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Career Support

Bradley produces quality students who make great employees. As a Bradley alum, you can help the newest generation of Bradley students and graduates get real-world job experience and find jobs. Get in touch with the Smith Career Center to find out where your talents and experience can make the biggest difference.

  • Recruit students and graduates for internships and full-time employment: Help funnel your company's employment opportunities to Bradley students or alumni, specific to their level of experience. Represent your company and recruit from the best and brightest Bradley has to offer on campus or post opportunities on eRecruiting, our online job database.
  • Provide information to your employer about hiring BU graduates: Speak to your employer about hiring Bradley students and graduates. We can share information with you that will be beneficial to your employer about services the Smith Career Center offers.
  • Conduct mock interviews (virtually or in person): Use your experience to help students prepare for the job market by providing practice interviews. This can be done virtually or in person.
  • Conduct resume reviews (virtually or in person).