. Complete weekly reflections to assess their professional growth as defined by the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Open only to students who have: adequate preparation in subject matter, demonstrated proficiency with regard to program and course objectives, prerequisites, and evidenced fitness for entering the teaching profession. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the department; completion of 2/3 of hours in teaching field; all required ETE courses below the 400 level for the program; GPA 2.50+ for each: overall, teaching field, professional education courses; state of Illinois content area tests and other related tests passed; current certification of freedom from TB; cleared background check; approval of department chair.
ETE 496 - Student Teaching in LBS I
(12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised, full time teaching experience in a Peoria-area LBS I learning environment. Plan and implement instruction, assessments for individuals, small groups, and class, gradually taking responsibility for 100% of teaching duties including issues related to equity, diversity, social and emotional awareness. Complete weekly reflections to assess their professional growth as defined by the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Open only to students who have: adequate preparation in subject matter, demonstrated proficiency with regard to program and course objectives, prerequisites, and evidenced fitness for entering the teaching profession. Include Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; all required ETE courses below the 400 level for the program; at least two of ETE 425, ETE 426, ETE 445; GPA 2.50+ for each of: overall, professional education courses; State of Illinois content area test & other tests passed; cleared background check; approval of Department chair.
ETE 497 - Student Teaching in Early Childhood
(12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised, full time teaching experience in a Peoria-area Pre-K or K-3 learning environment. Plan and implement instruction, assessments for individuals, groups, and class, gradually taking responsibility for 100% of teaching duties including issues related to equity, diversity, social and emotional awareness. Complete weekly reflections to assess professional growth as defined by the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Open only to students who have: adequate preparation in subject matter, demonstrated proficiency with regard to program and course objectives, prerequisites, and evidenced fitness for entering the teaching profession. Include Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; all required ETE courses below the ETE 450 level for the program; ETE 485 or concurrent enrollment; GPA 2.50+ for each: overall and professional education courses; State of Illinois content area test & other related tests passed; cleared background check; approval of Department chair.
ETE 498 - Student Teaching 1-6
(12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in a supervised, full time teaching experience in a Peoria-area grade 1-6 learning environment. Plan and implement instruction, assessments for individuals, groups, and class, gradually taking responsibility for 100% of teaching duties including issues related to equity, diversity and social and emotional awareness. Complete weekly reflections to assess professional growth as defined by the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Open only to students who have: adequate preparation in subject matter, demonstrated proficiency with regard to program and course objectives, prerequisites, and evidenced fitness for entering the teaching profession. Include edTPA. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; all required ETE courses below the 400 level for the program; GPA 2.50+ for each: overall and professional education courses; State of Illinois content area test passed & other related tests passed; cleared background check; approval of Department chair.
ETE 499 - Student Teaching in the High School
(12 hours)
Core Curr. EL
Engage in supervised, full time teaching experience in a Peoria-area high school learning environment. Plan, implement instruction, assessments for individual, groups, and class, slowly taking responsibility for 100% of teaching duties including issues related to equity, diversity, social and emotional awareness. Complete weekly reflections to assess professional growth as defined by the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Open only to students who have: adequate preparation in subject matter, demonstrated proficiency with regard to program and course objectives, prerequisites, and evidenced fitness for entering the teaching profession. Include Teacher Performance Assessment. Weekly seminar. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Advancement to degree candidacy in the Department of Teacher Education; completion of 2/3 of hours in major; all required ETE courses below the 400 level for the program; GPA 2.50+ for each: overall, teaching field, & professional education courses; State of Illinois content area tests & other related tests passed; cleared background check; approval of Department chair.
ETE 513 - Educational Software Design
(3 hours)
The design and construction of educational software that is based upon sound educational theory and best practice. Students will become proficient with appropriate multimedia instructional design software in developing their projects. Investigating and applying current theories of learning, instruction, and assessment. Cross-listed as IM 513. Prerequisite: IM 113; or instructor approval.
ETE 515 - Mathematics Methods for the Middle School
(3 hours)
Provides strategies and curriculum for teaching mathematics to youth in fifth through eighth grades. Strategies focus on problem solving, logical reasoning, and real life connections. Use of dynamic software and math modeling are emphasized. Assessment strategies appropriate for middle school mathematics will be addressed. Students will develop a deep understanding of national and state standards. Prerequisite: Senior standing in an education program and advancement to degree candidacy, or Teacher License. Not open to students who have had ETE 357.
ETE 550 - Independent Study
(1-3 hours)
Student selects subject of study with advisor approval. Multiple sections may be taken concurrently. Maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied to a degree program. Prerequisite: approval of department chair and dean of College of Education and Health Sciences.
ETE 610 - Young Adolescent Development
(3 hours)
Examines the theories and research surrounding young adolescents as they move through puberty and middle school. Physical, cognitive, social, moral, and emotional development are studied with concern for the psychological implications and educational ramifications. Students will develop a deep understanding of national and state standards. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and teacher certification or permission of instructor.
ETE 611 - Middle School Instructional Strategies
(3 hours)
Presents curriculum, teaching strategies, and assessment for instructing youth in fifth through eighth grades. School organization, professional collaboration, active classroom environment, brain-based teaching and learning, high expectations for all students, and student progress are topics for the course. Students will develop a deep understanding of national and state standards. Prerequisite: Graduate standing and teacher certification or permission of instructor.
ETE 616 - Analysis and Evaluation of Children's Literature
(3 hours)
Evaluation and selection of children's literature; current trends and issues; applications in school classrooms for elementary and secondary students.
