Emergency Alert

foreWarn Emergency Alert - Weather Closure

Due to winter weather conditions forecasted for the Peoria area, the Bradley University campus will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025, and all classes should move to remote learning at their already scheduled times. Campus offices should move to remote work. Most campus facilities will be closed tomorrow. Essential personnel should check with their supervisor for specific instructions. The following will be open on campus: Markin Center - regular operation hours Geisert Hall Dining - regular operation hours, but closing at 8 p.m. Student Center Dining - limited options may be available - will open at 9 a.m., closing at 8 p.m. All other dining operations will be closed. Library - hours will be posted at https://www.bradley.edu/academic/lib/ Men’s Basketball versus Southern Illinois will be played at the scheduled time of 6 p.m. at the Civic Center. Go Braves! See bradley.edu for updates and more information. Click here to view the University Inclement Weather Policy.

Fine Arts Talent Scholarship

The Department of Art and Design at Bradley University offers competitive scholarships to art majors with talent and motivation. The department faculty strongly believe that funding for talented studio artists is essential. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, the process is simple.

Deadline: Preference will be given to applications received by March 15th.
Requirement: Must be an accepted applicant to Bradley University, or an existing student, and majoring in art and design.

Application Instructions

Your application for the following academic year must be received by March 15, as work examples received after that date will not be considered for review. Please send digital portfolios/pdf slideshows via GoogleDrive to the email address listed below, not the admissions office. Scholarships are not related to family income or other grants or scholarships. If you receive a scholarship, it is renewable according to academic standards and regulations established for the scholarship.

Submit the following items as part of your digital submission :

  1. A completed copy of the application form for the Department of Art and Design Fine Arts Talent Scholarship.
  2. Submit 12-20 digital images of your best work via Google Drive. Images should demonstrate a variety of work and can include any media. Please download the slideshow template for you to use.
  3. Include a typed index of images that corresponds to the file names and titles of your artwork.

If you have questions, call the Department of Art and Design office at (309) 677-2967.
Please submit your artwork to tslotten@bradley.edu.

A Guide to Portfolio Preparation

What is a portfolio? A portfolio of artwork should be a collection of your best and most recent work. It is a crucial part of your application. The portfolio helps the school evaluate your achievements and potential, and represents your view of yourself and your work. Many different portfolios are necessary during your career as an artist or designer: for graduate school, exhibits, galleries, buyers and employers. The portfolio required for the scholarship should include 12-20 pieces in a variety of media. Fewer pieces may not allow an accurate assessment of your potential. We are interested in your drawing ability, use of color in two- and three-dimensional work, and, if graphic design, some understanding of typography and layout, thus there is no exact formula for preparing the “right” portfolio. Ensure the work you present is not blurry or pixelated. Art teachers can help you with the selection and photographing of your work, but you should make the final decision on what best represents you.

The Norma and George Kottemann Memorial Travel Award

Up to $2,000 depending on travel specifics

At the core of Bradley’s mission is a commitment to students in their pursuit of a better understanding of the world through travel and experiential learning.

Because of their love of the arts, travel, exploration and their deep appreciation of experiential learning, the Estate of Norma and George Kottemann established this travel award in recognition of mankind's persisting effort to imagine, to create, and to transform thought into sculpture. This award is offered to an Art and Design student applying to Study Abroad, either for shorter interim trips or for a full semester. The student recipient will be selected by the Department of Art and Design Chairperson and the Director of the Study Abroad Program, based on recommendation from faculty, consideration of the student's GPA, and commitment within their area of study.

The Norma And George Kottemann Endowed Scholarship

$5,875 approx.

Kottemann Endowed Scholarship - Established in 1983 by Mrs. Norma J. Kottemann '52 and Dr. George Kottemann '97, this scholarship is to be awarded to art majors with first preference given to students in the sculpture program. Also considered is financial need. The scholarship may be awarded to an undergraduate in the senior year or to a graduate student. Neither Norma nor George were art majors, but they believed in the value of the arts and had a particular appreciation for sculpture.

Mendez & Kittle-Kamp Families Endowed Scholarship In Art

$6,100 approx.

Established in 2012, Margaret Mendez Kittle-Kamp '80, and Thomas Kittle-Kamp '82 created this scholarship to honor their belief that they are "part of a fortunate generation of Americans who were able to attend college despite limited financial means. The scholarship provides recognition for “family members of our parents' hard-working generation who valued education, but who themselves were unable to attend college, especially our mothers, Maria de la Paz Lara Mendez and Doris Marie Skinner Kittle Kamp. Eligibility requires a student to enroll full-time, undergraduate or graduate student, majoring in art, have a 2.5 or greater GPA, and demonstrate financial need.

John Barrett-Bradley University Charitable Trust Annual Scholarship


Since 2010, the estate of John Barrett (’49) trust has provided a scholarship to Bradley Art and Design students to make people in health and science more aware of the ability of the arts to reduce stress and improve health. Undergraduate or graduate art majors with at least junior standing, who are in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need are eligible for consideration.