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Intervention and Assessments

There are a variety of intervention programs available to all Bradley students. Whether you believe you are drinking or using too much, or you are worried about a friend, please contact for more information.

Under the Influence

Under the Influence is a brief online early intervention tool for alcohol. At Bradley, RAs and Hall Directors can use this to sanction students in the residence halls who are exhibiting concerning behaviors related to their alcohol use.

If you would like access to this program in order to assess your own alcohol use, please email


E-Toke is a brief online early intervention tool for marijuana. This program is used as part of a Strike 1 offense for marijuana use, but can also be used by RAs and Hall Directors who are concerned about students in the residence halls.

If you would like access to this program in order to assess your own marijuana use, please email

Fresh Start

The Fresh Start program is conducted and coordinated by graduate level counseling students.  It is a comprehensive, one-on-one alcohol program for students who have been referred by the university’s judicial system, residence halls staff, Greek leaders or health services staff for violation of campus alcohol policy.  Fresh Start encourages students through motivational interviewing techniques to highlight areas of concern and personal consequence.  Students are encouraged to set goals and limits, discuss alternatives to using alcohol, and work on developing a vision of change.

Email for more information/to set up an appointment.

Marijuana Intervention Program (MIP)

MIP is a marijuana education program that is conducted and coordinated by graduate level counseling students.  It seeks to increase the student’s interest and readiness for change.  The sessions are designed to create opportunities for the student to evaluate their situation and resolve ambivalence in favor of behavior change that reduces risk.  Areas of concern are highlighted, and personal consequences of use are discussed.  Students are encouraged to set goals and limits, discuss alternatives to using marijuana, and work on developing a vision of change.

Email for more information/to set up an appointment.

AlcoholEdu for Sanctions

AlcoholEdu is a comprehensive online early intervention tool.  This is used as a Strike 1 sanction for students who have violated the Bradley Alcohol Policy.

If you would like to complete the program on your own, please feel free to email