Emergency Alert
foreWarn Emergency Alert - Weather Closure
Due to winter weather conditions forecasted for the Peoria area, the Bradley University campus will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, and all classes should move to remote learning at their already scheduled times. Campus offices should move to remote work. Most campus facilities will be closed tomorrow. Essential personnel should check with their supervisor for specific instructions. The following will be open on campus: Markin Center - regular operation hours Geisert Hall Dining - regular operation hours, but closing at 8 p.m. Student Center Dining - limited options may be available - will open at 9 a.m., closing at 8 p.m. All other dining operations will be closed. Library - hours will be posted at https://www.bradley.edu/academic/lib/ Men’s Basketball versus Southern Illinois will be played at the scheduled time of 6 p.m. at the Civic Center. Go Braves! See bradley.edu for updates and more information. Click here to view the University Inclement Weather Policy.It would take a while before I could run through the whole story. I took photos of campus for the 1950 Anaga yearbook starting with all of the fraternity and sorority houses. There were not too many in late 1949-50, though there was plenty of snow at that time. But you asked where we hung out? It was 2nd floor of the old barracks where you could get a cup-o-mud, and hang out between classes, mostly all vets and a few females. The barracks were across the street from 1501 Bradley Avenue, which was converted from a house to an office. I don't think anyone is still vertical today from 68 years ago.
Paul Johnson ’50
There were two places that stand out: our basketball games on campus in The Fieldhouse and going to Maroon’s Hitching Post for beer, etc.
Joe Jaffe ’65
The ice cream shop on the corner
Ruth Bigot Keenan-Hillmer ’68
The student union and Air Force ROTC building
Jim Weber ’68
Oddly enough, the library. (Yes, the real one with the books.)
Corliss Yerby O’Bryan ’68
The Fieldhouse. Best building on the planet.
Steve Havera ’68
College Inn sports bar
Steve La Paugh ’68, Ruth Ann Kengott Grockis
The music school. It seemed we always had practicing or studying that could only be done there. I loved to go to Hunt’s and Lardono’s.
Sheila Gurnsey Burton ’68
Sy Maroon’s and College Inn sports bar
Chuck Pillsbury ’68
Student center
Pat Brophy ’68, Joanne Zeller Hachtel ’68 and Sue Kaplan Tolpin ’68
Sigma Phi Delta Engineering fraternity house
Dale Hachtel ’68
Williams Hall floor TV room to play cards and socialize
Celesta Jurkovich ’68
A friend’s dorm room where I could rest if I had a long break between classes
Ahadi White ’68
Favorite place was the Bradley Student Center upstairs. Saw many good bands there, e.g., Cheap Trick, Duke Tumatoe and the All-Star Frogs, and others.
Royal Duncan ’74
There were many. Of course, Avanti’s, but also L’s on University Ave. Great burger and fries on those late nights. Long gone, unfortunately.
Michael McDonough ’76
My favorite hangout was L’s Sundries across from University Hall. The absolute best cheeseburgers and the most addictive and fun pinball machines.
Cliff Smith ’73 MME ’76
None of these establishments exists any more: Country Villa Pizza: GREAT pizza. Best deep-dish pizza in Downstate Illinois. Great owner, great people serving you. The Emporium: Great bar, full restaurant, live music on the weekends. Great steak dinners on Sunday! Black Bear Lounge: Great lounge with appetizers and German beers. BU Fieldhouse concert performers would often stay there.
Ken Hunold ’76
L's had the best kick-ass and cheap burgers, and it was just a stone's throw away from the Williams dorm. Go Braves!
Barry Miller ’79
Mr. Chips had air conditioning and my apartment across University Street didn't (It’s now Avanti's parking lot). Tuesdays’ special was free nachos with every pitcher of beer.
Mary Scheuerman McGhiey ’88
My Bradley BFFs and I (we call ourselves the B.U. Tees) made some amazing memories while dancing at SAE, The Lucky Lady and The Garrett Center!
Jen Caruso ’97
One World Coffee and Cargo, Avanti’s, The Lady, Jimmy’s and SOP (Sullivan’s Other Planet), especially when Food Network host Jeff Mauro ’00’s band, Brother Ron, was playing!
Joe Cardinal ’99
Wednesday Nights at Crusens Bar. Free Yahtzee (BYOD – Bring Your Own Dice), Pumpkin Carving, $3 Amber Bock and Busch Pitchers and free pound of wings.
Jeremy Huss, Tom Brennan, Lucas Hannibal, Jim Dauphin - all class of 2005
A favorite BU hangout would have to be Lydia's Lounge for late-night grilled cheese sandwiches with friends!
Liann Walgenbach ’14
Now gone, our favorite hangout and final destination after walks was the bench in front of Jobst Hall. We hope it will be preserved and relocated elsewhere on campus. It is part of our Bradley love story.
Nick ’16 and Andrea Barr Maggiore ’16 (married 6/22/18)