The Center is constantly adding new books to the list so check back often or contact us at to learn about our newest offerings.
Name of Book | Author |
1001 Ways to Energize Employees | Bob Nelson |
101 More Training Games | Gary Kroehnert |
25 Activities for Developing Team Leaders | Fran Rees |
2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Review | Paul Falcone |
50 Activities for Teaching - Emotional Intelligence - Level I: Elementary | Dianne Schilling |
58 ½ Ways to Improvise in Training | Paul Z. Jackson |
A Passion to Lead - How to Develop Your Natural Leadership Ability | Michael Plumstead |
A Social Change Model of Leadership Development, Guidebook | Higher Education Research Institute |
Advising Student Groups and Organizations | Norbert Dunkel/John Schuh |
Barnga - A Simulation Game on Cultural Clashes | Sivasailam Thiagarajan/Barbara Steinwach |
Bowling Alone | Robert D. Putnam |
Building Everyday Leadership in All Team- Promoting Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success, A Curriculum Guide for Teachers and Youth Workers | Mariam G. MacGregor |
Charisma - Discover and Unleash Your Hidden Powers | Doe Lang, PH. D. |
College 101 - A First-Year Reader | John D. Lawry |
College - We Make the Road by Walking | Margit Misangyi Watts |
Common Fire - Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World | Laurent A. Parks Daloz, Cheryl H. Keen, James P. Keen, Sharon Daloz Parks |
Common Sense Leadership - A Handbook for Success as a Leader | Roger Fulton |
Cowstails and Cobras II - A Guide to Games, Initiatives, Ropes Courses & Adventure Curriculum | Karl Rohnke |
Discovering Leadership through Service - A Workbook on Integrating Service Into Leadership Curriculum | Kris Binard/Lynn Heertrick Leavitt |
Diversity Activities and Training Designs | Julie O'Mara |
Effective Meetings - The Complete Guide | Clyde W. Burleson |
Ethics in the Workplace | Craig E. Johnson |
Everyday Leadership - Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success, A Guidebook for Teens | Mariam G. MacGregor |
Exploring Leadership | Susan R. Komvines, Nance Lucas, Timothy R. McMahon |
Fish Sticks! A Remarkable Way to Adapt to Changing Times and Keep Your Work Fresh | Stephen Lundin/John Christensen/Harry Paul |
Fish Tales! Real-Life Stories to Help You Transform Your Workplace and Your Life | Stephen Lundin/John Christensen/Harry Paul |
Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results | Stephen Lundin/John Christensen/Harry Paul |
Forgotten Angel - The Story of Lydia Moss Bradley | Allen A. Upton |
Forgotten Angel - The Story of Lydia Moss Bradley | Allen A. Upton |
Games Trainers Play Outdoors | Gary Kroehnert |
Getting Together - Icebreakers and Group Energizers | Lorraine Ukens |
Good to Great | Jim Collins |
Handbook for Student Leadership Programs | Susan R. Komvines, John P. Dugan, Julie E. Owen, Craig Slack, Wendy Wagner |
Hesselbein on Leadership | Frances Hesselbein |
I Believe - What Do You Believe? | Curtis Zimmerman |
Icebreakers - A Sourcebook of Games, Exercises and Simulations | Ken Jones |
Influence without Authority | Allan R. Cohen, David L. Bradford |
Leaders Who Dare - Pushing the Boundaries | Linda L. Lyman/Dianne E. Ashby/Jenny S. Tripses |
Leadership Magic - Practical Tools for Creating Extraordinary Organizations | Ben Valore-Caplan |
Leadership - Research Findings, Practice, and Skills | Andrew J. DuBrin |
Leading from the Heart - The Passion to Make a Difference | W.K. Kellogg Foundation |
Leading with Soul - An Uncommon Journey of Spirit | Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal |
Learning Reconsidered - A Practical Guide to Implementing a Campus-Wide Focus on the Student Experience | ed. Richard P. Keeling |
Lessons in Leadership Facilitator's Guide | Peter F. Drucker |
Lessons in Leadership Workbook | Peter F. Drucker |
Lifetime Plan for Success - How to Win Friends & Influence People. How to Stop Worrying & Start Living | Dale Carnegie |
Linchpin | Seth Godin |
Moral Authority in Young Adulthood | Ralph L. Mosher, David Connor, Katherine M. Kalliel, James M. Day, Norma Yokota, Mark R. Porter, John M. Whiteley |
Motivating People | Robert Heller |