ETE 630 - Critical Foundations of Literacy Instruction
(3 hours)
A study of current theories and practices in reading instruction: the development of the reader, historical, sociological, and psychological perspectives. Prerequisite: at least one undergraduate reading methods course.
ETE 631 - Resources and Strategies for the Reading Teacher
(3 hours)
A study of the resources, services, and instructional strategies to support the learning of the elementary and secondary student in regular school classrooms as well as in remedial settings. Prerequisite: ETE 630.
ETE 632 - Reading in the Content Areas
(3 hours)
Focus on reading instruction assisting educators to integrate literacy in the content areas in grades K-8. Designed for the identification of reading and study strategies to enhance students' comprehension of texts other than narrative (i.e., expository, visual, graphic, etc.). Prerequisite: ETE 630.
ETE 639 - Roles and Responsibilities of the Literacy Professional
(3 hours)
Seminar in current practices and responsibilities assumed by literacy professionals. Involves comparative study of existing models of leadership including collaboration with key leaders in programs throughout the United States. Requires the actual development of a program plan and the means to disseminate it. Prerequisite: ETE 636, 637, 640, 641.
ETE 643 - Assessment and Evaluation Practicum for Learners With Exceptionalities
(3 hours)
Practicum: use of psycho-educational tests and diagnostic teaching techniques. Preparation of a complete formal and informal educational assessment of a learner including a professional report written in a specified format.
ETE 650 - Topics in Education
(1-3 hours)
Topics of special interest which may vary each time course is offered. Multiple sections may be taken concurrently. Maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied to a degree program. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and department chair.
ETE 651 - Curriculum Theory and Development
(3 hours)
Curriculum models and theories. Curriculum development processes and the teacher's role.
ETE 653 - Instructional Strategies and Designs
(3 hours)
PreK-12 instructional strategies and designs. Emphasis on developmentally appropriate educational opportunities that actively engage the learner.
ETE 654 - Program Evaluation
(3 hours)
Qualitative and quantitative models and techniques for evaluating educational programs. Prerequisite: ELH 604 or consent of instructor.
ETE 655 - Instructional Theory
(3 hours)
Investigation and development of a theory of instruction for practitioners built upon the research based on existing strategies, models, methods, assessment, skills, improvement techniques, movements in education, theorists, curriculum, and the learner.
ETE 659 - Curriculum and Instruction
(1-5 hours)
Supervised field experience. Application of knowledge and skills to contexts and environment selected by the student and advisor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Prerequisite: Curriculum and instruction course or consent of instructor.
ETE 663 - Schooling in a Diverse World
(3 hours)
Multicultural issues, perspectives, and current trends. Role of the teacher as an advocate and change agent. Evaluation of materials, methods, and programs.
ETE 664 - Classroom Assessments
(3 hours)
Provides an overview of classroom-based assessment methods, both qualitative and quantitative. Emphasizes the different types and purposes of assessment, as well as creative alternatives to traditional assessment techniques. Tailored to graduate students' needs and interests.
ETE 665 - Technology Infusion
(3 hours)
Infusing technology into preK-12 curriculum. Emphasizes computer as tutor; productivity tool; multimedia tool; modeling tool; communication tool; and the future impact the technology will have on classrooms.
ETE 671 - Instructional Strategies & Designs in Special Education
(3 hours)
Addresses in-depth planning and implementation of instructional methods and strategies to meet diverse needs of learners with exceptionalities across environments. Application of current evidenced-based strategies in special education, including topics such as eligibility, placement, assessment, curricular decisions. Response to intervention and individual program implementation will be discussed.
ETE 673 - Self-Determination for Individuals With Disabilities
(3 hours)
Focuses on instructional practices that can be utilized by the student to teach self-determination skills to individuals with disabilities. The student will explore self-determination concepts, theories, assessment, instructional strategies, and issues of implementation that can in turn be taught to individuals with disabilities in order to facilitate goal-directed, self-regulated, autonomous behavior.
ETE 674 - Issues, Trends, and Research in Special Education
(3 hours)
Addresses critical analysis of current issues, trends, and research in special education with attention to legislation, litigation, definitions, identification, eligibility, inclusion, placement, collaboration, and professional advocacy. Research design and methodology in special education.
ETE 678 - Leadership and Collaboration in Special Education
(3 hours)
Provides advanced professional collaboration and leadership strategies to effectively work with the greater school community including families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community education agencies. Emphasis will be given toward honing candidates' leadership and collaboration skills essential to current practices across environments. Evidence-based, culturally responsive practices critical for the education leader and advocate in meeting the unique needs of individuals with exceptionalities will be discussed.
ETE 698 - Creative/Research
(0-6 hours)
Individual study on a topic selected by student with advisor approval. Integration and application of research. Student must produce a product such as a software program, journal article, or program portfolio. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Student may not receive credit for both ETE 698 and ETE 699.
ETE 699 - Thesis
(0-6 hours)
Design and implement a research proposal which has implications for preK-12 education. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. Student may not receive credit for both ETE 698 and ETE 699. Prerequisite: consent of department chair.
This is the official catalog for the 2021-2022 academic year. This catalog serves as a contract between a student and Bradley University. Should changes in a program of study become necessary prior to the next academic year every effort will be made to keep students advised of any such changes via the Dean of the College or Chair of the Department concerned, the Registrar's Office, u.Achieve degree audit system, and the Schedule of Classes. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the current program and graduation requirements for particular degree programs.