Expenses Not Allowed Through the Petty Cash Fund
- Employee check cashing or borrowing from the fund
- Single purchases which exceed $25
- Items for personal use of staff (e.g., beverages, parking permits)
- Payment for services performed by employees or nonemployees
- Traffic citations
- Simultaneous purchases (stringing) made to circumvent the $25 limitation.
- Travel expenses, meals.
- Dues, memberships, subscriptions
- Conference fees
- Entertainment items
- Office decorations
- Alcoholic drinks
- Electrical appliances (space heaters/fans/coffee pots)
- Mileage, gasoline, per-diem payments
- Personal phone bills
- Postage stamps
- Gifts, flowers
- Utility bills
- Vehicle maintenance
- Catering services
- Use of fund to absorb cash overages and shortages of other cash receipting activities
- Items that should be requisitioned through Purchasing such as coffee supplies