Establishing a Petty Cash Fund
A department which has a need for the following transactions may request a departmental petty cash fund: (1) frequent small cash purchases, (2) payment reimbursements, or (3) change funds for cash transactions. A petty cash fund can be established by submitting a purchase requisition to the Controller's Office for approval. The requisition should include a justification for the fund, the name of the fund custodian, the location of the fund, and the amount of the fund. The Controller's Office will, after review and approval of the request, authorize disbursement of the fund monies from the Cashiers' Window. The initial petty cash disbursement will not appear as a charge to the department. The petty cash funds are recorded on the University books as a temporary loan to the department. Charges are not made to the department's accounts until a purchase requisition is completed for replenishing the fund.