Emergency Alert

foreWarn Emergency Alert - Weather Closure

Due to winter weather conditions forecasted for the Peoria area, the Bradley University campus will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, and all classes should move to remote learning at their already scheduled times. Campus offices should move to remote work. Most campus facilities will be closed tomorrow. Essential personnel should check with their supervisor for specific instructions. The following will be open on campus: Markin Center - regular operation hours Geisert Hall Dining - regular operation hours, but closing at 8 p.m. Student Center Dining - limited options may be available - will open at 9 a.m., closing at 8 p.m. All other dining operations will be closed. Library - hours will be posted at https://www.bradley.edu/academic/lib/ Men’s Basketball versus Southern Illinois will be played at the scheduled time of 6 p.m. at the Civic Center. Go Braves! See bradley.edu for updates and more information. Click here to view the University Inclement Weather Policy.

Administrative Responsibilities During the Routing Process

Principal Investigator / Project Director

The PI/PD is responsible for ensuring that the proposal packet is completed and in compliance with funder guidelines/requirements in time for routing, and for completing a transmittal form to accompany the proposal packet during the routing process.

Co-Principal Investigators and Other Personnel

Co-Principal Investigators and Other Personnel have the responsibility of working closely with the PI in the development of the grant proposal. the Co-PI/PD and other personnel should be identified on the front of the routing form. They will sign on the second page, as will their Department Chairs/Center Directors and College Deans as part of the routing processes. By signing, Co-PIs/PDs and other personnel are agreeing to commit to fulfilling their roles and obligations as described in the proposal.

Department Chairperson / Center Director

By signing the routing form, department chairs and/or center directors are both approving the submission of the proposal and making the following certifications:

  • compliance with existing University and department policies;
  • Approval of and commitment to any compensation or cost-share commitments described in the proposal or budget
  • compliance with financial, facility, and administrative requirements;
  • justification of any stated need for security;
  • capability of the department or division to provide necessary administrative support (personnel and supplies);
  • availability of departmental or divisional facilities and equipment to fulfill project needs;
  • adequacy and correctness of the budget and the determination of the department or division to prevent cost overruns. Cost over-runs are typically the responsibility of the PI and the Unit that administers the grant (Department, Center or Institute);
  • recognition of applicable regulations and the existence of plans for appropriate action with the regulations.

Dean of the College

The Dean's signature on the Transmittal Form certifies the following:

  • that the project shall be carried out within a regular department or division of the University, or through the cooperation of several departments or divisions, and that it shall be led by a member of the faculty or authorized professional staff;
  • that the program shall be normally directed by University-related rather than external personnel;
  • that the University has administrative control and responsibility for the work
  • that any cost-match, compensation, or release time requested has been appropriately committed, authorized and approved
  • Center or Institute Director

    The Director exercises similar oversight responsibilities as those enumerated above for the Dean. A Director's review, however, is focused on the proposal's furtherance of Center or Institute objectives and policies. The Director also assesses the application's adherence to overall University policies and procedures.

    Office of Sponsored Programs

    The endorsement of the Executive Director for Research and Sponsored Programs signifies that:

    • the proposal has been properly reviewed,
    • the is complete and in line with funder and University guidelines and requirements,
    • the proposal has received the appropriate prior approvals,
    • the PI/PD, co PIs/PDs, and other persons named in the proposal have completed required significant financial interest training and disclosures and/or have confirmed their compliance with Bayh-Dole regulations regarding intellectual property
    • Indirect Costs have been requested in compliance with federal Uniform Guidance requirements,

    In addition, there are also a number of certifications that are required for all proposals being submitted to a federal agency regarding disbarment, conflict of interest, influencing members of Congress, drug-free workplace, etc.

    Financial Services

    Financial Services Responsibilities in the routing process are:

    • to check the final budget proposal for accuracy;
    • to confirm proposal compliance with funder and University policies and procedures;
    • to confirm and provide final review and approval of the proposal for submission.

    Other Authorizations/Approvals

    In some cases, other approvals or sign-offs may be necessary. For example, if you are applying for a fellowship that may permit you to take academic leave outside of a regularly scheduled sabbatical leave, you will need Provost approval and sign-off. If your request is being submitted to a private foundation or a corporation, the Advancement Office will need to be informed and approve the submission so that they can manage the cultivation of Bradley relationships with such entities. The Office of Sponsored Programs can help you identify when additional signatures are needed.