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A fire may include visible flames or strong odors of burning. The appropriate emergency action is for persons to evacuate the building quickly and safely and notify the Fire Department by dialing 911. Once a fire alarm has sounded, do not re-enter a building until the fire department or Bradley Police has given the all-clear message.


For the person discovering the fire

  • Immediately call for the fire department by dialing 911.
  • Extinguish only if you can do so safely and quickly.
  • If the fire cannot be extinguished:
    1. Confine the fire by closing the doors.
    2. Pull the nearest fire alarm.
    3. Call the Fire Department - DIAL 911.
    4. Alert others.
    5. Meet the Fire Department or Bradley Police when they arrive.

For occupants of the building

  • Close the doors to your immediate area.
  • EVACUATE the building via the nearest exit. Assist others in exiting the building, making sure all students and staff have left.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • Avoid smoke filled areas.
  • For persons evacuating from the immediate fire area:
    1. Feel door from top to bottom. If it is hot DO NOT proceed; go back.
    2. If door is cool, crouch low and open the door slowly. Close door quickly if smoke is present so you do not inhale it.
    3. If no smoke is present, exit the building via the nearest stairwell or exit.
    4. If you encounter heavy smoke in a stairwell, go back and try another stairwell.
  • The following are special procedures for persons with physical
    disabilities who may be present in a building during a fire:
    1. Persons with physical disabilities are permitted to stay in a building during an emergency situation only if they are non-ambulatory or where elevator assistance is essential for their evacuation and they are located either above or below the ground floor. Elevators cannot be used during a fire.
    2. Seek a safe place (preferably a room with an exterior window, a telephone and a solid door).
    3. Call 911 and report their location to the dispatcher
    4. The Fire Department will then determine if they need to provide evacuation assistance or if the caller should stay in place.
    5. If required, persons with a visual impairment should seek assistance from other occupants in the building to assist them in evacuating the building.
    6. All other persons with disabilities need to evacuate the building in an emergency.

Most academic and administrative buildings are equipped with automatic fire alarm systems. Some are equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. The University does not conduct fire drills in academic or administrative buildings. Testing is normally conducted during hours the building is closed, or when it is necessary to test during normal working/classroom hours, the building is posted in advance. Any fire alarm that sounds must be treated as an actual alarm unless prior notice is given of the testing. When evacuating, take your personal belongings with you, and secure your office as you leave.