No More Ramen - The 20-something's Real World Survival Guide | Nicholas Aretakis |
Now, Discover Your Strengths | Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D |
Outliers | Malcolm Gladwell |
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition | American Psychological Association |
Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers | Brian Cole Miller |
Reframing Organizations, Fourth Edition - Artistry, Choice, and Leadership | Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal |
Reframing Organizations, Third Edition - Artistry, Choice, and Leadership | Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal |
Research Design, Second Edition - Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches | John W. Creswell |
Sanborn on Success | Mark Sanborn |
Signs of Hope - In Praise of Ordinary Heroes | ed. Jon Wilson, Kimberly Ridley |
Silver Bullets - A Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games and Trust Activities | Karl Rohnke |
Spark | Julie Burstein |
Students Against Sweatshops | Liza Featherstone, United Students Against Sweatshops |
Success One Day At A Time | John C. Maxwell |
Successful Assertive Management | Ken Lawson |
Successful Leadership Skills | Ken Lawson |
TeamThink - Using the Sports Connection to Develop, Motivate, and Manage a Winning Business Team | Don Martin |
Teamwork from the Inside Out - Exercises and Tools for Turning Team Performance Inside Out | Susan Nash, Courtney Bolin |
The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women - A Portable Mentor | Gail McMeekin |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change | Stephen R. Covey |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change | Stephen R. Covey |
The 8th Habit - From Effectiveness to Greatness | Stephen R. Covey |
The Advantage | Patrick Lencioni |
The Art of Living Consciously - The Power of Awareness to Transform Everyday Life | Nathaniel Branden |
The Big Book of Leadership Games - Quick, Fun Activities to Improve Communication, Increase Productivity and Bring Out the Best in Your Employees | Vasudha K. Deming |
The Big Book of Meeting Games - 75 Quick, Fun Activities for Leading Creative, Energetic, Productive Meetings | Marlene Caroselli |
The Big Book of Presentation Games - Wake-Em-Up Tricks, Ice Breakers, and Other Fun Stuff | Edward Scannell, John Newstrom |
The Big Book of Team Building Games - Trust-Building Activities, Team Spirit Exercises, and Other Fun Things to Do | Nohn Newstrom & Edward Scannell |
The Celestine Prophecy | James Redfield |
The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook for Leadership Development | Cynthia McCauley/Russ Moxley/Ellen Velsor |
The Complete Games Trainers Play - 287 Ready-to-Use Training Games PLUS the Trainer's Resource Kit | John W. Newstrom |
The Conscience of the Campus - Case Studies in Moral Reasoning Among Today's College Students | Joseph Dillon Davey/Linda DuBois Davey |
The Dance of Change | Peter Senge |
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook - Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization | Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Richard B. Ross, Bryan J. Smith |
The Hero Within - Six Archetypes We Live By | Carol S. Pearson |
The Portable 7 Habits - Purpose - Focusing on What Matters Most | Franklin Covey |
The Power of Leadership | John C. Maxwell |
The Road Less Traveled - A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth | M. Scott Peck, M.D. |
The Time Trap - The New Version of the Classic Book on Time Management | Alec Mackenzie |
The World Café - Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations that Matter | Juanita Brown, David Isaacs |
The World's Most Powerful Leadership Principle - How to Become A Servant Leader | James C. Hunter |
True to Ourselves - A Celebration of Women Making a Difference | Nancy M. Neuman |
Visual Thinking - Tools for Mapping Your Ideas | Nancy Margulies, Christine Valenza |
When Hope and Fear Collide - A Portrait of Today's College Student | Arthur Levine, Jeanette S. Cureton |
Wherever You Go There You Are - Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life | Jon Kabat-Zinn |