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Restricted Funds Monthly Financial Reports

Financial reports are intended to keep the responsible individuals informed and up to date on the financial status of their respective account(s).  The responsible party should review their reports regularly and contact the Restricted Funds staff at if there are any problems or concerns with the amounts or transactions contained in the reports.

Gift and University Designated Accounts and Endowed Spending Accounts

All financial reports for Gift and University Designated Accounts and Endowed Spending Accounts are available electronically through the Financial Edge Accounting Software (FE) system to select users. FE designated users are responsible for disseminating reports to the appropriate individuals in their division/ unit (college)/department. While reports can be run on-demand, each month (on approximately the tenth business day after month-end, emails are sent to the FE designated users stating month end processing has been completed.

    All requests for printed reports or should be made to the FE designated user in your division/unit (college)/department.

    Grants/Contracts/Sponsored Research Accounts

    The Principle Investigator (PI) will receive three financial reports each month via email from Restricted Funds staff. The financial information contained in these reports reflects either monthly data for the month just ended or project-to-date data through the month just ended. The report name and a brief description of each of these financial reports is as follows:

    • Budget vs. Actual w/Variances/Projects – This report contains revenue and expenditure descriptions by row with six columns of financial data categorized accordingly. The first column contains the approved project budget for the entire grant/contract period. The second column reflects actual revenue received and actual expenditures incurred since the start of the project (through the report date). The third column lists any project encumbrances. An encumbrance represents an amount of funds obligated or set aside for future use. The fourth column is the sum of column 2 and column 3. The fifth column is the difference between column 1 and column 4. The sixth column contains actual year to date revenue and expenditures for the current Bradley fiscal year.
    • Revenue and Expense – This report contains revenue and expenditure descriptions by row with five columns of Bradley fiscal year financial data categorized accordingly. The first column contains the monthly revenue and expenditures for the report month. The second column contains actual year to date revenue and expenditures for the current Bradley fiscal year. The remaining three columns are of no significance to grant/contract accounts.
    • Account Detail Report – This report identifies all of the individual transactions by revenue and expense categories that have hit the grant/contract account for the report month.