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Center for Research and Service

The College of Education and Health Sciences (EHS) at Bradley University supports the research and scholarly efforts of EHS faculty and students through the Center for Research and Service (CRS). This center provides faculty and students with funding to support research projects, dissemination, and professional development approved on a competitive basis.

CRS also hosts Research Forums each semester, which provide opportunities for EHS faculty and students interested in research to meet, interact, and discuss research in a common forum. EHS faculty and student research, publications, and presentations are showcased at the Research Forum. The Research Forum also enhances the visibility of research conducted by EHS faculty and students.

The CRS council advises the activities of CRS, evaluates applications and makes recommendations for funding, and provides leadership for the Research Forums.

No funding proposals will be accepted for 23-24 academic year.

Members of the Council

  • Rachel Vollmer, Director
  • Rachel Borton (Nursing)
  • Teresa Drake (Family and Consumer Sciences)
  • Patty Nugent (Education, Counseling, and Leadership)
  • Melissa Peterson (Physical Therapy and Health Science)
  • Amanda Scott (Occupational Therapy)
  • Kathy Shapley (Communication Science and Disorders)
  • Anna Viviani (Education, Counseling and Leadership)

Internal Funding

Application Process

A budgeted amount of funds will be awarded each semester. No other applications will be accepted after the allotted funds have been depleted. The same applicant cannot be awarded funds from the same category more than once in the same academic year. Preference will be given to proposals whose Principal Investigator has not received funding within the previous year, student-faculty collaborations, applications from junior faculty, and those with department financial support.

CRS applications can be submitted to one of three options: “Scholarship”, “Dissemination”, or “Professional Development”.

Please note that funds must be spent by the end of the fiscal year (May 31). If you have questions or have special circumstances, please email Rachel Vollmer (

Option 1: Scholarship

The purpose of this category is to assist in the costs associated with conducting a research project or scholarship, with the clearly intended outcome of presentation and a submitted publication. Funding is available for individual projects for up to $500 per year.

Allowable expenses include:

  1. Cost for a research instrument, laboratory materials (i.e. chemicals, procedures) or other needed materials
  2. Research assistants
  3. Incentives for research participants (Please note that you must comply with Bradley University and IRS policies when providing incentives for research participants. Review the Bradley website for more information: or contact Grants Finance Manager, Terry Kenny, at or 309-677-3490)

To apply, please complete the Request for Scholarship Funding Proposal.

Once funds have been used for Scholarship, you must submit the 1-page CRS Funding Report to Rachel Vollmer via email (

Option 2: Dissemination

The purpose of this funding resource is to assist faculty and/or students who have been accepted, through a peer-review process, to present their research (poster or oral) at a national or international conference/meeting. Funding is available up to $1000 per person. If it is a group presentation, each individual needs to apply. All individuals asking for funding must be listed on the program as presenters. For poster presentations, CRS may fund up to two presenters. For oral/podium presentations, CRS may fund up to five presenters.

Allowable expenses include:

  1. Air/car travel fare for presenter
  2. Hotel stay for 2 nights (before and after presentation)
  3. Meals for 1 travel day and 2 conference days
  4. Conference registration fees
  5. Cost of presentation materials (i.e. poster printing)

To apply, please complete the Request for Dissemination Funding Proposal.

Once funds have been used for Dissemination, you must submit the 1-page CRS Funding Report to Rachel Vollmer via email (

Option 3: Professional Development

The purpose of this category is to assist with costs associated with meaningful professional development opportunities that will help advance the college’s strategic plan and provide benefits for the academic department. Examples include specialized certifications, fellowships, leadership institutes, etc. Attendance at an annual conference would not appropriate for this funding category. These professional development opportunities can be related teaching, scholarship/research, or leadership and funds must be spent in one fiscal year. If a faculty member receives funding in this category, they must agree to give one year’s service to the University following completion of the professional development activity or repay the amount funded. Funding is available for individual faculty members for up to $5,000. Expenses must be used within the fiscal year of application. Faculty can be funded under this category once every 5 years.

To apply, please complete the Request for Professional Development Proposal.

Once funds have been used for Dissemination, you must submit the 1-page CRS Funding Report to Rachel Vollmer via email (