Upcoming Opportunities with Bradley's SBDC
June 29, 2020
Employment Questions Answered by Local Attorneys
Tuesday, June 30 | Noon - 1 p.m. (Online)
Bradley's SBDC is partnering with local attorneys from Miller, Hall, and Triggs LL to provide answers to your troublesome questions. During this live conversation webinar, the SBDC team will address questions you have regarding HR and employment law during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar is open to the public and offered at no cost; however, registration is required. Register at www.bradley.edu/turnercenter/events. For questions, contact tce@bradley.edu.
Small Business Workshops to be Delivered Online
Wednesday, July 8 | 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. (Online)
Thursday, July 23 | 2 - 5 p.m. (Online)
The Illinois Small Business Development Center is offering a workshop, Starting Your Business in Illinois, that helps attendees learn important steps and tips related to starting a business. There is no cost for this workshop that is co-sponsored by the Morton Community Bank. Registration is required. Register online, email sybil@bradley.edu or call x2992.
Students Available to Help Local Businesses Succeed
Application deadline: Friday, July 31 | 5 p.m.
Bradley's SBDC is accepting applications from local businesses that would like to participate in a faculty-led, student-run Senior Consulting Project for the fall 2020 semester. This service is provided at no charge. If a business needs help in the areas of marketing strategy, feasibility study, strategic growth plan, or launching a new product or service, the Senior Consulting Projects Program is a great option for them. To be considered for the upcoming semester (August 26 - December 16), visit bradley.edu/consult to learn more and apply.