
The University has placed NOAA severe weather radios in many department offices as part of its ongoing life safety systems upgrade. The weather radios will alert departments about severe weather that may affect the city of Peoria and Bradley University and they will alert other departments within their building.

The weather radios will be used in conjunction with the existing City of Peoria siren warning system. The sirens effectively alert persons out of doors, however they do not provide good coverage indoors. The sirens are activated for tornado warnings only, not for watches. The City of Peoria will initiate a siren, or steady tone, for a period of 3 to 5 minutes. When you hear this siren, take cover immediately - danger is imminent.

A tornado watch means conditions are right for a tornado. During a tornado watch, staff should be alert to weather conditions.

A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted.


  • Remain calm and avoid panic.
  • Go to an area of safety. Each building has a designated severe weather shelter area. These locations can be found on the Emergency Evacuation/Tornado Shelter maps found on the walls of the buildings.
  • AREAS OF SAFETY - rooms and corridors in the innermost part of a building if you cannot get to the designated shelter area in your building.
  • AREAS TO AVOID - stay clear of windows, corridors with windows, or large free-standing expanses.
  • There is no guaranteed safe place during a tornado. However, it is important to seek shelter in the best location to help minimize your exposure.
  • DO NOT use elevators during a tornado warning. Persons with mobility concerns should go to an area of safety at the time of a tornado watch; DO NOT wait for a tornado warning.
  • Close all doors, including main corridors, making sure they latch.
  • Crouch near the floor or under heavy, well supported objects and cover your head.
  • Be alert for fire. In the event, of a fire, the Bradley fire plan should be utilized.