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Brad Eskridge

Brad Eskridge

Instructor, Marketing

    Business and Engineering Convergence Center 4174
    (309) 677-3481


MBA, Marketing, Bradley University
BS, Marketing, Bradley University


Brad Eskridge has been a part of the Marketing faculty since 2011. As a proud graduate of Bradley University, Brad is passionate about continuing Bradley’s commitment to excellence in teaching our future leaders. He is a central Illinois native, proud father and husband, and dedicated to providing an outstanding education experience. 


Brad believes that engaging students is essential for effective teaching. He subscribes to the philosophy that “it doesn’t matter how good the information you’re presenting is if the students aren’t paying attention.”  Brad employs a blend of course lecture focused on practical examples, discussion, sales role-plays, practice interviews, speakers, and student presentations to reach students and motivate them to engage in effective learning.

Recent Courses

  • Contemporary Business - BUS 100
  • Marketing Presentations – MTG 205
  • Professional Selling – MTG 304
  • Principles of Marketing – MTG 315
  • Sales Management – MTG 384
  • Marketing (yo)U - HON 100


Academic Proceedings

Eskridge, Brad et al., 2018 Fall Educators’ Conference, "Collegiate Chapter and Competitions as Teaching Tools". Marketing Management Association, Kansas City, MO. (September, 2018).

Eskridge, B., 2015 National Conference in Sales Management, "Experiential Interviewing Activity for a Sales Management Class," University Sales Center Alliance, Pi Sigma Epsilon, Houston, Texas. (April, 2015).

Eskridge, Brad et al., 2016 Fall Educators’ Conference, "Unleashing Students’ Inner - Marketer: Effective Strategies For Teaching Introduction To Marketing". Marketing Management Association, Providence, RI. (September, 2016).


  • Faculty Advisor, American Marketing Association Student Organization
  • Coach, Sales Team
  • Faculty Advisor, Women's Club Soccer