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Purchasing Spending Guidelines

The following is a list of Purchasing Spending Guidelines:

  • All purchases should be reasonable, practical and for valid business purposes. No purchase using University funds should benefit any individuals personally.
  • All purchases for tangible items should be tax-exempt, unless the items being purchased are for resale or are being charged to an agency account. (9XXX, i.e.: student organization account, etc.)
  • University credit cards are to be used for small expenditure purchases. They are NOT to be used for capital equipment purchases.
  • Dean’s approval is required for all equipment purchases.
  • Food and/or beverages for meetings on campus are allowed provided the expenses are reasonable and infrequent. Infrequent is defined as two or three times per year.
  • For retirement gifts and receptions, the University will provide up to $15.00 per year of service towards the event/gift cost.
  • Holiday gatherings, back to school picnics, etc. are not an allowed expense.
  • The Pcard should not be used for the purchase of any computing, networking, or other technology equipment or software unless specifically authorized by appropriate IRT personnel via e-mail prior to purchase. (Please refer to the University Technology Purchasing Policy.)
  • If your area or department requires the pre-approval travel authorization form for out-of-town conference travel please include the completed form and a print-out of the conference details; i.e.: date, location, topic, etc., with the conference registration charges.
  • Flower purchases for illness, surgeries, congratulations and birthdays are not allowed. Flowers for funerals require the President’s Office approval via e-mail prior to the purchase.
  • The IRS deems gift cards and gift certificates as cash, and is taxable to the recipient. Therefore, these purchases are discouraged. If gift cards or gift certificates are purchased, the recipient’s name and social security number is required. If the recipient is a student, the student ID number is also required.
  • University credit cards (Pcard or travel card) are not to be used for purchases at any Bradley University credit card merchant location; i.e.: Bookstore, Team Store, Ticket Office, Continuing Ed, all Dining Service locations, etc.
  • Tissues are considered a personal item and are not allowed unless used for public areas.
  • Civic memberships, table sponsors, etc. require the President’s approval.
  • All office supply purchases must be reasonable. Please consider using the following vendors for substantial savings: Office Depot, Office Max, and Staples. Please contact the Accounts Payable office to be set up to purchase using any of these websites.
  • All items purchased that are shipped must be shipped to a university address.

(This list is not all-inclusive.)