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What Are the Consequences for Plagiarism?

Bradley University has a zero-tolerance policy against plagiarism. This means that no act of plagiarism, large or small, will be tolerated at Bradley.

Bradley’s consequences for plagiarism relate directly to the assignment or assessment that is plagiarized. However, the consequences vary depending on the type of assignment or assessment that is plagiarized.

Regular Course Assignments or Assessments

When a Bradley student is found to have plagiarized a regular course assignment or assessment, he or she will receive a zero for that particular assignment or assessment. The score of zero is then calculated with all other grades earned in that course.

For example, a student enrolled in COM 103 copies a large section of his first speech directly from an episode of Mad Men but does not cite the show. The COM 103 instructor discovers the plagiarism and awards the student a zero for his speech. The student is careful not to plagiarize again. By the end of the semester, he has accumulated enough points on his remaining speeches and other assignments to earn a final course grade of C.

Final Course Assignments or Assessments

In the case of the COM 103 student, the consequence of plagiarism does not dramatically affect the student’s final course grade. However, when a Bradley student is found to have plagiarized on a final exam or other final course project, he or she will receive an F as the final course grade.

For example, a student enrolled in SOC 300 borrows a friend’s final paper from the previous semester and uses entire sentences in her own final paper for the course. She does not cite her friend’s paper or even mention that she used material written by her friend. The SOC 300 professor discovers the plagiarism and awards the student a final course grade of F even though the student’s course average leading up to the final paper was an A-. As a result of the F, the student’s grade point average plummets and she has to re-take the course the next semester to fulfill her graduation requirements.

Repeated Offenses

These examples describe Bradley University’s consequences for plagiarism the first time plagiarism is discovered. All cases of plagiarism are reported to the Student Judicial System where they are reviewed for further action. Repeated or aggravated acts of plagiarism are likely to lead to additional consequences, including dismissal from the university.

For more information about Bradley University’s Academic Integrity Policy, please visit: