Lasting Connections

Want to learn more about Bradley’s bright future? Join us for the next Bradley Bold event, where you’ll hear President Standifird share what’s been happening in the news and behind the scenes. You’ll also learn about the impact Bradley’s making from a current student.

Learn more at We look forward to seeing you!

Lasting Connections Photo 1

Alumni reconnected at a gathering in Chicago.

Lasting Connections Photo 2

Bradley alumni gathered for Happy Hour in Nashville, Tenn.

Lasting Connections Photo 3

Class of 1970
Left to Right: Sherilyn Krell, William Hargrove, Denise Meyer, Michael Wasson, Bonnie Schaer, Larry Schaer

Lasting Connections Photo 4

Class of 1972 50th Reunion
Back row, l-r: Frederick Nelson, Warren Willman, Bradford Friestedt, Thomas Janas, William Harlan. Front Row l-r: Jim Nosek, Maria Lane Arends, James Davis, Marilyn Ripka, Barbara Curtin.

Lasting Connections Photo 5

Members of the Bradley University Black Alumni Alliance met for their annual scholarship luncheon.

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